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Imported in Patch: Candy Edition Tervezte: Trove Team

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Megalithic Update: Console Patch Notes

The Megalithic Update arrives June 27, and will bring Consoles in sync with PC/Mac features. This includes the Dino Tamer class, the Jurassic Jungle Biome and more. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?124570 ...

June 23, 2017 Patch

Trove Console Launch Patch - March 14, 2017

Greetings Trovians,With the launch patch coming on March 14th we wanted to get the patch notes out to everyone early so you can see what’s ahead for Trove. For Xbox One players you’ll notice the additional stability updates that w...

March 9, 2017 Patch

Trove Console Launch Patch Notes – 3/14/2017

Greetings Trovians. With the launch patch coming on March 14th we wanted to get the patch notes out to everyone early so you can see what’s ahead for Trove. As you can see, there are quite a few changes, with some of the biggest changes being to...

March 8, 2017 Blog

Patch Notes - Join the Party Part 2! - December 6, 2016

Join the Party Part 2 The Party continues! Shadow Pinata Invaders are again dropping from the sky, and now have a rare chance to drop Lively Launcher Wings. Tysorion the Steward of New Beginnings has arrived! Spend your coins in the Join the Party eve...

December 3, 2016 Patch

Developer Livestream Summary - August 21

Elestia has written this weeks livestream summary with some additional notes from Matthieux. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?54014-Trove-Stream-Summary-8-21-2015-Lunar-Lancer-Ancient-Dragon-Shadow-Tower-and-Q-amp-A ...

August 22, 2015 Livestream

Launch is Coming Update

Launch is coming: on July 9th, to be precise! With it comes the launch on Steam and the release of our latest class, the Tomb Raiser! But until then, we've got plenty to entertain you with! Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?24812-La...

July 7, 2015 Patch

PTS: Launch Update

The first patch on the PTS will be the launch update, although the PTS isn't accessible yet, the aim is to have it up today. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?24066-Launch-Update-PTS-Patch-Notes-6-30-15 ...

July 1, 2015 Patch