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Imported in Patch: Anniversary Week Continues Designed by: Trove Team
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We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Eclipse Update....
August 22, 2017 Database Update
Les patch notes d'Eclipse introduisent le système d'amélioration et reroll de Gemmes, les Sous-Classes, le Foyer Shadow Tower, le Shadow Hydrakken, le Darknik Dreadnought, de nouveaux Dragons, l'Atlas Trovien, les améliorations de la ...
Las notas de parche de Eclipse presenta aumento de estadísticas de Gema y sistema de "reroll" , Subclases, vestíbulo de la Torre de Sombra, "Shadow Hydrakken" (boss de Torre de las Sombras), "Darknik Dreadnought" (boss de Torre de las Sombra...
Eclipse patch notes introduces Gem Stat Augment and Reroll System, Subclasses, Shadow Tower Foyer, Shadow Hydrakken, Darknik Dreadnought, New Dragons, Trovian Atlas updates to the Fae Trickster and more. This page was created automatically from http://fo...
August 18, 2017 Patch
El Trove Atlas es una de las nuevas herramientas que viene con Eclipse el 22 de agosto. ¡Es una manera nueva magnífica de viajar los muchos mundos con estilo!Mire más acerca de lo próximo en el Trove Atlas con esta vista previ...
August 13, 2017 ES
The Trove Atlas is one of the brand new tools coming with the Eclipse on August 22nd. It’s a gorgeous new way to travel the many worlds in style! Get a closer look at the upcoming at the Trove Atlas with this preview: Found in the Hub, this m...
August 10, 2017 Blog
The Trove livestream this week will show off the Trove Atlas coming to a Hub near you with the Eclipse on August 22. We’ll also talk about the Sun Goddess statue that is taking the place of the Portal Tower and the new location of the Radiant Merch...
August 7, 2017 Blog
You’ve heard all about the coming of a total solar eclipse, but that is only a small part of the story. Empowered by seething darkness, the forces of shadow will invade Trove on August 22, bringing about Trove’s very own Eclipse. New agents of destru...
July 24, 2017 Blog
PTS is planned to be up this long weekend, due to be shut down Wednesday morning. Test the new Trovian Atlas and Sub Classes....
June 30, 2017 Patch