
Quest strings directly from the client.

Shadow's Eve Event

Defeat enemies and earn prizes! Available for a limited time.

Shadow's Eve Event

Upgrade gems and earn prizes! Available for a limited time.

Shadow's Eve Event

Cats love boxes. Open some to unlock this event mount! Available for a limited time.

Complete Pumpkin Dungeons

Shadow's Eve 2017 1/7: Trovian! It's me, Qubesly! Awaken your Drak-o-lantern and spookytime costumes - Shadow's Eve has returned and Pumpkin Dungeons have risen across the landscape of Trove once more.

Craft a Haunted Mystery Box

Shadow's Eve 2017 2/7: Candy Corn: love it or hate it? I prefer to turn it into other treats! New Haunted Mystery Boxes can be found on the Shadowy Station in the Hub.

Collect Pumpkins

Shadow's Eve 2017 3/7: Pumpkins are my favorite part of Shadow's Eve. Carved into decorations, eaten in a pie, or used to create something new at the Shadowy Station!

Pumpkins can be aquired through Gardening or from completing Pumpkin Dungeons. They are also found in Shadow's Eve Adventurer Chests.

Craft a Giant Pumpkin Pie

Shadow's Eve 2017 4/7: I'm throwing a Shadow's Eve Party but everyone is bringing tricks instead of treats. If you were to bake me a pie with those pumpkins you picked, I could offer you something nice in return.

A Giant Pumpkin Pie can be crafted at the Shadowy Station in the Shadow's Eve Hub.

Complete 1-Star Dungeons

Shadow's Eve 2017 5/7: Did you hear? Todstrom has shown his cowardly face again, this time in 1-Star Dungeons in the Cursed Vale!

Complete 1-Star Dungeons in any biome. Toadstrom may appear in 1-Star Dungeons in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve, but his trick is your treat! Defeat him to receive extra rewards.

Kill Bare-Bones Skeletons in Cursed Vale

Shadow's Eve 2017 6/7: I've always liked Cursed Vale but this time of year its denizens are out in droves, especially the bare-boned skeletons. Someone needs to do something about those guys, no bones about it!

Kill a Dracolich in a 1-Star Dungeon

Shadow's Eve 2017 7/7: Have you ever seen a Dracolich? They reside in the Permafrost biome and horde their treasure below the ice. It is said that dispatching a Dracolich during Shadow's Eve will assure a Merry Snowfest in the future. Will you help end this celebration with a bang, Trovian?

Complete a Shadow's Eve Adventure

Shadow's Eve 2018 1/8: Trovian! It's me, Qubesly! Awaken your Drak-o-lantern and don your spooky costumes - Shadow's Eve has returned. Visit Skelly, Booradly, and Spooklia in the Trove Hub. They're offering a special token called the Shadowy Seal in exchange for assistance. Shadowy Seals can be used at the Shadowy Station in the Hub to craft special rewards.

Daily NPC Adventures for Shadow's Eve can be found in the Trove Hub near the Shadow's Eve pumpkin house.

Complete Pumpkin Dungeons

Shadow's Eve 2018 2/8: Pumpkin Dungeons have risen across the landscape of Trove once more. Let's go check them out!

Pumpkin Dungeons can be found randomly in any biome.

Collect Pumpkins

Shadow's Eve 2018 3/8: Pumpkins are my favorite part of Shadow's Eve. Carved into decorations, eaten in a pie, or used to create something new at the Shadowy Station!

Pumpkins can be aquired through Gardening or from finding pumpkin patches growing in Cursed Vale biomes. They are also found in Shadow's Eve Mystery Boxes. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)

Collect Candy Corn

Shadow's Eve 2018 4/8: Candy Corn: love it or hate it? No matter how you feel about those colorful little candies, they're definitely worth collecting at this time of year. Let's go get some!

Candy Corn can be aquired from completing Pumpkin Dungeons. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)

Craft a Nightmare Mystery Box

Shadow's Eve 2018 5/8: Before you devour those sugary kernels of joy, did you know they're not just for eating? I prefer to turn them into other treats! Why not craft a Nightmare Mystery Box from the the Shadowy Station in the Hub?

Complete 1-Star Dungeons

Shadow's Eve 2018 6/8: Did you hear? Todstrom has shown his cowardly face again, this time in 1-Star Dungeons in the Cursed Vale!

Complete 1-Star Dungeons in any biome. Toadstrom may appear in 1-Star Dungeons in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve, but his trick is your treat! Defeat him to receive extra rewards.

Kill Bare-Bones Skeletons in Cursed Vale

Shadow's Eve 2018 7/8: I've always liked Cursed Vale but this time of year its denizens are out in droves, especially the bare-bones skeletons. Someone needs to do something about those guys, no bones about it!

Bare-Bones Skeletons can be found wandering any Cursed Vale biome.

Defeat a Dracolich

Shadow's Eve 2018 8/8: Have you ever seen a Dracolich? They reside in the Permafrost biome and horde their treasure below the ice. It is said that dispatching a Dracolich during Shadow's Eve will assure a Merry Snowfest down the road. Will you help end this celebration with a bang, Trovian?

Dracolichs can be found as Dungeon bosses in any Permafrost biome.

Clear Cursed Skull Piles

Shadow's Eve 2019 7/8: This land is cursed, Trovian. There are so many cursed skulls around I just don't know what do to. Clear them out for me, please!


Collect Vials of Q'rsed Essence

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_vial_name

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: To defeat an enemy you must know it. To know our enemy we must study them. Go and defeat wolves and werewolves in the Cursed Vale. They may sometimes drop a Vial of Q'rsed Essence. Go collect it, then check the Shadowy Station for how it can be used.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_vial_desc

Collect Q'rsebane

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_wolfsbane_name

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: The battle against the Q'rsed is never over. Q'rsebane is a vital resource in that battle, but collecting it can be dangerous. Q'rsebane is a purple flower that grows above ground in the Cursed Vale. Please go and collect as much as you can.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_wolfsbane_desc

Defeat Pumpkin Dungeons

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_pumpkin_dungeons_name

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: They're spooking up everywhere, from the Permafrost to the Dragonfire Peaks and everywhere in between on Trove. Go find some of these Pumpkin Dungeons and scare them off! Make sure to clear out some of those Pumpkin Patches too!

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_pumpkin_dungeons_desc

Kill Wolves and Werewolves

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_kill_wolves_name

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: Tarnations partner! Wolves is overrunnin' thangs 'n I've 'ad it! Go get me wolf pelts an' I'll pay ya. I've been hard at work and they're only stalkin' Cursed Vale this year. Get out there and get ta' gettin' rid of 'em.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_kill_wolves_longdesc

Collect Lunar Condensate

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_kill_lunar_cond_name

Lunar Condensate is the residue created when the shadow and Lunar light interact. Collecting all that we can limits the shadows corruption. If you can collect it the Quartermaster will happily reward you for turning it in. Lunar Condensate can be found by defeating the Werewolves, wolves, owls, crows, and some 1-Star Dungeons in the Medieval Highlands, Cursed Vale, and Desert Frontier.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2021_kill_lunar_cond_desc

Rewarded for completing a Shadow's Eve 2021 Daily Adventure.

adventures - $Claims_ShadowsEve2021_DailyAdv

The Order of the Moon thanks you for your hard work against the shadow.

adventures - $Claims_ShadowsEve2021_main_thread


adventures - $Claims_ShadowsEve2021_qubesly_howl

Lunar Condensate

adventures - $adv_daily_shadowseve2020_collect_torch

Greetings, Trovian, I am Plumetheus. My twisted cousins have been holding back dark secrets from Trovians for too long. Dark, purple secrets. Don't tell them I told you, but the secret can be found in the Lunar Condensate.

adventures - $adv_daily_shadowseve2020_collect_torch_longdesc

Rewarded for completing a Shadow's Eve 2020 Daily Adventure.

adventures - $Claims_ShadowsEve2020_DailyAdv

Rewarded for progress in the Shadow's Eve 2020 Event.

adventures - $Claims_ShadowsEve2020_ThreadStep

Rewarded for completing the Shadow's Eve 2020 Event!

adventures - $Claims_ShadowsEve2020_Complete

Rewarded for completing a Shadow's Eve 2018 Daily Outpost Adventure.

adventures - $Claims_ShadowsEve2018_DailyAdv

Collect 3 Pumpkins

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_collect_pumpkins_name

Pumpkins can be found growing in large patches in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_collect_pumpkins_shortdesc

Mmm, pumpkin pie is the best! Plus you can carve jack-o-lanterns while it bakes.\n\nPumpkins can be found growing in large patches in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve. They can also be grown and harvested through the Gardening profession. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_collect_pumpkins_longdesc

Complete a 3-Star Dungeon

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_3star_dungeon_name

Complete a 3-Star Dungeon in any biome.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_3star_dungeon_shortdesc

I need your help searching for hoarded candy. I know they're hiding it from me!\n\nComplete a 3-Star Dungeon in any biome.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_3star_dungeon_longdesc

Throw Bombs in Bomber Royale

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_bombs_thrown_name

Throw 20 Rubber Bombs, Lava Bombs, and Big Bombs in Bomber Royale.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_bombs_thrown_shortdesc

My friends prefer treats but everyone knows TRICKS are the best part of the season. Let's go cause some havoc!\n\nThrow 20 Rubber Bombs, Lava Bombs, and Big Bombs in Bomber Royale.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2018_bombs_thrown_longdesc

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2019_shortdesc

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: Mmm, pumpkin pie is the best! Plus you can carve jack-o-lanterns while it bakes. Pumpkins can be found growing in large patches in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve. They can also be grown and harvested through the Gardening profession. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2019_collect_pumpkins_longdesc

Complete 3-Star Dungeons

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2019_3star_dungeon_name

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: I need your help searching for hoarded candy. I know they're hiding it from me! Complete 3-Star Dungeons in any biome.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2019_3star_dungeon_longdesc

Earn a Bomber Royale Coin

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2019_br_coin

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: My friends prefer treats but everyone knows TRICKS are the best part of the season. Let's go cause some havoc! Finish in the top 10 players in Bomber Royale.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_shadowseve2019_br_coin_longdesc

Rewarded for completing a Shadow's Eve 2019 Daily Adventure.

adventures - $Claims_ShadowsEve2019_DailyAdv


events - $Event_shadowseve2018_name

Trick or treat? Earn Shadowy Seals to craft unique collections at the Shadowy Station.

events - $Event_shadowseve2018_description

Granted for completing a Shadow's Eve 2018 event adventure.

events - $Claims_shadowseve2018

Spooky scary extra rewards for logging in during Shadow's Eve 2018!

events - $Claims_login_shadowseve2018


events - $Event_Sale_ShadowsEve2017_name

A spooky grab bag of fun, now in the Store!

events - $Event_Sale_ShadowsEve2017_description

10/28 Friday Fright Fest

events - $Event_shadowseve_welcomescreen_name

+XP, +Superstition +Daily Loot Boxes, +Ninth Life!

events - $Event_shadowseve_welcomescreen_description

Shadow's Eve

events - $Event_shadowseve_general_welcomescreen_name

Pumpkin Dungeons, Phantataurs, and New Mounts!

events - $Event_shadowseve_general_welcomescreen_description

Pumpkin Dungeons, Candy Corn, and New Mounts!

events - $Event_shadowseve_2017_general_welcomescreen_description

Shadows' Eve Barker

event_npcs - $event_shadowseve_barker

I prefer to be sparkly, not spooky.

event_npcs - $event_shadowseve_barker_bark_01

I'm having a Shadow's Eve Party and everyone's invited!

event_npcs - $event_shadowseve_barker_bark_02

Do you like my costume?

event_npcs - $event_shadowseve_barker_bark_03

Wow! That's a lot of Candy Corn.

event_npcs - $event_shadowseve_barker_bark_04

Trick or Treat, Trovian?

event_npcs - $event_shadowseve_barker_bark_05

Purge the darkness from yourself and wield your faith in the Moon Goddess as a weapon against the Shadow. - High Priest Lunavic

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_00

No child of the Moon is without light. Where you go, She walks, and Her light shines. - Former High Priest Cuthbert IV

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_01

Do not shy from the dark! Let your courage shine and their attacks will lose all strength. The Moon Goddess has no equal. - Former High Priest Nicunar

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_02

Feel the fury of the Moon. Make the Shadow fear it. - Acolyte Holvinys

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_03

Elsphodel guides us, so our path is true. - High Priest Lunavic

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_04

We fight in Her stead. We hold the line. We will not fail Her. - Acolyte Sidnen

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_05

The power of the Moon is absolute. - High Priest Lunavic

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_06

The darkness is nothing before our might. - Former High Priest Cuthbert IV

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_07

I will be Her spear. I shall pierce the dark with my faith and purge the Shadow and all its champions. There will be no mercy. - Acolyte Holvinys

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_08

If all should fail and our Moon Goddess remain lost do not despair. She gives us strength. When the time is right, if She has not returned, then we shall seek Her instead. - Former High Priest Cuthbert IV

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_09

I have heard Her call. She is returning. We must be ready when the time comes. - High Priest Lunavic

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2021_10

Solutions... Solutions...

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_00

Give the moon glasses...?

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_01


lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_02

Chocolate... microscopes...?

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_03

Er, hmm...

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_04

Invest...igate... Shadowy... things...?

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_05

Curse... something...?

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_06

Veil... some... other... thing...?

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_07

... curse veils?

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_08

... cursed ... veils?

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_09

Use the Atlas ( [HK:Atlas] ) to visit a Cursed Vale World

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_10

...but what if...

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_11

... what if QUBESLY!?!?

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_12

oh, no... no... he is the one who needs this solved...

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_13

... solved... sol-u-ved... soluted...

lore - $Lore_ShadowsEve2020_14

Spooky Hills

objective - $Objective_Event_ShadowsEve


prefabs_collections_magrider - $prefabs_collections_magrider_shadowseve_casket_item_name

It's a casket and a cart. Efficient!

prefabs_collections_magrider - $prefabs_collections_magrider_shadowseve_casket_item_description

Pumpkin Box

prefabs_collections_magrider - $prefabs_collections_magrider_shadowseve_pumpkinbox_item_name

Everyone jump in the pumpkin box.

prefabs_collections_magrider - $prefabs_collections_magrider_shadowseve_pumpkinbox_item_description


prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_shadowseve_blackcat_item_name


prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_shadowseve_blackcat_item_description

Pumpkin Head

prefabs_equipment - $prefabs_equipment_shadowseve_pumpkin_item_name

So scary.

prefabs_equipment - $prefabs_equipment_shadowseve_pumpkin_item_description

Zombie Mask

prefabs_equipment - $prefabs_equipment_shadowseve_zombiehelm_item_name

So scary.

prefabs_equipment - $prefabs_equipment_shadowseve_zombiehelm_item_description

Autumn Pinata

prefabs_item - $prefabs_item_pinata_shadowseve_item_name

Spawns a Autumn Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.

prefabs_item - $prefabs_item_pinata_shadowseve_item_description

Shadowy Seal 2019

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve2019_token_item_name

Can be used at the Shadowy Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2019 event, these coins will disappear shortly after the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve2019_token_item_description

Lunar Condensate

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_oct2021_lunar_cond_name

Currency & Crafting Material. Accepted by Order of the Moon Quartermasters and is used to craft items at the Shadowy Station in Crafter''s Corner of the Trove Hub. Found by defeating enemies in the Cursed Vale and Wolves' Den during Shadow's Eve.

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_oct2021_lunar_cond_desc

Snowfest 2021 Token

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_dec2021_coin_name

Currency & Crafting Material. Accepted at the Donation Station in the Hub. Snowfest 2021 Tokens will vanish shortly after Snowfest 2021.

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_dec2021_coin_desc

Shadowy Seal 2018

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve2018_token_item_name

Can be used at the Shadowy Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2018 event, these coins will disappear at the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve2018_token_item_description

Snowfest 2023 Token

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_dec2022_coin_name

Currency & Crafting Material. Accepted at the Donation Station in the Hub.

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_dec2022_coin_desc

Candy Corn

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_candycorn_2020_item_name

Crafting Material. Used to craft items at the Shadowy Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub. Found by defeating Pumpkin dungeons in any biome or world.

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_candycorn_2020_item_description

Candy Corn

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_candycorn_item_name

Crafting Material. Used to craft items at the Shadowy Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub. Found by defeating Pumpkin dungeons in any biome or world. Candy Corn will vanish shortly after Shadow's Eve 2019.

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve_candycorn_item_description

Order of the Moon Purification Seal

prefabs_item_holiday - $prefabs_item_events_shadowseve_2021_lunar_seal_name

Purges the user of any fragments of darkness that may have been absorbed. This item will vanish shortly after Shadow's Eve 2021.

prefabs_item_holiday - $prefabs_item_events_shadowseve_2021_lunar_seal_desc

Key: Pumpkin Patch Cache Key

prefabs_item_key - $prefabs_item_key_shadowseve_2023_01_name

Use when near a Cache of the Patch, which appears after completion of a Pumpkin Patch assault. Unstable Cache of the Patches disappear after 30 seconds, so use these keys quickly!

prefabs_item_key - $prefabs_item_key_shadowseve_2023_01_description

Order of the Moon's Treasure Box

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2021_item_name

Contains a plethora of prizes, including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2021_item_description

Nightmare Mystery Box

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve_item_name

Open it for a random Shadow's Eve item. Has a chance of containing the rare Samantha pet and Sameowntha mount.

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve_item_description

Skelly's Treasure Box

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2018_item_name

Contains a plethora of prizes, including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2018_item_description

Spooklia's Treasure Box

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2020_item_name

Contains a plethora of prizes, including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2020_item_description

Shadow's Eve Daily Loot Chest

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_dailychest_shadowseve_item_name

Earn one of these every day during the 2016 Shadow's Eve event. Open for useful items, a chance at epic rewards, and the awesome Phantataur mount!

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_dailychest_shadowseve_item_description

Spookytime Mystery Box

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2016_item_name

Open it for a random Shadow's Eve item. Has a chance of containing the rare Bouncy Black Bat or the Hyperactive Haunt.

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2016_item_description

Haunted Mystery Box

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2017_item_name

Open it for a random Shadow's Eve item. Has a rare chance of containing a Colossal Chiropteran or Uncanny Coffin mount.

prefabs_item_lootbox - $prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2017_item_description

Shadow's Eve Adventurer Chest

prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure - $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_shadowseve_2015_item_name

Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of several rare Shadow's Eve mounts!

prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure - $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_shadowseve_2015_item_description

Mag Rider: Caskart

prefabs_item_magrider - $prefabs_item_magrider_shadowseve_casket_item_name

It's a casket and a cart. Efficient!

prefabs_item_magrider - $prefabs_item_magrider_shadowseve_casket_item_description

Mag Rider: Pumpkin Box

prefabs_item_magrider - $prefabs_item_magrider_shadowseve_pumpkinbox_item_name

Ally: Samantha

prefabs_item_pet - $prefabs_item_pet_shadowseve_blackcat_item_name


prefabs_item_pet - $prefabs_item_pet_shadowseve_blackcat_item_description

Unstable Lunar Condensate

prefabs_item_quest - $prefabs_item_quest_auto_shadowseve_purple_essence_name

Like candy floss in water, it shimmers and disappears before your eyes.

prefabs_item_quest - $prefabs_item_quest_auto_shadowseve_purple_essence_description

Shadowy Solution

prefabs_item_quest - $prefabs_item_quest_shadowseve_solution_2020_name

Reply hazy, try again

prefabs_item_quest - $prefabs_item_quest_shadowseve_solution_2020_description

Shadow's Eve Recipe

prefabs_item_unlocker - $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_shadowseve_item_name

Unlock a random Shadow's Eve recipe you don't already have unlocked.

prefabs_item_unlocker - $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_shadowseve_item_description

Parker the Poltergeist

prefabs_npc - $npc_shadowseve_npc_merchant_name

Refracted Balephantom

prefabs_npc_delve_boss_generic - $prefabs_npc_delve_boss_generic_baleking_boss_shadowseve_name

High Priest Lunavic

prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia - $prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia_shadowseve_priest_sign_title

With the Shadow defeated for another year a feast is truly in order.

prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia - $prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia_shadowseve_preist_sign_content

Acolyte Ginner

prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia - $prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia_shadowseve_acolyte_sign_title

You are ever the champion, in Shadow or Light.

prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia - $prefabs_npc_events_turkeytopia_shadowseve_acolyte_sign_content

Boss at Soul Vault: Refracted Balephantom

prefabs_placeable - $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_shadowseve_purple_baleking_recipe_once_at_loot_level

Chance at Boss: Refracted Balephantom

prefabs_placeable - $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_shadowseve_purple_baleking_recipe

Shadowy Decorations

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_interactive_craftingcategory_2_name

Shadowy Station

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_item_name

Used to craft decorative objects.

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_item_description

Shadowy Station

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_interactive_craftingstation_name

2019 Collectables and Lockboxes

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_interactive_craftingcategory_0_name

Legacy Collectables and Lockboxes

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_interactive_craftingcategory_1_name

Shadowy Collectables (Legacy)

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_interactive_craftingcategory_collectables_name

Shadowy Lockboxes & Consumables (Legacy)

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_interactive_craftingcategory_consumables_name

Shadowy Decorations

prefabs_placeable_crafting - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_shadowseve_interactive_craftingcategory_deco_name

Haunted House Attraction

prefabs_placeable_frameworks - $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubshadowseve_hauntedhouse_01_name

Placeable in Club Worlds only. A spooky attraction beloved by all Trovians who appreciate the Shadow's Eve festivities. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

prefabs_placeable_frameworks - $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubshadowseve_hauntedhouse_01_description

Pumpkin Parlor

prefabs_placeable_frameworks - $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubshadowseve_pumpkin_01_name

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A small, Shadow's Eve-themed shack for folks to congregate in. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

prefabs_placeable_frameworks - $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubshadowseve_pumpkin_01_description

Delve Gateway: Refracted Balephantom

prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events - $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events_shadowseve_purple_baleking_name

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which REFRACTED BALEPHANTOM can occasionally appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted

prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events - $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events_shadowseve_purple_baleking_description

Delve Gateway: Greater Balephantom

prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events - $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events_shadowseve_baleking_name

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which GREATER BALEPHANTOM can occasionally appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted

prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events - $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events_shadowseve_baleking_description

Delve Gateway: Wolves' Den

prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events - $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events_october2021_shadowseve_name

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve which leads to the Wolves' Den biome. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Disappears at the end of the Shadow's Eve event

prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events - $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_events_october2021_shadowseve_desc

Autumn Pinata

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_name

Throw this down and smash it open to get loot for yourself and 7 random nearby people. Always contains ore, glim, or flux and very rarely contains a Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_description

5 Autumn Pinatas

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_5pack_name

Bigger party.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_5pack_description

50 Autumn Pinatas

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_50pack_name

Mega party, lower prices.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_50pack_description

Ultimate Party

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_100pack_name

Biggest party, lowest prices. 100 Autumn Pinatas and a Club Megaphone which will invite everyone playing the game to your party.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_pinata_shadowseve_100pack_description

15 Shadowy Seal 2019 Pack

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_deal_shadowseve2019_token_15_name

Get away with a shadowy steal of a deal with this one time only pack of 15 Shadowy Seal 2019 tokens.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_deal_shadowseve2019_token_15_description

2020's Shadowy Selection

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_2020_pack_name

This limited time pack unlocks the Brian Bones and Stack o' Lantern allies, the Baleful Borker and Last Taxi mounts, the Webbed Sail, the Gourd Galleon boat, and the exclusive Broomer-Mage-er, Candymancer, Brimstone Bulleteer, Zippy Zombie, and Crow and Scare-row Costumes. Get them before they fade back into the shadows!

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_2020_pack_description

Creepy Crawly Cranium Pack

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_2018_pack_name

Win the skeleton war with this limited-time Shadow's Eve offer!\n\nIncludes the Colossal Skullcrawler mount, the Nefarious Nekomancer Costume (Tomb Raiser), the Impish Tormentor Costume (Lunar Lancer), the Haunted Pumpkinling ally, and the Bonkers ally.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_2018_pack_description

15 Shadowy Seal 2018 Pack

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_deal_shadowseve2018_token_15_name

Get away with a shadowy steal of a deal with this one time only pack of 15 Shadowy Seal 2018 tokens.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_deal_shadowseve2018_token_15_description

Spooky Swag Bag

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_pack_name

It's all treat!\n\n * Drak-O-Lantern Dragon egg\n * Alduir, Autumn's Retreat\n * Meowling Moonling\n * Foreboding Fowl\n * Bouncy Brown Bat\n * Bat-Boosted Broom\n * Trovian Defender (Knight)\n * Mermaid (Ice Sage)\n * S'More Sweetness (Dracolyte)\n * Treasure Trovian (Pirate Captain)

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_pack_description

Gourdzilla Pack

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_2017_pack_name

Pump yourself up to a squasherific look with this limited-time Shadow's Eve offer!\n\nIncludes the mammoth melon mount Gourdzilla, the eerie twilight glow of the Gloomy Gloaming stellar aura, and the Hardened Headgourd helm style!

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_2017_pack_description

EXTRA SPOOKY rewards for logging in during the Friday Fright Fest event!

ui - $Claims_Shadowseve2016

Spooky scary extra rewards for logging in during Shadow's Eve 2017!

ui - $Claims_Shadowseve2017

I don't care what anyone else says, those Pumpkin Dungeons are spooky!

ui - $Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_01

A box here. A box there. Filled with treats for all to share.

ui - $Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_02

So many tasty pumpkins. Time to do some baking.

ui - $Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_03

This pie is delicious! Here's something to aid you on the next leg of your journey.

ui - $Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_04

Todstrom never learns, does he?

ui - $Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_05

You sure rattled their bones, Trovian!

ui - $Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_06

Have a spooky and safe Shadow's Eve, Trovian!

ui - $Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_07