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Language (en), File (storeproducts)
1 Light Chaos Vaults
Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.
30 Light Chaos Vaults
Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.
3 Light Chaos Vaults
Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
10 Dark Chaos Vaults
A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
1 Dark Chaos Vaults
Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
30 Dark Chaos Vaults
Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
3 Dark Chaos Vaults
Open it to gain a random currently available costume, for any class (even ones you don't have).
10 Costume Mystery Boxes
Open it to gain a random currently available costume, for any class (even ones you don't have).
Costume Mystery Box
Contains valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!
11 Greater Crystal Caches
Contains valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!\n\nAlso contains one Glowing Crystal Cache, which contains a guaranteed rare result from a Greater Crystal Cache.
33 Greater Crystal Caches
Contains valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!
Greater Crystal Cache
Contains Dragon Coins or, rarely, a random tradable Golden Dragon Egg!
11 Greater Dragon Caches
Contains Dragon Coins or, rarely, a random tradable Golden Dragon Egg!\n\nIn addition when you buy this you get a bonus tradable Diamond Dragonite Pouch. Once opened this grants 10 Diamond Dragonite.
33 Greater Dragon Caches
Contains Dragon Coins or, rarely, a random tradable Golden Dragon Egg!
Greater Dragon Cache
Open for Gem Dust, Boosters, or rarely an Empowered Gem Box.
11 Gem Booster Boxes
Open for Gem Dust, Boosters, or rarely an Empowered Gem Box.
Gem Booster Box
Open for Gem Dust, Boosters, or rarely an Empowered Gem Box.\n\nIn addition when you buy this you get a bonus (untradable) Golden Gem Key. Usable on any Lesser Gem Box for a guaranteed rare result.
33 Gem Booster Boxes
Contains valuable Geodian Topside crafting materials including Crystalline Cores or (rarely) tradable mounts, allies, or tomes!
11 Greater Geodian Topside Caches
Contains valuable Geodian Topside crafting materials including Crystalline Cores or (rarely) tradable mounts, allies, or tomes!\n\nAlso contains one Glowing Geodian Topside Cache, which contains a guaranteed rare result from a Greater Geodian Topside Cache.
33 Greater Geodian Topside Caches
Contains valuable Geodian Topside crafting materials including Crystalline Cores or (rarely) tradable mounts, allies, or tomes!
Greater Geodian Topside Cache
Contains Ashen or Irradiant resources found in the Sundered Uplands including Ashen and Irradiant Souls, Golden Scrolls, Sundercharge Crystals, and Sunder-Ark Cache Keys or (rare) tradable mounts, allies, or wings!
11 Greater Sundered Uplands Caches
Contains Ashen or Irradiant resources found in the Sundered Uplands including Ashen and Irradiant Souls, Golden Scrolls, Sundercharge Crystals, and Sunder-Ark Cache Keys or (rare) tradable mounts, allies, or wings! Also contains one Golden Sundered Uplands Cache, which contains a guaranteed rare result from a Greater Sundered Uplands Cache.
33 Greater Sundered Uplands Caches
Contains Ashen or Irradiant resources found in the Sundered Uplands including Ashen and Irradiant Souls, Golden Scrolls, Sundercharge Crystals, and Sunder-Ark Cache Keys or (rare) tradable mounts, allies, or wings!
Greater Sundered Uplands Cache
11 Mystic's Reagent Stashes
33 Mystic's Reagent Stashes
Contains ingredients and mana to further the research of Mysticism