Rising Tides - Hotfix #5
Lunar Armor Fragment
Found when defeating invading Shadow Wolves, said to be attracted to MAGIC...
Cast UP Vote!
Affirm your loyalty to the Cloud Layer... or, SOMEONE'S loyalty, anyway...
Cast DOWN Vote!
Affirm your loyalty to the Ashen Wastes... or, SOMEONE'S loyalty, anyway...
Donate Delicious Burger
The Cloud Layer delegate LOVES delicious, juicy hamburgers. Donate one to earn enough favor that he'll speak to you.\n\nJuicy Burgers are sold by Fungi Thingshapers in Cloud Layer Outposts in the SUNDERED UPLANDS biome.
Donate Healthful Broccoli
The Ashen Wastes delegate appreciates healthy, nutritious broccoli. Donate some to earn enough favor that he'll speak to you.\n\nHealthful Broccoli is sold by Fungi Thingshapers in Ashen Wastes Outposts in the SUNDERED UPLANDS biome.