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Bunny Treasure Box
Always includes a tradable Egg-ric, Puzzling Egg-Fly, Eggland Egg, Squire Hopeh, Butterflegg, The Carton Car, Eggland Dance Cart, King Egon's Royal Angler, or Bunfest Kitesail.
Buntopian Bounty
Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a chance at exciting prizes including Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragments, and rarely, a Hyper Pinata Ex mount or a Gold Companion Egg.
Golden Ticket Chest 2019
Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a chance at exciting prizes including Super Mount Stashes, and rarely, a Hyper Pinata Ex mount or a Gold Companion Egg.
Golden Ticket Chest 2020
Contains a Crystals, Heckbug Eggs, The Heckbug Practice Dummy Recipe and sometimes a Heckbug Tender or Bouncin' Heckbug.
Cave Skitterer's Trove
Contains a Crystals, Heckbug-Hybrid Eggs, Heckbug Banners and sometimes a Heckbug Kicker.
Cave Hybrid's Trove
Contains a Crystals, Mystical Heckbug Eggs, sometimes a Heckbug Bomber Royale Bomb style, and rarely a Cave Crawler Critter.
Mystical Heckbug's Trove
Contains decorations used in the Wolves' Den.
Wolves' Den Decoration Box
Contains Chaos Chests, Chaos Cores, or, rarely, Golden Chaos Chests.
Buried Treasure Box
Contains Chaos Chests, Chaos Cores, or, rarely, Golden Chaos Chests.
Contains decoration objects from the Fae vs. Undead event.
Tombs Decoration Treasure Box
Contains Undead Marks of Honor, Fae Marks of Honor, and sometimes a special chest.
Buried Tombs Decoration Box
In addition to Snowfest 2020 recipes, also contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.
Frosty Treasure Box
Contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter. Also includes the Frozen Gardener Skin, Ice Cart Magrider, and The Trovian Express Mount.
Snowfest 2021 Treasure Box
Contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter. Also includes the Tubular Animant, Angryak, Snowfest Surfer, and Kiwi Katcher.
Snowfest 2022 Treasure Box
Always includes a tradable Tubular Animant, Angryak, Snowfest Surfer, or Kiwi Katcher.
Premium Snowfest 2022 Treasure Box
Contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores, sometimes rare crafting materials and Snowfest allies, and rarely a Snowfest 2023 Effigy.
Snowfest 2023 Treasure Box
Always includes a tradable Snight Light, Jingle Jammin, Rockin' Rollin' Rider, Jingle Bomb, and Diamond Dragon's Digest.
Premium Snowfest 2023 Treasure Box
Open it to obtain a random Snowfest item. Has a chance of containing one of the rare Snug Snowman mount or the rare Laden Sleigh mag rider.
Snowfest Mystery Box
Loaded to the brim with all sorts of goodies.
Moontouched Strongbox
What a Dream Gobbler ate for lunch! Rarely drops the Trotting Turkey mount, or (very rarely) the Wings of Unexpected Ascension.
Turkey Stuffin' Box
Open it to obtain a random Turkeytopia item. Has a chance of containing the rare Springing Turkey mount.
Turkeytopia Mystery Box