Bomber Royale - Season 2

Daily Adventure: Gather an Ore

Daily Adventure: Upgrade a Gem

Daily Adventure: Complete an Adventure

Daily Adventure: Complete a Challenge

Daily Adventure: Complete a Dungeon

Daily Adventure: Trigger Magic Find

Consume multiple Neon Dragon Souls to unlock Neon Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Neon Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.

Consume multiple Azulian Dragon Souls to unlock Azulian Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Azulian Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.

Emblem: Energizing Rain Emblem

Unlocks a flask that restores 20 energy to all nearby allies.