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Getting Started with Trove Modding - Video Notes page
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Taking Screenshots
By default you can use F12 to take a screenshot in Trove. That will take a photo of your whole Trove window without the user interface (such as experience bar, health, skills etc) and the location of your saved image will be displayed in chat (only for you). You can change the button for screenshots in game Settings > Hotkeys.
If you are using other apps to take screenshots of your games (Snipping Tool, Greenshot or anything else) you can disable the User Interface manually by pressing F7. Press the same button once more to enable it again.
It is good to zoom in on your mod and make it the most noticeable thing in the picture. Un-equipping irrelevant parts such as Allies, Banners, Helmets, Weapons or Hats/Faces (if you have not created a special one to match your mod) could be a good idea too. You want to show your mod from the best possible angles to attract more attention from users and the Devs!
Example of bad (left side) and ok (right side) screenshot of a dragon.
Following chat commands can be of real help:
/pose - makes you character stand in a pose fit for a photo. Each class has a different pose.
/epicpose - makes your character mount up and stand in an epic position. With Epicpose you have few special camera angles and you can rotate your character with arrows. Special interface element will pop up as soon as you activate the command. Want to have a rotating character without a mount for a Gif? Un-equip your mount before using the command. Want a cool epicpose photo with your character on a boat? Stand in water, activate your boat (G by default) and use /epicpose after.
/hideplayer - hides your player together with the mount. VFX effects, allies and familiars like the little dragon of Dracolyte will remain visible. Only hides your own character on your screen, other players will still be able to see you.
/showplayer - disables effects of previous command, character becomes visible on the screen again.
/freeze_companion - new and absolutely marvelous command to keep your ally in one place. Only works in Club worlds. Ally will still perform all the idle actions like looking around or sitting but it will not move from its location. Extremely useful for taking screenshots or making gifs of allies.
/freeze_companion_false - disables effects of previous command, your ally will move together with your character once again.
/fxenable 0 - disables all VFX effects such as weapon and hat auras, flames, various visual sparkles and whatnot on mounts and dragons, portals, effects from skills and even clouds in the sky.
/fxenable 1 - returns all VFX effects back to normal.
Building a TMOD
It is possible to build a TMOD file with an in-game chat command, without using Trove tools, but you will need to be a bit more careful with the files. The Tmod chat command grabs ALL FILES PLACED IN ALL OVERRIDE FOLDERS, so you really need to keep those folders clean and organized unless you want to name all the blueprints you want to include. As shown in the video, TroveTools lets you manually select blueprints and other files you want to include.
The following text describes creation of a tmod with chat command without specifying blueprints:
First, make sure that you only have blueprints that you want to include in your TMOD in your Trove/Live/blueprints/override folder.
Second, make sure you have an image of your mod of 400 pixels x 230 pixels in your Trove/Live/ui/override folder. This image does not have to be anything particular, an in-game screenshot would work just fine as long as it has those exact dimensions. Any image that is bigger/smaller will be stretched or reduced in size to fit the in-game preview window for mods.
In your Trove/Live/blueprints/override and in your Trove/Live/ui/override you should be able to see your files like this:
Once you have all files in their location, launch Trove and and type a chat command in game.
The command:
/buildmod author="{Your Name}" notes="{Notes on mod}" title="{Title of mod}" preview="{path to preview picture of mod}"
Example usage:
/buildmod author="Etaew" notes="My first mod. Better model for chaos-chest ally." title="Better looking Chaotic Mimic" preview="ui/mod_image.png"
It is useful to prepare your command before using it in the game window. Type it out in any text editor where it is easier to see the whole line. Then copy it (select whole line, press Ctrl+C) and paste in game (hit the Enter to open chat window, press Ctrl+V to paste the command in there). Hit Enter again to 'send' the command.
If you did everything correct, you will see a list of files used and a message 'Successfully created mod' in chat. That will create a .tmod file in your Trove/Live/mods folder. Restart the game to see your mod in the Mods preview window in game.
WARNING: you can not have multiple TMODs replacing same files. If you have more than one tmod trying to replace same files the Mods window in game will display a warning and suggest you disable one (or more) of conflicting Tmods. You need to restart a game every time you disable/enable a mod to see the effect.
Also, Tmods are always in priority over all /override folders. You can have same files in Tmod and your /override, but only files in Tmod will be used by game. Disable the Tmod to let the game use files from /override.
For more in-depth explanation of creating a t-mod with chat command check out this guide: .