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Jade Clover
Gem Level Up Booster. These lucky charms prevent Cracking!
50 Jade Clovers
Gem Level Up Booster. These lucky charms prevents Cracking and give 1.5X Level Up chance!
10 Glittering Horseshoes
Gem Level Up Booster. This lucky charm prevents Cracking and gives 1.5X Level Up chance!
Glittering Horseshoe
Gem Level Up Booster. These lucky charms prevent Cracking and give 1.5X Level Up chance!
50 Glittering Horseshoes
Gem Level Up Booster. This lucky charm prevents Cracking and gives 2X Level Up chance!
10 Diamond Dice
Gem Level Up Booster. This lucky charm prevents Cracking and gives 2X Level Up chance!
Diamond Dice
Gem Level Up Booster. This lucky charm prevents Cracking and gives 2X Level Up chance!
50 Diamond Dice
Gem Level Up Booster. These lucky charms prevent Cracking and give 3X Level Up and 5X Double Level Up chance!
10 Lapis Luckbugs
Gem Level Up Booster. This lucky charm prevents Cracking and gives 3X Level Up and 5X Double Level Up chance!
Lapis Luckbug
Gem Level Up Booster. These lucky charms prevent Cracking and give 3X Level Up and 5X Double Level Up chance!
50 Lapis Luckbugs
Gem Level Up Booster. This lucky charm prevents Cracking and gives 40X Level Up and 10X Double Level Up chance!
Ninth Life
Gem Level Up Booster. These lucky charms prevent Cracking and give 40X Level Up and 10X Double Level Up chance!
6 Ninth Lives
Gem Upgrade Booster. Used to convert Stellar gems in to Crystal gems.
Crystal Gem Converter
Use to get the rarest rewards from Adventure, Event, Mining, and Pet lockboxes. Not tradable.
Golden Key
10 tradable coins which unlocks additional inventory space.
10 Inventory Expanders
A tradable coin which unlocks additional inventory space.
Inventory Expander
Guarantees a RARE result when opening a GEARCRAFTER'S VAULT.
Gearcrafter's Vault Key
Contains Blast Coins and tradeable versions of most collectables (not tomes) on the Bomber Bench. Blast Coins gained from the Bomber Box allow you to exceed the limit of 300 for Blast Coins, but you will not be able to gain more from playing normally until you spend enough to be below the limit.
11 Bomber Boxes
Contains Blast Coins and tradeable versions of most collectables (not tomes) on the Bomber Bench. Blast Coins gained from the Bomber Box allow you to exceed the limit of 300 for Blast Coins, but you will not be able to gain more from playing normally until you spend enough to be below the limit.
Bomber Box
Contains Blast Coins and tradeable versions of most collectables (not tomes) on the Bomber Bench. Also contains one Sticky Bomber Box, which contains a guaranteed rare result from a Bomber Box.
33 Bomber Boxes
Get 110 Chaos Chests and a bonus Golden Chaos Chest which contains a guaranteed rare reward.
110 Chaos Chests
11 Chaos Chests. These contain rare collectibles and chaos cores.
11 Chaos Chests
These contain rare collectibles and chaos cores. The contents of this chest will update weekly.
Chaos Chest
Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.
10 Light Chaos Vaults
A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.