Chloromancer Regrowth
There are all sorts of fun individuals inside Delves, some of them are even willing to help. If you can defeat enough enemies they may appear after the boss is defeated.
What is this?
If your Delve party takes too long to complete the path objective or defeat the boss, this sign will show up letting you know that.
What is a Memento?
Memento Description.
What the Ready Station?
Once any player interacts with this object, the portal to the next Delve Tier begins to open. Once you've interacted with it, standing closer to this object will cause the portal to open quicker.
What are Cursed Skulls?
At the end of each Delve Tier, the Cursed Skulls can be interacted with to start the Boss fight! Make sure your fellow Trovians are ready first!
Cowboy Gunslinger