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Defeat Dungeons to Comb the Cursed Vale for Villainy
Shadow's Eve 5/9: Can you smell them Trovian? The pumpkins ARE back this year. Find and Destroy a pumpkin dungeon to see if you can find any information about what's going on.
Find and Destroy Pumpkin Dungeons
Shadow's Eve 6/9: Great work on that dungeon, Trovian, you turned it into pumpkin pie! Take down more Pumpkin dungeons until you find Todstrom himself and then knock him out!
Knock out Todstrom
Shadow's Eve 7/9: While you were tracking down Todstrom I was making wishes to the Moon Goddess. She needs us now more than ever, Trovian. Use a Rejuvenation Station to commune with her.
Refill your Flasks to Commune with the Moon
Shadow's Eve 8/9: She needs more folks to commune. Craft a Lunar Altar at the Shadowy Station and then place it down somewhere to help cure the Moon Goddess. That fiery, purple fellow in the Haunted House gave me the recipe, so he might know how to get the components.
Build a Lunar Altar
Shadow's Eve 9/9: Your work has attracted more moon acolytes to the hub. Help them out each day to restore the Moon Goddess and help her in her journey back to Trove.
Help other Moon Acolytes
Plunder Pals 2019 1/7: Ahoy Trovian, it's me, Saltwater Sam! It's time to take on the pirates of the Treasure Isles as Plunder Pals has begun. If you prove yourself a loyal crew member there will be loot for you too!
Defeat Treasure Isle Dungeons
Plunder Pals 2019 2/7: Yar Har! Now that you have shown those pirates the business you should gather up seashells for me. I love hunting seashell buoys in the Treasure Isles.
Gather Golden Seashells
Plunder Pals 2019 3/7: I like the cut of your jib, Trovian. I can never get enough Flux and those pirrats are trouble. Take down dungeons in any world for a chance to find Flux Treasures.
Find Flux Treasures
Plunder Pals 2019 4/7: Aye, thank you Trovian. People call pirates greedy, but I just want to see you succeed. There's no better way to succeed than by raising dragons! Gather Dragon Coins by completing hourly challenges.
Collect Dragon Coins
Plunder Pals 2019 5/7: Avast matey, if you're going to prove yourself to me you'll need to be stronger. Gather up Water Gem Boxes from Drowned worlds and show those pirates a thing or two.
Pillage Water Gem Boxes
Plunder Pals 2019 6/7: Not all pirates are into piracy! Many of my fellow sailors have taken to a life of merchancy. Please, support my friends on the open oceans by purchasing something from them on the high seas.
Buy from a Treasure Isles vendor
Plunder Pals 2019 7/7: Shiver me timbers, you are a true friend! Please, take up sails and show off your sea legs. My Pembarr had puppies recently and I would be honored if you would take one of them. Their name is Parlay.
Sail the Seven Seas