What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 July 23, 2016 to August 1, 2016 View 362 Votes
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Voted: Knight
Because he isnt the flashiest, most powerful, or has the best abilities I think Trove's most honorable class needs his fair time in the spotlight.
Voted: Neon Ninja
Ive alwas mained Neon Ninja when it was bad when it became good i just have a thig for ninjas so yeah
Voted: Dracolyte
hey, who dosent like dragons? well i guess no one can defy that, so theres nothing to argue about, lol... Dracolyte best looking class yet, ( Best when dracolyte uses ultimate and dancing, hilarious!)
Voted: Gunslinger
idk, to me personally i would just love to see what the creative minds of trove can come up with to capture the Gunslinger in Action through art. Which costume will they choose, which gun will he be holding? Its up in the air really. That is what excites me.
Voted: Neon Ninja
I'd love to see the decoys and light-effects from the class being used in Neon ninja fan-art. It always gives me goosebumps.
Voted: Dracolyte
I think a Dracolyte would be really cool because I am intered in some of the styles that i've seen people draw for lizard/reptillian creatures.

Voted: Neon Ninja
The neon ninja's a amazing warrior of the night, with high-tec shurikins, and a additude for juctice, i think the neon ninja should be drawn.

Voted: Boomeranger
I love to play as the Boomeranger with the winter costume so i would love to see art based on that :)
Voted: Neon Ninja
well first of all its my main which is really hard class since im new but its really fun and how you build him is so challenging that you have to play atleast 4-5 hrs a day :)
Voted: Dracolyte
Dracolyte is an amazing looking class that could have an interesting design depending on costume choice.

Voted: Dracolyte
I chose dracolyte cause it's one of my favourite classes in the game I would like to see how the artist made it (please make it with the dragon form)