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50 Bomber Royale Coin Boost
Get double the dragon coins for your next 100 coins! Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
100 Dragon Coin Boost
Get double the dragon coins for your next 250 coins! Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
250 Dragon Coin Boost
Get double the dragon coins for your next 50 coins! Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
50 Dragon Coin Boost
Makes more Gearcrafting Vaults drop for the next hour!
Vault Magnet Potion
Makes more Gearcrafting Vaults drop for the next hour!
30 Vault Magnet Potions
Makes more Gearcrafting Vaults drop for the next hour!
5 Vault Magnet Potions
Makes any Gear crafted at the Gearcrafting Forge in the next 3 minutes more powerful!
Forge Enhancer Potion
Makes any Gear crafted at the Gearcrafting Forge in the next 3 minutes more powerful!
30 Forge Enhancer Potions
Makes any Gear crafted at the Gearcrafting Forge in the next 3 minutes more powerful!
5 Forge Enhancer Potions
Increases Magic Find by 1000 for 1 hour.
Magic Find Elixir
Increases Magic Find by 1000 for 1 hour.
30 Magic Find Elixirs
Increases Magic Find by 1000 for 1 hour.
5 Magic Find Elixirs
Use at the forge to increase the stat values on a piece of equipment
50 Eyes of Q'bthulhu
Repair a Cracked Gem or remove a Socketed Gem with this one weird item.
10 Re-Gemerators
Repair a Cracked Gem or remove a Socketed Gem with this one weird item.
Use at the forge to add an extra stat or a stat bonus to a piece of equipment.
10 Pearls of Wisdom
Use at the forge to add an extra stat or a stat bonus to a piece of equipment.
Pearl of Wisdom
Use at the chaos forge to randomize the stat types on a piece of equipment
10 Tentacles of Q'bthulhu
Use at the forge to reduce the level requirement to use a piece of equipment. Not tradable.
Twinkling Tome
Constellation Keys can be used in the Star Chart to unlock branches or reset all used Celestial Spheres.
Constellation Key
A dormant dusk dragon egg! Coax a flying dragon from the egg using Dragon Coins, Flux, and Heart of Darkness at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis item cannot be traded.
Dormant Dusk Dragon Egg
Contains 5 Dragon Coins, used to hatch dragons from dormant dragon eggs.
5 Dragon Coins
A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.
Master Angler's Fishing Net
Gem Level Up Booster. These lucky charms prevent Cracking!
10 Jade Clovers
Gem Level Up Booster. This lucky charm prevents Cracking!