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Total Score: 3
you can charge lunar lancer passive / pirate capitan turrets by throwing conffiti/snowballs on throwing pinata its very help before shadow tower boss
General: UziEl 8 years ago
Total Score: 0
Always save up your flux
General: 5w0rd 8 years ago
If you want to get better pics of you or your club, you can use this commands: /hideplayer (hide your character xD) /epicpose (you and your mount do a pose). Pressing F7 you can hide your HUD too. Enjoy it
General: Jekht 8 years ago
Toomb Raiser is a very special class. Because it can't DPS, its better to build it it as a tank class. The class gem is not very good, better use a normal impowered one!
General: ma9ici4n 8 years ago
Total Score: 1
A bunch of fun commands that you may wanna know:
General: NexusGaming423 8 years ago
For the coordinate system, there are 2 zeros instead of 1 on each direction (x, y and z). Hence there are 8 origins in a world.
Building: Lakka 8 years ago
you can watch trove offical stream every friday at 12:30 PM PST here:
Use /joinme "Gamertag" to invite any friend!
General: Jeffpardy Jeff 8 years ago
Mining: Dragon fire peaks-high amount of primordial flames and shape(U5), Candoria- higher amount of infinium and shape(U2), Desert frontier-good on form and shape,Cursed vale for somber souls and shape, Fae wilds is balanced on ore.
Farming: kaizerkiller 8 years ago
Make sure to keep track of the weekly contest by pressing (K).. the rewards there are essential to get empowered gem boxes and other rewards
Adventuring: KamiNiisama 8 years ago
One of the best way to farm flux is by flipping - where you buy goods cheaper and sell them at a higher price.. e.g, primordial flame will be usually cheaper on Tuesday (ore bonus) with more people selling them.. and get more expensive after that.
Farming: KamiNiisama 8 years ago
Be yourself and if life tells you no, tell him yes.
Social: Taiki 8 years ago
Fun tip, the minimum days it takes to get a drag is 50, If you only do the daily challenge you'll get 6 dragon coins, times that by 50 = 300 dragon coins!
General: Tyraelduckling 8 years ago
Can't ****ing understand what's behind those little asterisks? If you're a mature player, go to Settings, Social, and uncheck the Profanity Filter box to show swear words in chat.
Social: TechnoShyft 8 years ago
Farming Shapestone
Farming: SocorroManolo 8 years ago