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Granted for progression in Garx' regimen.
The only flux with the right metallurgic properties to mint the CARYSIAN DUCAT, accept no substitutes!\n\n\n\n\nDisappears at the end of the Sunfest event
Flux d'Cat
Issued by the Consortium of Royal Dragon Houses only to accredited miners.\n\n\n\n\n\nDisappears at the end of the Sunfest event
Royal Mining License
Qubesly's skeptical, but the Royal Houses say this is the REAL DEAL!\n\n\n\n\n\nDisappears at the end of the Sunfest event
Rayoreum Ore
The unique mix of chemicals present in this flux is perfect for the forging of PANATEAN ANTES.\n\n\n\n\n\nDisappears at the end of the Sunfest event
More fluxier than regular flux, this extra-fluxy flux is full of flux, which make it an idea candidate for the creation of MARKS OF TY.\n\n\n\n\nDisappears at the end of the Sunfest event
Flux mk. II
Issued by house Carys only to accredited miners.
Carysian Mining License
Issued by house Panatea only to accredited miners.
Panatean Mining License
Issued by house Tysorion only to accredited miners.
Tysorion Mining License
Increases your Magic Find by 25.
Feelin' Lucky
Key ingredeint for the extra-hearty Feast of St. Qubeslick at O'Lucky's Stones. Found by defeating Luckbeasts and Fluxbeasts in dungeons in the NEON CITY, LUMINOPOLIS, DESERT FRONTIER, and JURASSIC JUNGLE.
Luckbeast Haunch
This might actually be Eightspice. Is salt a spice?\n\nObtained from Dungeons in the Treasure Isles biome, found in the Drowned World as well as other adventure worlds.
St. Qubeslick's Sevenspice
This donation grants a buff of 250 Magic Find for 3 hours. Donations only accepted once each week.
Borrowed Luck
Sir O'Lucky collects the Lucksnakes each year and teaches them to defend themselves. Can be donated to Sir O'Lucky at the Mini-Pot o' Gold in the Events area of the hub for a chance at Fragments of Luck.
Bagged Lucksnake
Where did it come from? Better not to ask.
Spare Turkey Leg
The houses wanted a turkey with six legs and, boom! They got it
Food: Three House Turkey
Cooked Three House Turkey.
Teaches the ability to craft Three House Turkey decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order: Sunfest Houses Recipes
They do eat anything, but they eat these first.
Heckbug Treats
Special bouillon for a special occasion.
Trovian Bouillon
One of the Qubesly's closest secrets.
Recipe: Trove Bouillon
Chocolate Eggs may not be technically in season, but who really cares?
Food: Bunfest Bounty
Prepared Bunfest Bounty.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Bunfest Bounty decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order: Bunfest Nobles Recipes
Everyone loves a chocolate egg.
Chocolate Egg
How would you make ice punch without the punch?
Frozen Punch
Perfectly ripe. Raddishes can be ripe, right?