Radiant Corona
Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Radiant Corona"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Radiant Corona"
Everything Edition
Morgana / Trove Forums
Preview: s. These contain shards, blank scrolls, the Radiant Corona helm and rarely a Radiant St Show
Arriving on 2/24/15!
* The Chaos Hound can now be acquired!
* Scoops the Panda can now be crafted from the workbench!
* The Treasure Isles pirate vendors have a new robotic feline mount for sale, Gadget Cat!
* For this week only all glim gained from adventuring is doubled!
* For this week only, all Winter Pinata Credit prices are 50% off! After this week is over, they will no longer be for purchase until next year!
* Added hidden face and hidden hat appearances. You can now hide your mask or hat by selecting a "hidden" appearance in your character sheet.
* Fixed origin portal bug where the portal could be spawned inside and through walls.
* Fixed a bug where destroyed Radiant Prisms leave behind collision volumes that block projectiles.
* Fixed bug where Rapt Berserker's passive effect spawned when non-NPC entities died.
* Added /laugh, /cry, /shrug emotes.
* You can now run over with your mount and use the mining laser to destroy harvesting nodes in the world.
* Water is much easier to jump out of now.
* Chaos chests have been randomized!
* The War Horse is now available in the store!
* The Balefire Beast costume is now available in the store and from costume mystery boxes!
* Increased club world capacity to 48 players.
There is now a 'Liked Worlds' screen which will show you all worlds you've liked and allow you to join them). Press 'Y' to access this screen.
* Club logs have gone in! You can use the slash command "/club log [clubname]" to see your club's recent activity. Logs start today - unfortunately we don't have historical data saved.
* Fae Trickster's decoys now mimic his/her emotes.
* Fixed bug where enemies would aggro Shadow Hunter's Sun Snare.
* Fixed bug where Shadow Hunter's Sun Snare could be hit by enemies.
* The water table for the ocean has risen! The Sea of Regret is now very, very deep in adventure worlds.
* Magmen and Molten Lords now have a chance of dropping their corresponding trophy.
* Snow Spirit trophy names have been changed slightly to better differentiate them.
* Radiant Giants now sometimes drop Radiant Caches. These contain shards, blank scrolls, the Radiant Corona helm and rarely a Radiant Steed.
* Radiant Giants now have more stability and their guaranteed drop has been reverted to Legendary quality.
* Radiant Giants again drop 8-11 Radiant Shards.
* Radiant Giants now have a chance of dropping their trophy when slain.
* The Shadow Dungeon staging area no longer contains a Rejuvenation Station.
* The Cybercore dungeon in Neon City will now spawn properly.
* The Seamist Cave dungeon in Treasure Isles will now spawn correctly.
* Fixed missing portal sounds, potion portal spawn sound heard at a greater distance, multi-jump sound support added for player.
* Fixed audio bug where water block emitter persists.
* Fixed Wing Sounds Stopping in Flight after a while.
* Tweaked the dragon bioime's underground ambiance.
* Slight change to raining ambiance when flying.
* New version of ORE Break Sound.
* "This is not in your collection" is no longer shown on ring tooltips.
* Fix for non-item tooltips sometimes showing "Cannot be traded".
* A new hairstyle by Subtitles has been added to the game!
* New staff styles by Narvec_Iro, FrozenCross, yeronix, MediocrityGoggles, InfineonJ, GadgetCAT, QAQlll, CrimsonBlaze, MetalTxus, and chocobag have been added to the gam
* New mask styles by LOLpistachioNuts, MiszterSoul, Cyriljda351, Smorph, Nomeneta, Humpypants, Screamheart, and Floretha have been added to the game!
* New Desert Frontier lair from PokeyBloke.
* New Fae Wilds lair from Zerock.
* New Fae Wilds lair from Insaint.
* New hat styles by zoopy1000, Leeon, MiszterSoul, Variableingwer, Arradir, Aviarei, Astrum, Stedms, Mansage, Sqwyt, FriedSushi, Qoaleth, Floretha, Dave203
* New Dragonfire Peaks dungeon from Condorspark.
* New melee weapon styles by Hordik, Furler, BadSniper, Kroveyin, Ridelith, Lyean, Dusty_Mustard, Stedms, LeonSteamhawk, Paper97, Zeeg, Erudito, Smearg, LETAL1TY, aggeaf, and Walyn have been added to the game!
* New Shadow Dungeon from Cretoriani.
* New bow styles by Nomeneta, Mythlit, MrTuffnStuff, xGhost, Mitsuki_, 5p3x, HandofGod, Tribe, Faulted, Aodahn, StreetBull, RosesKnight, Eriri, PokeyBloke, TeeKayM, Voodoo, LappeN, TigerLove, Khali, Naturemon, EimeiHikari, Sylvaeri, Agazork, Rokiux, Tenku, PinkNekoGirl, Porkify, Aatros, Prototype, FriedSushi, Necra, Lucifuge, Pupshies, Drakfyre, skyman5667, MonsterAnt, Zsword, OreoKirby, VladimirPoutine, Lethalios, Khali, QAQlll, Ghautemoc, CloBunny, Furler, Haibun, Mot, penguinKing and KyroVision have been added to the game!