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Language (en), File (prefabs_item_unlocker)
Neon Recipe
Unlock a random Luminopolis recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Luminopolis Recipe
Unlock a random decoration or framework recipe from the Biome or Seasonal recipe categories you don't already have unlocked.
Super Recipe Stash
Unlock a random Radiant Ruins recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Radiant Recipe
Teaches how to craft the Poster of Cowboy Conquest at the Fun Factory. A reward from the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys 2022 event.
Recipe: Poster of Cowboy Conquest
Unlocks a random Cowasaur Collectable you don't already have. Contains; Cactashe Cap, Horseboy, Tricera-Gun, Growls McRoar, and Recipe: Poster of Dino Dominance Deconstructs into Cowasaurs and Dinoboys Crate, which can contain crafting materials and sometimes tradable versions of collectables unlocked by the Cowasaur Efffigy and Dinoboy Effigy. Rarely can contain the Dinosly ally.
Cowasaur Effigy
Teaches how to craft the Poster of Dino Dominance at the Fun Factory. A reward from the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys 2022 event.
Recipe: Poster of Dino Dominance
Unlocks a random Dinoboy Collectable you don't already have. Contains; Brontoflage, Hood of the Orange Bandit, Ol' Pterry, The Orange Bandit, and Recipe: Poster of Cowboy Conquest Deconstructs into Cowasaurs and Dinoboys Crate, which can contain crafting materials and sometimes tradable versions of collectables unlocked by the Cowasaur Efffigy and Dinoboy Effigy, and rarely the Dinosly ally.
Dinoboy Effigy
Unlocks a random Snowfest 2022 Collectable you don't already have.\n\nContains; Tubular Animant, Angryak, Snowfest Surfer, or Kiwi Katcher.\n\nDeconstructs into Premium Snowfest 2022 Treasure Box, which always includes a tradable Tubular Animant, Angryak, Snowfest Surfer, or Kiwi Katcher
Unlock a random Shadow's Eve recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Shadow's Eve Recipe
Unlock a random Shadow Realm recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Shadow Recipe
Unlocks the seven standard Trovian signs.
Unlocker: Standard Signs
Unlock a random Snowfest 2021 recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Snowfest 2021 Surprise
Unlock a random Corgi Decoration recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Snowfest 2022 Corgi Surprise
Unlock a random Snowfest recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Snowfest Surprise
Unlock a random Advanced Forbidden Spires Framework recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Forbidden Spires Advanced Recipe
Unlock a random Forbidden Spires Decoration or Basic Framework recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Forbidden Spires Recipe
Unlock a random Spring recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Spring Recipe
Unlock a random Summer recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Summer Recipe
Unlocks a Turkeytopia recipe you don't already know.
Turkeytopia Recipe
Unlock a random Permafrost recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Permafrost Recipe
Unlock a random Cursed Vale recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Cursed Recipe
Unlock a random Winter recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Winter Recipe
Grants a random, special Streamer reward that you don't already have unlocked.
The Streamer Dream
Grants a random, special Streamer Dream 2 reward that you don't already have unlocked.
The Streamer Dream 2
Grants a random, special Streamer Dream 3 reward that you don't already have unlocked.
The Streamer Dream 3