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This limited time pack unlocks the United Airflier, Pan-Panatean Transport, and Paelephant mounts, the Panatean Protester ally, the Panatean Partifier costume, and the House Panatea Framework recipe and one ready to place House Panatea Framework. Get them before they burst!
House Panatea Essentials
This limited time pack unlocks the United Airflier, Ty's Awsomerion Ride, and Tricky Rascal mounts, the Tysorion Protester ally, the Knight of Tysorion costume, and the House Tysorion Framework recipe and one ready to place House Tysorion Framework. Get them before they crack up!
House Tysorion Essentials
This limited time pack unlocks the Three House Boat and Sail of Three Houses, the Carys Canard boat, the Beach Buggy mount, the Carysian Crown Star and Carysian Pool Patrol allies, and the Rubber Duckie costume. Get them before they go on patrol!
House Carys Pool Party
This limited time pack unlocks the Three House Boat and Sail of Three Houses, the Panatean Puffer boat, the Social Seahorse mount, the Panatean Party Star and Panatean Pool Patrol allies, and the Party Captain costume. Get them before they deflate!
House Panatea Pool Party
This limited time pack unlocks the Three House Boat and Sail of Three Houses, the Tysorion Toad boat, the Banana Float mount, the Tysorion Twinkle Star and Tysorion Pool Patrol allies, and the Crabenant costume. Get them before they float off!
House Tysorion Pool Party
This limited time pack unlocks the Biron Bicycle, Carp Kite, Blue Lantern, and Orange Lantern allies, the Granite Guardian mount, the Wasen ship and Star Sail, and the Kabuki Trouper, Sakura Tender, Blossom Barbarian, and Stern Samurai Costumes. Get them before the sun has sprung!
Sunrise Spring
Get all of the Trove's first 16 classes (does not include Bard or Solarion)! For each class you already own, you'll receive a Credit Pouch to sell in the Marketplace.
Sweet Sixteen Pack
This limited time pack unlocks the InSpyring and Ella's Eco Carriage mounts, the Tombstone mag rider, the Jaws, Snowbite's Favorite, and Frank's Foot allies, and the Curse Corrector, Core Nivale, Vampolyte, Goat'Guud's Acolyte, and Harry Ranger Wolfson Costumes. Get them before the night is through!
Terrific Treats
Unlocks Tomb Raiser class plus its Soulkeeper and Acid costumes. Additionally unlocks the Boneweaver and Spite Biter mounts, and the Soulfire Wings!
Necrofancy Pack
Strike back at the Amperium with the Hero of Luminopolis!\n\nContains the Vanguardian class, Windtunnel flying effect, Paragon of the Past costume, a Neon City Luminopolis Terraformer and a Neon City Terraformer, and 10 Sentience Shards.
Vanguardian Pack
Contains everything in the Vanguardian Pack (the Vanguardian class, Windtunnel flying effect, Paragon of the Past costume, and 10 Sentience Shards), plus 01 Avenging Arbiter costume, 01 Amperium Sentience tome, 10 Neon City Luminopolis Terraformers, 10 Neon City Terraformers, and 10101 credits!
Vanguardian Super Pack
You've already unlocked the Vanguardian Pack. Now, upgrade yourself to Super!\n\nContains all additional items from the Vanguardian Super Pack: 01 Avenging Arbiter costume, 01 Amperium Sentience tome, 10 Neon City Luminopolis Terraformers, 10 Neon City Terraformers, and 10101 credits!
Vanguardian Super Upgrade
This limited time pack unlocks the Piece of Pi, Colorful Quetzalcoatl, Dinghy of Wonders, Zesty Zepperay, and vivid Viper allies, the Maroon Majesty, Shizu the Festive, Jukebox Roadster, and Very Berry Tartle mounts, and the Artistic Adventurer, Slime Tamer, Jukebox Jammer, and Fuff'N'Tuff Bard Costumes. Get them before they fade away!
Vibrant Joy
This limited time pack unlocks the Fenlil ally, the Granny's Bed and Wiley Wolf mounts, the Timber Wolf Magrider, the Piggy Place framework (recipe and one ready to place), and the Granny Trickster, Crimson Cape, and Sheepish Wolf Costumes. Get them before they finish howling!
Wild Wolf Pack
Tis the Season to indulge with festive looks and mounts! \n\nContains: 1 Dormant Joyous Dragon Egg, 5 mounts (Swanky Snowman, Delicious Direwolf, Permataur, Wayfaring Warbear, Weyrfir), 4 Costumes (Cyberian Survivor (Dino Tamer), Rat Royale (Pirate Captain), Nut Cracker (Shadow Hunter), Plum Powerhouse (Dracolyte)).
Snowfest Pack
Contains 2 out of this world mounts, 2 friendly space visitor allies, and 5 matching equipment styles!
Alien Assortment
Cornerstone Slot 2
Cornerstone Slot 3
Cornerstone Slot 4
Additional Cornerstone Slot
Personal Inventory 2
Personal Inventory 3
Personal Inventory 4
Personal Inventory 6
Shock everyone with how amazing you look using these wings.\n\n100 Flight Speed\n100 Glide
Wings: Stormcaller's Wings
Flame on.\n\n100 Flight Speed\n100 Glide
Wings: Wings of the Phoenix
Fly in style and follow your dreams with these wings\n\n100 Flight Speed\n100 Glide
Wings: Xero Line Wings
Be borne aloft by the spirits of the dead.\n\n100 Flight Speed\n100 Glide
Wings: Soulfire Wings
Thank you for supporting Trove! Here's some wings just for you.
Purchase any Credit Pack or Deal and earn your wings!\n\n Only available during Turkeytopia.