Make Sure to Go Fishing, it's a Great Source of Glim, Mastery Points and a Source of Trophy Hunting! Tips (General)

Submitted by DerpyBasher2016, 8 years ago

Total Score: 2

There are Many Different Kinds of Fish, Most will Obviously Give you Glim, though some can give Specific Stuff like Wild Cake? And Mushroom Chunks? Sometimes Flux, if it's Rare or Very Rare it'll Fife Ancient/Enchanted Scales, which are used to craft different fishing rods, boats, Sails and sometimes can be sold for a good price on the Market, not only that but if you get an old boot you can get many different boot ally's, all give you extra jumps except have slight differences,

to fish in the first place, buy a fishing rod and lures,

preferably 90 since most of the time you'll make your money back with it,

Go to water, press Square for PS4, press X for Xbox One, Wait for your Lure to Bounce and Press Square/X to get your fish, go to a loot collector and Turn your fish in for your loot.

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