Craftable Banners -
Delves Banners page
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Most basic banner can be purchased from Delve Merchant [Rokatan] found in Delve building in Trovian Hub for 25 Inert Geodes. This banner can be purchased multiple times but cannot be traded. Deconstructing it returns 15
Inert Geodes.

Grants +100 Light for the dark depths of Delves
Next, players can find Banner Poles and Banner Standards while adventuring through Delves of Depth 25+. More reliable way to obtain both of those is opening Pressure-Locked Delver's Caches. Unlike Poles, Banner Standards are tradable and can be purchased from in-game Marketplace.
Crafting any of these banners on Delve Workbench costs 15
Inert Geodes, one Banner Pole and one Banner Standard.
Every crafted banner has 4 stats. First two are always Light and Physical Damage or Magical Damage or Maximum Health, and then there is a couple of additional stats that vary between Jump, Health Regen, Flask Capacity, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Energy Regen.
There are three types of poles, their type defines which main stat (aside from Light) will be on the Banner:
Banner Pole of the Martial Way is used to craft banners with Physical Damage boost
Banner Pole of the Arcane Way is used to craft banners with Magic Damage boost
Banner Pole of the Fortress is used to craft banners with Maximum Health boost
Banner Standards determine which two other stats aside from the two main ones will be on the Banner. These stats can be in pairs of:
- Jump + Movement Speed
- Jump + Attack Speed
- Jump + Energy Regen
- Health Regen + Movement Speed
- Health Regen + Attack Speed
- Health Regen + Energy Regen
- Flask Capacity + Movement Speed
- Flask Capacity + Attack Speed
- Flask Capacity + Energy Regen
There are also three groups of Banner Standards. 9 standards can only be used in crafting together with Martial Way poles, other 9 can only be used with Acrane Way poles and last 9 can be only used with Poles of the Fortress.
Phoenix Standard - grants Jump + Movement Speed
Forlorn Standard - grants Jump + Attack Speed
Darkshroom Standard - grants Jump + Energy Regen
Snowflake Standard - grants Health Regen + Movement Speed
Snowfall Standard - grants Health Regen + Attack Speed
Chrysalis Standard - grants Health Regen + Energy Regen
Shadow Knot Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Movement Speed
Abyssal Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Attack Speed
Prowlers' Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Energy Regen
Invokers' Standard - grants Jump + Movement Speed
Firecage Standard - grants Jump + Attack Speed
Sisters' Standard - grants Jump + Energy Regen
Seedbearers' Standard - grants Health Regen + Movement Speed
Rawhide Standard - grants Health Regen + Attack Speed
Standard of Spines - grants Health Regen + Energy Regen
Sabreskull Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Movement Speed
Hive Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Attack Speed
Fungal Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Energy Regen
Pirate Standard - grants Jump + Movement Speed
Pirrot Standard - grants Jump + Attack Speed
Twinfish Standard - grants Jump + Energy Regen
Blueshift Standard - grants Health Regen + Movement Speed
Greenshift Standard - grants Health Regen + Attack Speed
Stalwart Standard - grants Health Regen + Energy Regen
Conduit Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Movement Speed
Radiant Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Attack Speed
Progenitor Standard - grants Flask Capacity + Energy Regen
All Banner Poles deconstruct into 5 Freerange Electrolytic Crystals each.
All Banner Standards deconstruct into 10 Pressurized Cave Kelp each.
Crafted banners are not tradable. You can pick which Stats you want to have on your Banner, but the Rarity of crafted banners is determined at random, so you might need to craft same banner more than once to get top quality.
Appearance and amount of stat boost changes with rarity, so for example an Uncommon banner would look worn and have +5% Attack Speed while Radiant banner would look brand new and have +10% Attack Speed.
All banners of same rarity have exactly same amount of stat boosts. For example a Radiant Martial Standard of the Phoenix among other stats grants +10 Movement speed, and Radiant
Standard of the Arcane Invoker grants +10 Movement Speed. Uncommon rarity of them both grants +5 Movement Speed boost.
Crafted Delve Banners can be of Uncommon, Epic, Relic, Shadow and Radiant rarity.
Crafted banners of any quality deconstruct into 10 Inert Geodes and do not return Banner Poles and Standards used.