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Talk to your House Champion
Sunfest 2020 4/11: Welcome to our House, Trovian! That little buddy with you is TERRIBLY cute, it’s a shame they will have to return back with us after Sunfest is over. Anyway, as Qubesly said the shadows keep stealing fuel from the bonfire and our house has been tasked with recovering them. Venture forth into adventure worlds and gather up the stolen sticks. If you have your little friend with you can gather up coins too!
Gather up Sunsticks
Sunfest 2020 5/11: Bring those sticks back to the hub, Trovian, and see if you can't use them to get the fire going again. I'm sure Qubesly will be pleased to see that you got them back.
Help Light the Fire
Sunfest 2020 6/11: Ahhh, to bask in the light of the bonfire is to be within the eye of the Sun Goddess herself. Along with the sticks, our coins help buy the fuel to keep the fire going. Take your buddy with you and knock out shadows to collect house coins.
Gather House Coins
Sunfest 2020 7/11: Thank you for doing that Trovian. While you can spend your House Coins with our Purveyor to buy new goodies for yourself. The House would really appreciated it if you donated your coins back to our treasury at the Donation Station. Qubesly said that sometimes Pinatas show up for donors, so donate early and donate often!
Make a Generous Donation
Sunfest 2020 8/11: Recently, every few hours, on the half hour a mysterious portal has appeared in the hub. Please venture through the next portal to see what adventures it holds. While you are there, make sure you rescue any friends you may find and defeat any lingering evil.
Fight the Moontouched Menace
Sunfest 2020 Finale?: Trovian. It is I, your friend, your pal. Coobesly. You know me, you've always known me. I've been here for you since the beginning. Do me a favor and go ahead and eat that orb you found on my minion. I mean. The menace you just defeated. It will help you on your quest.
Sunfest 2020 10/11: Trovian, what have you done?! You… you didn't just EAT the heart of darkness did you? Oh no no no. I knew the Daughter of the Moon was strong but... for her to reach into your head like that. Something must be done. Come back and see me at once.
Return to Qubesly
Sunfest 2020 11/11: Unfortunately, your old house wants you to make sure you still want to stand with them after the… shadow debacle. I've given you a new a new house token in your claims so you can pick a new badge, should you so desire. Going forward I'll let you pick a new house each day. In case you want to compete for donations.
Join a House
Splendid Summer 1/6: Hi Trovian, it's me Amberine! We don't have seasons on Geode but Trove never seems to stop changing and becoming more beautiful. You should be proud of your planet and of yourself. Choose a summer look to celebrate!
Choose your Summer Look
Splendid Summer 2/6: The best place to show off your look is on the Bomber Royale victory screen. Take out some other Trovians and see if you can come out the victor.
Take down 2 Trovians or Win in Bomber Royale
Splendid Summer 3/6: Showing off and being proud shouldn't be about fighting though. It should be about you. Make other Trovians proud too by helping them out. Complete Club Adventures to give back to your community.
Complete Club Adventures
Splendid Summer 4/6: Trove is looking great but I've heard there are others in need of assistance. Go help some Kami in Luminopolis or Geodians on Geode. It's time to celebrate!
Complete Outpost Adventures
Splendid Summer 5/6: It's time to treat yourself to some upgrades and be proud of what you have accomplished. Upgrade your gems and show them off. Any attempts to upgrade your gems will count, even if they do not succeed.
Improve your Gems
Splendid Summer 6/6: I'm proud of how far you've come. Gather some friends and help me back on Geode, Trovian. Take out some 5 star dungeons and help bring back the light. Happy Splendid Summer!
Complete 5 Star Dungeons
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 1/6: TROVIAN! It is I, Luxion. It comes time for me to clear out old items that do not make me happy. Come visit me in the hub to see what I have to offer.
Talk with Luxion in the Hub
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 2/6: It is good to see you little one. Now that you are here I beseech you, please take one of these items off of my claws.
Buy Something
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 3/6: More Dragon Coins. You need more Dragon Coins. Complete all three tiers of an hourly challenge and I will reward you handsomely.
Complete a Challenge
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 4/6: ROAR. My extended presence here is scaring up extra Dragon Fragments. Recover these fragments to prove your worth.
Find Dragon Fragments
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 5/6: I grow hungry Trovian. Hungry for Flux Treasures. Take down dungeons and recover a Flux prize.
Locate Flux Treasures
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 6/6: I need more Dragon Coins too, little one. I've given you a Dragon Coin Boost that will double the next 10 Dragon Coins you find. Make sure you come back to see me each week as I will have new items in store for you.
Gather Dragon Coins
Finish helping Qubesly to participate in Events! You can change your tracked quest at the Adventures Board.
Complete Qubesly's Quest to access Events
Shadow's Eve 1/9: Trovian, help! The moon goddess reached out to us a few months ago and said she was heading back but recently, during Shadow's Eve, the moon has looked different. We need your help, friend, please meet me in the hub!
Meet with Qubesly in the Hub
Shadow's Eve 2/9: Ok, ok, we need to calm down and come up with some Solutions to this issue. You should be able to come up with Shadow's Eve Solutions at the Shadowy Station.
Come up with Shadow's Eve Solutions
Shadow's Eve 3/9: Now that you have Solutions its time to figure out what works, throw them at this wall here behind me to figure out what to do.
Throw Solutions at the Wall to See What Sticks
Shadow's Eve 4/9: Explore the Cursed Vale! Why didn't I think of that? Ok head out there and keep an eye out for anything unusual. Last year I remember seeing some mysterious pumpkins. If you see any weird pumpkins make sure to check them out.