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Imported in Patch: Delves Criado por: Trove Team

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Preview: ixed the visual for the Cursed Skulls when facing the Deep Waspider. The Octo-BUS Drone fis Show

Additional Updates
  • Tomb Raiser changes:
    • Skellitle base damage has been multipled by 3x
    • Basic attack base damage has been multiplied by 3.3x (to be at the level ghost form was at previously).
    • Ghost form attack damage has been multiplied by 1.5x.
    • Grave Goliath now slams much more often (~every other attack).
  • The mutator "Distance Shielding" will no longer apply to bosses in Delves.
  • Delve contest leaderboard rewards have been updated to include Pressure-Locked Delver's Caches instead of ally food.
  • Added a "queued" icon for Delves which appears under the XP bar.
  • Increased the amount of flat HP and Magic Find granted by Crystal 4 equipment.
  • Reduced the amount of forge fragments required to upgrade each rank of Crystal 4 equipment.
  • Fixed a bug with the amount of Cosmic Dust gained when deconstructing 4 star Crystal 4 equipment.
  • Fixed an issue that stopped flags from dropping within Delves.
  • The non-tradable versions of Ol' Wobbles and Ferdinand can now be deconstructed.
  • The Volatile Geode should once again be deconstructable (but now for 250 inert geodes).
  • Fixed the visual for the Cursed Skulls when facing the Deep Waspider.
  • The Octo-BUS Drone fish can now be found in the shadow tower lobby.

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Quote Originally Posted by Mobi View Post
Patch Notes:
  • Weekly Bonuses are once again active during events. They now additionally change on Mondays.
Hey Trovians,

This update for weekly bonuses is not active yet as we are still working on changes before it is ready. Sorry for the confusion, but we are still going through internal testing before it goes live. We'll announce once it is ready, hopefully soon (later this month)! Thanks for your understanding.

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Salut les Troviens,

J'espère que vous avez passé un bon moment avec le dernier événement Heckbugs in Love. Nous sommes heureux d'apporter de nouveaux changements dans, voici les notes de patch pour la mise à jour PC, Xbox One, PS4 qui sortira le 27 février 2020.

Patch Notes :
  • (PS4/Xbox One uniquement) Correction d'un crash qui pouvait se produire avec la commande de capture d'écran. Les Messoran qui sont tombés quand les insectes sont tombés amoureux peuvent maintenant être échangés et ne peuvent plus être collectés.
  • Les bonus hebdomadaires sont à nouveau actifs lors des événements.
  • Ils changent effectivement le lundi. Graines de trèfle et Étoiles porte-bonheur de St Cubrick ont vu leur nom ajouté à 2019 et disparaîtront peu après St Cubrick Utilisez-les ou perdez-les !
  • La Héliosource radieuse est désormais le lieu où l'on peut fabriquer des objets lors d'événements qui n'ont pas leur propre établi.
  • Les recettes qui étaient auparavant sur La Héliosource radieuse ne sont plus réalisables, car les matériaux nécessaires à leur fabrication ne sont plus en jeu.
    - Les Balles de confettis peuvent désormais être fabriquées au Héliosource radieuse.
    - La Roue des saisons est désormais le lieu où l'on fabrique des collections saisonnières.
  • La section éternelle de la roue des saisons a été supprimée car les objets qu'elle contenait ne peuvent plus être fabriqués.
  • Les nouveaux paquets à durée limitée disponibles pendant les événements ont un affichage actualisé sur l'écran d'accueil.
  • Avis de recherche d'ombre n'est plus fabricable ; l'Ombre de Bonnepioche a été retrouvée !

Trove is back online for all platforms, time to play!

Be there and be square!

All Platforms are coming offline now for a hotfix, downtime is expected to be about 4 hours.

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Hallo Trovianer,

Wir hoffen, dass ihr beim Event „Verliebte Heckbugs“ eine gute Zeit hattet!
Nun können wir euch mitteilen, dass wir eine weitere Überraschung für euch haben und ein neuer Patch in Trove für PC, Xbox One, PS4 am 27.. Februar 2020 erscheint!

Hier sind die Patchnotes:
  • PS4/Xbox One Konsole: Behebung des Absturz-Problems verursacht beim Command für Screenshots
  • Heckbug-Jäger, die beim Verlieben der Heckbugs fallen gelassen wurden, sind nun handelbar und können nun nicht mehr als Loot eingesammelt werden
  • Die wöchentlichen Boni sind während der Ereignisse wieder aktiv. Diese ändern sich zusätzlich auch an Montagen.
  • Sankt Kubick Kleesamen und Glückssterne haben zusätzlich das „2019“ in ihren Namen und werden kurz nach Sankt Kubick 2020 verschwinden. Benutzt sie oder verliert sie!
  • Die „Strahlende Morgentauquelle“ ist nun der Platz, an dem ihr Gegenstände herstellen könnt, die nicht ihre eigene Werkbank haben.
  • Die Rezepte, die es zuvor herstellbar in der „Strahlenden Morgentauquelle“ waren, können nicht mehr hergestellt werden, da die Materialien im Spiel nicht mehr verfügbar sind.
~ Konfettibälle können nun in der „Strahlenden Morgentauquelle“ hergestellt werden.
~ Das „Rad der Jahreszeiten“ ist nun der Platz, um saisonale Sammlungen herzustellen.
  • Der Eternal-Abschnitt des „Rad der Jahreszeiten“ wurde entfernt, da die darin gefundenen Gegenstände nicht mehr hergestellt werden können.
  • Neue, zeitlich begrenzte Pakete, sind während des Events aktiv sind, haben eine aktualisierte Anzeige im Begrüßungsbildschirm.
  • Das Suchplakat ist nicht mehr herstellbar bei; Würflis Schatten wurde gefunden!

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Hey Trovians,

Hope you had a hecking good time with the last Heckbugs in Love event. We're excited to bring some new changes in, here's the patch notes for the PC, Xbox One, PS4 update releasing on February 27, 2020.

Patch Notes:
  • (PS4/Xbox One console only) Fixed a crash that could occur with the screenshot command.
  • Skitterlings that dropped when heckbugs fell in love can now be traded and can no longer be loot collected.
  • Weekly Bonuses are once again active during events. They now additionally change on Mondays.
  • St. Qubeslick Clover Seeds and Lucky Stars have had 2019 appended to their names and will vanish shortly after St. Qubeslick 2020. Use ‘em or lose ‘em!
  • The Radiant Dayspring is now the place to craft items during events that do not have their own unique bench.
  • The recipes that were previously on the radiant dayspring are no longer craftable, as the materials required to craft them are no longer in game.
- Confetti Balls can now be crafted at the Radiant Dayspring.
- The Wheel of Seasons is now the place to craft seasonal collections.
  • The Eternal section of the Wheel of Seasons has been removed since the items found in it can no longer be crafted.
  • New limited time packs available during events have an updated display on the welcome screen.
  • The Missing Shadow Poster is no longer craftable; Diggsly’s Shadow has been found!

Preview: Show

Hey Trovians,

Hope you had a hecking good time with the last Heckbugs in Love event. We're excited to bring some new changes in, here's the patch notes for the PC, Xbox One, PS4 update releasing on February 27, 2020.

Patch Notes:
  • (PS4/Xbox One console only) Fixed a crash that could occur with the screenshot command.
  • Skitterlings that dropped when heckbugs fell in love can now be traded and can no longer be loot collected.
  • Weekly Bonuses are once again active during events. They now additionally change on Mondays.
  • St. Qubeslick Clover Seeds and Lucky Stars have had 2019 appended to their names and will vanish shortly after St. Qubeslick 2020. Use ‘em or lose ‘em!
  • The Radiant Dayspring is now the place to craft items during events that do not have their own unique bench.
  • The recipes that were previously on the radiant dayspring are no longer craftable, as the materials required to craft them are no longer in game.
- Confetti Balls can now be crafted at the Radiant Dayspring.
- The Wheel of Seasons is now the place to craft seasonal collections.
  • The Eternal section of the Wheel of Seasons has been removed since the items found in it can no longer be crafted.
  • New limited time packs available during events have an updated display on the welcome screen.
  • The Missing Shadow Poster is no longer craftable; Diggsly’s Shadow has been found!

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Hi everybody,

There's an incoming hotfix scheduled for Thursday, February 27th, starting at 8:00am PST / 16:00 UTC. Downtime for all platforms (PC, Xbox One, PS4) is expected to be about 4 hours.

Check out the Patch Notes here:

how do i update pts Bodhi / Trove Forums
Howdy Trovian! The Public Test Server (PTS) is a unique environment used to test new builds and changes planned for our games. Trove PTS was closed after the Into the Deep patch, and it will open again as soon as we have more builds or major updates to test. Stay tuned for more updates.

Xbox One is receiving this hotfix today!

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Here's the patch notes from the update on PC and PS4 today. Xbox One will receive this update at a future date.

Patch Notes:
  • Leviathans now create openable vaults instead of killable chests when defeated. These vaults require Leviathan Keys to open. Leviathan Keys can be crafted with Forge Fragments, Cosmic Gem Dust, and a little bit of Flux to glue them together.
  • The Shadow Tower Key Mold (found in Shadow Towers) has been renamed the All Purpose Key Mold. All craftable keys (including Leviathan Keys) can now be crafted at the All Purpose Key Mold.
  • An All Purpose Key Mold has been added to the coliseums in the Shores of the Everdark and the Leviathan lairs.
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing Thallasion to spawn in Shores of the Everdark.
  • Added light suggestion warning signs to Leviathan lairs.
  • Leviathan daily contests are back.
  • Fixed an issue with Adventure Heroes sometimes not being summon-able at Rally of Heroes slots. If a club was previously in this state, please try summoning a new Hero. The platform may also need to be interacted with twice to resolve the issue.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Chicken Chunk or Minimoonga from appearing in chaos chests.
  • Fox and Headless head lovers rejoice! If you own the Lunar Lancer class you can now switch to the fox head style for any class! If you own the Revenant class you can now switch to the headless style on any class! Fixed a bug that would previously allow the use of these heads by being quick. Also, may I recommend having a dance party over this? I can't stress this enough. A dance party.
  • The Invaders Killed metric now correctly increments for all nearby players instead of only the player who dealt the killing blow.
  • The Ice Sage subclass shield now successfully blocks 3 attacks for over 50% health while active (up from no attacks!)
  • Corrected the way the Knight’s shield and Ice Sage’s Ice Ward ability work to be more consistent in more situations.
  • In preparation for their return, the rare drop rates for the Romancin and Shamrockin Pinatas have been made more consistent (and overall better) for the person throwing the pinata.

Howdy Trovian! The Public Test Server (PTS) is a unique environment used to test new builds and changes planned for our games. Trove PTS was closed after the Into the Deep patch, and it will open again as soon as we have more builds or major updates to test. Stay tuned for more updates.