May 2024

Sunfest 2024 9/10: It disappeared! I was hoping to lock it away for good, but I don't want to walk the whole way again to pick it back up. Pinzo's gotten away again. For now we still have a Pinzobomination problem to deal with. Go out and defeat as many as you can in Candoria or Cake Dungeons. We may not be able to clear them all, but we can at least make it more peaceful. Defeat Pinzobomination enemies in Candoria and Cake Dungeons.

Complete a Sunfest Daily

Sunfest 2024 10/10: Well done Trovian. Don't dawdle though, there's still plenty to be done. Each of the Dragon Houses have placed a representative outside our houses with tasks that need doing. Get to work! Complete dailys found at representatives in the Events area of the Hub.