
Browse client strings.

Language (en), File (prefabs_item_consumable_titles)

Temporary Title: Paragon of Paragons
Temporary Title: the Patient
Temporary Title: the Playful
Temporary Title: the Proud
Temporary Title: Hunter of Trovians
Temporary Title: the Quaint
Temporary Title: the Quick
Temporary Title: the Quirky
Temporary Title: the Rabid
Temporary Title: the Rude
Temporary Title: the Rugged
Temporary Title: the Sage
Temporary Title: the Sanguine
Temporary Title: the Satyr
Temporary Title: the Silent
Temporary Title: the Stalwart
Craft to gain access to 'Lawful Evil' title prefix.
Title: Lawful Evil
Craft to gain access to 'Lawful Good' title prefix.
Title: Lawful Good
Craft to gain access to 'Lawful Neutral' title prefix.
Title: Lawful Neutral
Craft to gain access to 'Neutral Evil' title prefix.
Title: Neutral Evil
Craft to gain access to 'Neutral Good' title prefix.
Title: Neutral Good
Craft to gain access to 'True Neutral' title prefix.
Title: True Neutral
Temporary Title: the Talented
Temporary Title: the Tasteful
Temporary Title: the Tranquil
Temporary Title: the Ultimate
Temporary Title: the Underrated
Temporary Title: the Upbeat
Temporary Title: the Vagabond
Temporary Title: the Vanilla
Temporary Title: the Venerable
Temporary Title: the Wallflower
Temporary Title: the Warm
Temporary Title: the Wayward
Temporary Title: the Xenial
Temporary Title: the Xeric
Temporary Title: the X-Factor
Temporary Title: the Xoomer
Temporary Title: the Yeoman
Temporary Title: the Yogi
Temporary Title: the Young at Heart
Temporary Title: the Zealot
Temporary Title: the Zephyr
Temporary Title: the Zoomer