Browse client strings.
Language (en), File (grouping)
Automatically Accept Invitations from Anyone
Automatically Accept Invitations from Friends and Club Members
Automatically Decline All Invitations
Automatic Invitation Behavior:
Manually Accept and Decline All Invitations
Show Icon for Other Tethers In Nameplates (requires world change)
Show Icon for My Tether In Nameplates (requires world change)
Are you sure you want to disband {0}?
{0} has been disbanded
That tether no longer exists
That player is not online
You can't reinvite this player yet, try again later
The player has declined your invitation
Invited {0} to join {1}
Invited {0} to form a new tether
{0} has invited you to join {1}!
Are you sure you want to kick {0} from {1}?
Are you sure you want to leave {0}?
The tether is full
{0} has invited you to join a new tether!
You have wandered too far from your tether and will be removed from the tether if you remain out of range for more than 30 seconds.
{0} was invited to join {1}
{0} has joined {1}!
{0} has left {1}