The best way to get experience and loot is to find Dungeons. These are all over, explore until you find something interesting and go inside!
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Lunar Lancer is a unique, DPS class that has a versatile kit to play around with. He is relatively squishy and lacks good stats. I will only teach you how to play him efficiently and how to maximize his damage output. Feel free to take my advice in a...
September 17, 2015 Lunar Lancer
Interested in knowing the exact amount of health of every enemy in the game? This Spreadhseet will tell you exactly that! With a short Story on how I went on making this Spreadsheet...
September 1, 2015 Spreadsheets
A simplistic yet stupdenous guide to the wonderful world of trove, and within it, the world of clubs....
August 18, 2015 Clubs
Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Jackson (or in Trove I'm known as NumbahJuan) and I'm a farely newer player to Trove. Today I have sweet and simple guide on ways to gain mastery very quickly on your account in the game that we al...
August 18, 2015 Mastery
Welcome to Trove Forging 101! This guide will give you an introduction of Trove's forging system. We will talk about: Item Rarity Forging Mechanics Class Builds&Tips Remember this guide is meant for newer players so we will include ve...
August 17, 2015 Gear
The winners way to millions [Not an actual book] My shpelling m!ght n0t b3 yOUR flav0r....
August 16, 2015 Gear
This guide teaches the main methods of mining, and the optimal strategies for mining!...
August 16, 2015 Mining
I will be showing you a detailed description of an experienced players rolls, and gear setup for late game high uber dungeons and arenas....
August 16, 2015 Gear
Effectively Using In-Game Chat (custom channels, joining/leaving channels) ...
August 16, 2015 Chat