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Trailblazing Emblem
Deal 250% normal magic damage for 3 seconds
Arcane Emblem
Summons a temporary ally to fight for you. This ally deals damage based on your physical damage.
Summons a temporary ally to fight for you. This ally deals damage based on your magic damage.
Sorcerous Servant Emblem
Shadow Shrike Emblem
Your attacks temporarily heal you for a portion of your maximum health.
Vampiric Emblem
Deal 250% normal physical damage for 3 seconds
Martial Emblem
Grants a brief invulnerability shield.
Unyielding Emblem
Restores 30% health on use. 10 Flask Capacity. Automatically used when low on health!
Death-Defying Vial
Restores 40% health on use. 12 Flask Capacity.
Balanced Elysian Flask
Restores 100% health on use. 8 Flask Capacity.
Elysian Jug
Restores 20% health on use. 18 Flask Capacity.
Elysian Bandolier
A luminous lookout tower inspired by the architecture of the Radiant Realm.\n\nCan be placed in a Cornerstone or Club World. Includes one ready-to-place Framework, and the Recipe to craft the tower multiple times.
Radiant Watchtower
A lugubrious lookout tower, fashioned in the style of Shadow architecture.\n\nCan be placed in a Cornerstone or Club World. Includes one ready-to-place Framework, and the Recipe to craft the tower multiple times.
Shadowy Watchtower
You have unlocked your Class Coin! Click Buy and claim your FREE class!\n\nCannot be used to unlock the Solarion, Bard, or Vanguardian.
Unlock a FREE Class Coin by buying anything in the Store for real world currency!\n\nCannot be used to unlock the Solarion, Bard, or Vanguardian.
Free Class
Free Class
Gear up for adventure with the Gearcrafter's Pack! Includes: Essentials to take your Trove experience to the next level: 5x Forge Enhancer Potion 5x Vault Magnet Potion 5x Gearcrafter's Vault Key 5x Double Experience Potion 1x 15-Day Patron Pass Mount:Gear Griffon Ally:Cogwheel Cruiser
Gearcrafter's Pack
Get a one-time boost on your gearcrafting journey with 200 Gearcrafting Vaults!
Gearcrafter's Vault Booster Pack
This limited time pack unlocks the Pollen Float and Gluco-glider mounts, Cherry Jerry and Splat allies, and the Stunning Scoops, Sundae Sunflare and Captain Sweettooth costumes! Get them before they crunch away!
Sundae Synergy
5 Inventory Slots
25 Inventory Slots
A dormant siege dragon egg! Coax a flying dragon from the egg using Dragon Coins, Flux, and Formicite Ore at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis item cannot be traded.
Dormant Siege Dragon Egg
Shout your love to everyone online and leave your mark on your target for the next 24 hours
A dormant lunar new year dragon egg! Coax a flying dragon from the egg using Dragon Coins, Flux, and Primordial Flame at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThis item cannot be traded.
Dormant Lunar Egg
A consumable item which grants a club name change when used by a club's President.
Club Renamer Tag
Get double the Bomber Royale coins for your next 100 coins! Affects Bomber Royale coins from any season. Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
100 Bomber Royale Coin Boost
Get double the Bomber Royale coins for your next 250 coins! Affects Bomber Royale coins from any season. Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
250 Bomber Royale Coin Boost
Get double the Bomber Royale coins for your next 50 coins! Affects Bomber Royale coins from any season. Boost is applied automatically on purchase.