Pinates the Purveyor
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Preview: nata Coins that can be traded in the Hub to Pinates the Purveyor for awesome rewards. P Show
Trove is heating up the summer with the Sunfest Daily Login Bonus Celebration! Just login to pick up Golden Ticket Chests for a chance at a huge mountain of mounts or a scorching hot stack of dragons!
The Golden Ticket Chests will show up in the Claims window each day you login starting on Wednesday, July 12th and ending on Monday, July 24th. These new chests may give an assortment of items but these top rewards are too hot to handle:
Hyper Pinata EX mount
- This is a pinata mount that sprouts Pinata Wings on your Trovian whenever you mount up. As if that wasn’t enough, this winged pinata also glides and can fire off a powerful breath attack just like a dragon!
Draconic Superiority Complex - This rare prize will unlock the following 15 dragons!
It’s Raining More Mounts – Unlocks almost every mount in Trove!
- Erel, The Ironbolt
- Yorinn, the Dusk Shadow
Erimatra, Scourge of the Everdark
- Selene, the Celestial Storm
Panatea, the Partifier
Ludini, Patron of Playfulness
Fortras, the Herald of Battle
- Albairn, Voice of Dawn
- Aurim, Keeper of Histories
- Dracocolatl, the Mellower
- Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents
- Drak-O-Lantern
- Inora, Flame of the Enlightenment
- Tysorion, Steward of new Beginnings
- Tannenbomber, the Harbinger of Tidings
- Too many mounts to list in one place but it’s a ludicrous amount of mounts
To help celebrate this epic summer block party, Sunfest brings back every daily bonus being active at once! Get double XP, increased harvesting, more ore, and that’s just the start. Two weeks of daily bonuses sounds too good to be true – but this is the truest truth to ever true!
On top of all of this epic free loot awesomeness, an invasion of ill-tempered Shadow Pinata brutes looking to prove that we can dish it out but can’t take it.
This invasion works a little differently from previous events – you’ll find pinata enemies already spread out across the land on your adventures, so finding them is easy-peasy. Pinata invaders will also fall from the sky to refill their ranks but you’ll find more just by exploring. Sunfest quests will reward you for defeating invaders and tossing your collected pinatas to share with the world.
As you defeat these pernicious pinatas you’ll earn Pinata Coins that can be traded in the Hub to Pinates the Purveyor for awesome rewards. Pick up a Pinatataur mount, a Dormant Worldspring Dragon Egg (that can be used to craft Tysorion, Steward of New Beginnings), or the Hyped-Up Pinata mount!
Enjoy some fun in the sun and earn an unfathomably awesome loot just for playing. Kick back, relax, and let the sun shine in. This is one long party and everyone is invited!
Preview: 1C.gif" border="0" alt="" /> Pinates the Purveyor is back in the Hub and Show
Join the Party is back on the PC version of Trove to rock your blocks off! Face off against the foul forces of shadow as powerful Pinata Invaders bring the pain.
Take down the Pinata Invaders to earn Pinata Coins, a Celebratory Pinata, or a shot at the Lively Launchers wings, the Celebratory Pin Head hat style, or the rare mount, Celebratory Pinata.
Toss these special pinatas with your friends and get 3 Pinata Coins for yourself and 1 each for seven Trovians partying hard with you.
Very rarely the Celebratory Pinatas may also drop the spectacular Hyped-Up Pinata mount. This powered up pinata is a very fast land mount that can also glide through the air with the greatest of ease.
Pinates the Purveyor is back in the Hub and selling the mounts from our previous Join the Party events as well as the brand new Hyped-Up Pinata mount!
If you haven’t completed the Join the Party quests in the earlier events they are back again.
Party down all day, erryday!
Preview: inata Coins by defeating invaders and visit Pinates the Purveyor in the Hub. He got gre Show
Join the Party is back with a new wave of celebrations! We’ve got a new wintry Hub, a new batch of Shadow Pinata invaders, and a brand new party animal – Tysorian, Steward of New Beginnings, the dragon that carries a cacophony of confetti wherever it travels.
Shadow Pinata invaders spent Turkeytopia getting stuffed. Now they’re well rested and back with a vengeance. Defeat them for a chance at Pinata Coins, Celebratory Pinatas, or the rare Celebratory Pinata mount.
Collect enough Pinata Coins by defeating invaders and visit Pinates the Purveyor in the Hub. He got great deals on his holiday shopping and is now loaded up with Dormant Worldspring Eggs that you can use to craft your very own legendary dragon, Tysorian, Steward of New Beginnings.
In addition to those fanciful party favors, they now have a chance to drop these gorgeous Lively Launcher wings!
Throw Celebratory Pinatas to complete the quest and earn rewards. While the quest can only be completed once, throwing Celebratory Pinatas is the gift that keeps on giving. Toss them near friends to share the loot! If you’re the one throwing the Pinata you’ll always receive loot, no matter how many other Trovians are celebrating nearby.
The cherry on top of this swirling sundae of scintillating celebrations are brand new Weekly Deals! Each week we’ll have a special, limited time deal available for Credits from the Trove Store. This week is the Dragon Weekly Deal:Greater Dragon Caches will also rarely drop a Golden Worldspring Dragon Egg which can be used to craft Tysorian, sold on the Marketplace, or given to a friend in the spirit of generosity.
- 15 Greater Dragon Caches
- 2 Diamond Dragonite Pouches
- A Golden Dragon Effigy that unlocks a legendary dragon that you don’t already have. Possible dragons granted from the Effigy include legendary dragons that come from eggs (not the Primordial dragons) and the refer a friend dragon, Disaeon the Immortal.
Party down all day, erryday!