
Cubic Crown


Showing pages that match the terms equipment_helm_badge_block_01, Cubic Crown.


A quick glance on badges and how to get them....

August 2, 2016 Badges Collection

Easiest ways to get those pesky Badges

Welcome to a guide of getting EVERY and I mean EVERY SINGLE achievement in Trove. Your time observing this guide is greatly appreciated, if there is anything I can improve on or I should focus on next please leave a comment and let me know. Now...let's ge...

July 11, 2016

Styles Update - We're Sorry

Over the past few Database Updates we found it strange that no styles were being updated, after more reports from others we found that this was definitely a mistake. We tracked this down to the filenames being changed to lowercase by the new extractor, a...

July 22, 2015 Database Update

Trove Livestream Summary - June 26th - New Class & More New Part 2!

The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, covering new badge and mastery rewards, the new class, and more! Forum thread here!...

June 26, 2015 Livestream