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Language (en), File (prefabs_collections_sail)
A relic of the once mighty Frost Fae kingdom.
Frost Fae Sail
Shredded from centuries of sailing in stormy seas.
Ghostly Sail
Go sailing with a hook, line, and hopefully no sinker.
Sail: Fishy Sail
Fishy Sail
It bears the crest of a Dragonlord who set the oceans aflame.
Dragonblade Sail
Warn everyone to stay out of chomping range.
Heckbug Sail
Best suited for smaller, calmer seas.
Inner Sea
"Why I'm thrilled! It's absolutely, positively hexcellent!"\n- The Queen
Honeycomb Sail
Holwugs find their way everywhere. Everywhere.
Howlug Sail
The ancient, massive Shadow Hydrakken must have remained undisturbed for centuries to have grown this large.
Shadow Hydrakken Sail
Bears the emblem of light's eternal struggle against darkness.
Infineon Insignia Sail
Nothing will let the air outta these sails.
Psychedelic Sail
Catch all the favorable winds in this colorful sail.
Kami Ketch Sail
Impermeable to water and extremely cozy!
Knitted Sail
All that remains of the mighty ladybug armada that challenged the D'hev in aeons past.
Ladybug Sail
Beacon for the Crimson fleet and it's soldiers.
Red Lantern Sail
Ships that fly it are prone to mysterious accidents.
Hypnotic Sail
Catches moonlight as readily as wind.
Lunar Sail
For the sailor who can not get enough of the sea even while they are on it.
Wonderful Wave Sail
This magnificent sail hints at some unknown noble origin.
Sumptuous Sail
Quite the commanding curtain of cloth, this one.
Sail of the Master
Be wary of pirates while sailing these flamboyant colors.
Marvelous Merchant Sail
Before the dark times, the Crescent Crest represented all of the virtues of the mind.
Crescent Crest Sail
Those who served the Moon Goddess before her betrayal were forever suspect after it.
Moonshadow Sail
With the Moon Goddess gone, her followers fell into despair and chaos, with many siding with the Shadows.
Grasping Darkness Sail
Its presence emboldens those who toil beneath it.