Adventurer's Crafting Bench
A crafting station useful for people who want to adventure.
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Preview: ontained Chaos Flares can be crafted at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench or found in Lus Show
Additional Updates
- Increased stats and power rank across the board for Crystal equipment.
- Crystal Weapons and Faces can drop with magic find in the 3rd stat slot.
- Added a new augment, the Contained Chaos Flare. This augment allows players to move one of the 5/10/15 stat boosts from one stat on a Gem to another stat at random. Note: Augments will NOT transfer with the moved boost. If the stat was already powered over the new maximum value without the boost, any additional value will be lost.
- Contained Chaos Flares can be crafted at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench or found in Lustrous Gem Boxes.
- Fixed a number of enemies in the Shadow Tower to drop loot, including starfire dragon fragments.
- Fixed an issue with the Dark Hearts in Radiant Ruins that was causing them to respawn immediately after activation.
- Fixed a crash that could occur with the Chloromancer subclass and Clam enemies in the Geode Topside Adventure Worlds.
Preview: Panda Mounts can now be crafted on the Adventurer's Crafting Bench using Panda Tal Show
Adventures WindowFrameworks
- The Adventures Window is a consolidated place to view all available Adventures (formerly known as the golden thread). Press the Menu button on XB1, the Options Button on PS4, or the “I” key on PC to access it.
- Choose what to show in the HUD: Club Adventures, Event Adventures, or Expertise Adventures. Even control whether to see the Star Bar or Tomes Bar.
- All new players who hit character level 8 will gain a new series of Expertise Adventures teaching them how to build, bomb, collect recipes, craft, place Frameworks, create Workbenches, and more. Older players will also receive these Adventures.
- The option to hide challenges and objectives has been moved out of settings and can now be found in the Adventures Window.
Forbidden Spires Biome
- Framework recipes have been added to the Workbench, Forbidden Workbench, Haunted Workbench, Candy Workbench, Store, and Mastery Rewards. These new recipes allow players to craft and place entire structures in their Club World.
- The Forbidden Workbench now has Advanced Frameworks. These recipes have a rare chance to drop from Forbidden Spires recipe dungeons.
- The Radiant Watchtower and Shadowy Watchtower can be found in the store, each of which grant one ready to place framework and unlock the recipe.
- Once placed, these Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into individual blocks and decorations.
- Blocks that overlap where a Framework are placed are dropped as loot.
Tethering [Public Evaluation]
- The Forbidden Spires, a peaceful and ancient place, has been discovered. This biome appears in low-level worlds, and is the featured biome in Uber-6.
- A new crafting material, Cinnabar, can be found in the Forbidden Spires biome.
- New Forbidden Spires decoration recipes have been added to the recipe dungeons in the biome.
- A new workbench, the Forbidden workbench, has been added to the Builder’s Crafting Bench. Craft one to craft Forbidden Spires decorations and frameworks.
- Monsters in the Forbidden Spires biome will rarely drop Fiery Feathers. Collect 100 along with other materials to craft Onbari, Empress of the Southern Skies on the Forbidden workbench.
- Panda Mounts can now be crafted on the Adventurer's Crafting Bench using Panda Talismans, which are rarely found in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
- The Spire Spirits Adventure Box – containing the Frolicksome Fox Spirit and Crimson-Crested Crane mounts – can now drop from any world.
- Tethers are a new way for players to group up and share XP and loot. Each tether gets an icon and name, and by default these appear in nameplates and in the upper left corner of the UI.
- To create a tether, just use the Tether hotkey and look at another player to automatically invite them to a tether. The same hotkey can be used to leave an existing tether or kick another player. (Only the tether’s leader can kick a member.)
- By default, the tethering hotkey is Ctrl-E on PC. On Xbox and PS4, tethering actions can be performed by holding down the button used to switch between adventure and build mode.
- XP and loot from killing NPCs is now distributed only to individual players and members of a tether that have dealt damage to that NPC.
- Players who move 500 blocks away from the tether’s leader will automatically be kicked after 30 seconds.
- Options for Tethering can be found under Settings > Social. Tethers can be automatically rejected from all sources, automatically accepted from friends and club members, automatically accepted from anyone, or set to always manually accept or decline. The display of Tethering icons can be set to show only the player’s icon on the nameplate, everyone’s icons, or no one’s icons.
- We're aware that there may be concerns about how loot (and not experience) is distributed as a result of two different tethers competing over a lair/dungeon boss chest. In some cases, the first tether was able to disarm the chest and collect loot before any members from the secondary tether could damage the chest. Tethering is still in the "Public Evaluation" phase at the release of the Adventures expansion so it's highly likely this will change, or tethering will be removed, as a result of live feedback on this topic.
- Mastery rewards have been extended past Mastery Rank 300.
- The mastery tab in the character sheet has been adjusted to make it easier to find relevant information. Mastery is now displayed in chunks of 50 or 100 – complete 1 chunk to unlock the next!
- Early mastery rewards have been reworked to more clearly call out when Marketplace, Trading Post, and forum posting privileges are unlocked.
- New mastery rewards have been added at 220 (5 Radiant Sovereigns) and 270 (the Eclipse Key Codex), filling existing gaps. Any player who would have earned these will receive them upon first login.
- New mastery rewards at 100 (the Dragon Horde Deposition Tome), 250 (a Golden Dragon Effigy), and 260 (Goldwing Falkanzer Cub Ally) replace Chaos Coins or Golden Chaos Chests at these levels. Any player above these Mastery levels will receive the new rewards upon first login.
- The Mastery Points required to achieve Mastery Rank 0-300 is unchanged. Above 300, players will need half the targeted Mastery Rank in Mastery Points to Progress. For example, 150 Mastery Points are needed to achieve Mastery Rank 301. 300 Mastery Points are required to achieve Mastery Rank 600.
- Players with enough Mastery Points will jump from 300 to the appropriate Mastery Rank and receive all the benefits immediately.
- There’s no longer an extra chaos factor granted for being at Mastery cap.
- The bonus damage from each Mastery level has been reduced from .2% down to .15%
- New rewards include:
- Dragon Horde Deposition – a new tome which grants 15 dragon coins and 1 Trove of Wonders once a week
- Eclipse Key Codex – a new tome which grants 5 Eclipse Keys once a week
- Several framework recipes, which together can be used to build golden castle walls
- New tomes that grant gem dust once a week
- New mounts, allies, fishing rods, boats, auras, and more!
Trophies, Badges, and Achievements
- The leaderboards now have an entry for the highest PR clubs under Power Rank. Club PR is calculated by adding the club’s 50 highest members’ total Power Ranks.
- New leaderboards have been added for Flawless runs of every Ultra Shadow Tower boss. To achieve a flawless run, all players must live throughout the boss fight. These leaderboards count flawless victories in a week – lead teams to glory and earn Light Chaos Vaults!
- A new leaderboard has been added for Weekly World Boss defeats. This tracks defeats of T-Rexes in Jurassic Jungle along with Flakbeard, Thallasion, and Dracocolatl defeats. The top 300 players on this leaderboard each week will each earn 10 Party Animal Pinatas.
- A new leaderboard has been added for Weekly Club Experience earned. Earn Experience for a Club by completing Adventures, found in that Club’s Club World. The Top 1000 Club Experience earners each week will be rewarded with a Golden Chaos Chest!
- A new leaderboard has been added that tracks Weekly Dungeon Clears. Rank in the top 30,000 Dungeon Clearers to earn an Empowered Gem Box!
- The Mastery leaderboard has been redesigned, following changes to the Mastery system. This leaderboard now grants a unique name tint to the top 2000 players for Mastery rating each week. Rewards which used to be available from placing on the Mastery leaderboard are now instead available through the above new leaderboards.
- Weekly contests for Defeating Enemies and Opening Boxes now occur more frequently.
- The following leaderboards have been removed from the game: Total Blocks Placed, Total Blocks Destroyed, Total Fish Caught, Total Heart-A-Phone Hearts Received, and Total Hearts Sent.
- New Badges for the Eclipse Update have been added! Defeat the Shadow Tower bosses, select various sub-classes, and upgrade gems to complete these new Badges!
- These badges can be found under the Collections menu, but are also achievements for Xbox and Trophies for PS4.
- (PC only) Steam achievements have now been added to Trove.
Luxion of the Golden Hoard
- New additions to the Store:
- The Infinium Chef Pack is available! Contains 5 tasty mounts, the Delicacy Dealer costume (Knight), 2 nifty styles, the SS Tekka boat with matching sail, and the Infinium Chef ally himself.
- The Super Starter Pack is available, and the old Starter Pack is retired. This 8x value is a great start for new players, contains the new Chaotic Pinata Mount, and is available to all (new and old!) players for the first week.
- The Radiant Watchtower and Shadowy Watchtower are now available in the Style tab. Make a Cornerstone auto-impressive with this ready-to-place Framework or use the included recipe to cover a Club World in Watchtowers.
- The Land Scaper 8000-T has been added for any bulldozing needs. Throw on the (not included) Blastcap Builder costume, get out the Land Scaper 8000-T, and get ready to knock it all down.
- The G.R.Y.P.H. 3000 is now available, and has moved from the Events section in Collections to the Store section.
- Wings of the Phoenix for individual purchase (previously this was part of the Essentials Pack)
- A six-pack of Ninth Lives for all those gem leveling needs
- Many mounts, wings, magriders, and costumes are now cheaper on the Store!
- The Essentials Pack will be retiring from the store at the end of November! The Wings of the Phoenix will be available for direct purchase. (The other items will be available again in some other fashion.)
- The price of patron has been reduced across the board.
- Patrons now additionally earn 33% extra Adventurine.
- The Deals tab of the Store has been reordered to better display all the free products first.
- Two new allies (the Winking Tentabox and the Chaotic Mimic) have been added permanently to the Chaos Chest. Both deconstruct to Chaos Cores.
- Chaos Coins no longer drop from Chaos Chests.
- Patron Points have been renamed to Loyalty, but their functionality remains the same.
- Radiant Sovereigns no longer drop from Boons.
- The Radiant Sovereigns cost of a Golden Chaos Chest in the Radiant Merchant in the Hub has increased from 3 to 4.
- Wings sold in the Store are now found under the Store heading for Wings rather than under Rare.
- Koroki, the Sower of Chaos, and the Contorting Contemplator are now found under the Chaotic heading in collections for Mounts and Pets respectively.
- (PS4 and Xbox only) 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month Patron is now available.
- (PS4 and Xbox only) Disaeon is back for console players! Earn a free dragon with the purchase of any pack as an extra thank you. (Note: PC players can earn Disaeon through the Refer-A-Friend program.)
- Luxion of the Golden Hoard has been spotted heading towards the hub.
- Twice a month he will land and vend his artifacts and curios for a limited time in exchange for Dragon Coins. He will have some new items, some highly-sought items, and some timely goodies. Don't miss him - he will touch down on December 15th for the first time! Look for him in the Hub beside the Dragon Crucible.
- Chaos Chests will still contain exciting new items, as well as the backlog of previous chaotic items, and very rare “permanent rares”. But they will no longer contain items that had been given out in Events or are otherwise no longer available. Instead, Luxion of the Golden Hoard will occasionally vend such items.
Knight Updates
- 3 new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
- Bubble Dragon Egg Fragments for Sarsaponia, the Pristine can be found fishing in water
- Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragments for Blocktron, the Guardian Beyond the Sky, can be found at the Market Fixture in Club Worlds
- Starfire Dragon Egg Fragments for Almakhestia, Host of Starfire, can be found defeating elites in the Shadow Tower
Radiant and Stellar Rings
- The basic melee attack for the Knight can now hit NPCs one block above or below
- The Basic Attack for the Knight now does 117% more damage
- Retribution now causes the Knight's basic attack to reduce target outgoing damage by up to 5%. Additional attacks refresh stacks of the debuff.
- Smash energy cost has been reduced by 50%
- Smash no longer has a knockback
- Smash no longer has a stun effect
- Smash now has a 3s taunt effect similar to the Empowered Revenant Gem, "Aegis Assault"
- Charge now does 22% more damage
- Charge now does damage when passing enemies
- Charge now applies a taunt to all NPCs effected by the ability
- Charge now applies a 1s stun to all targets that take damage
- Iron Will energy cost has been reduced by 50%
- Iron Will now reduces 50% of all incoming damage to the Knight (versus 75% previously)
- Iron Will now reduces 10% of all incoming damage for 7 players within 8 blocks of the Knight
- Iron Will now redirects 10% of all incoming damage to the Knight for up to 7 players within 8 blocks
- Spirit Squire Class Gem Changes:
- Cooldown time has been removed
- No longer slows down the Knight when used, allowing for greater freedom of movement
- Energy cost has been reduced
Plasma Fishing
- Recipes for Radiant and Stellar rings have been added to the Ringcrafting Bench. 250 skill is required to craft these items. If you like a class, you should put a ring on it.
- New Ringcrafting Recipes:
- Celestial Diamond – 10 Meteorite Fragments, 25 Crystallized Cloud, Golden Soul, and 1000 Flux
- Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Spiral Boxes – 2 Shadow Diamonds, 2 Penta-forged Shadow Souls, and 25 Infinium Ore. Open Spiral Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Shadow Ring with a small chance for a Level 1-2 Radiant Ring.
- Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Seal Boxes – 2 Celestial Diamonds, 2 Forged Radiant Souls, and 25 Formicite Ore. Open Seal Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Radiant Ring with a small chance for a Level 1-2 Stellar Ring.
- Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Solitaire Boxes – 2 Celestial Diamonds, 2 Forged Stellar Souls, and 25 Cinnabar. Open Solitaire Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Stellar ring.
- Radiant Rings now loot collect into 1 Celestial Diamond and Flux.
- Stellar Rings now loot collect into 2 Celestial Diamonds and Flux.
- Rings can no longer be erroneously added to the forge.
Early Game Changes
- Plasma Fishing has been added to Trove! Craft the new N-0 Depth Scoper fishing pole on the Nautical Assembler workbench in the Hub, grab some lures, and hit the nearest plasma pool.
- Many of these fish can only be caught under special circumstances – crafty and patient anglers will be rewarded with the rarest catches.
- All plasma fish can be caught at trophy weights – better have a gold catch to back up your fish story!
- Fish are now unlocked by default in the Loot Collector.
LED Blocks
- There is now a new tutorial – learn all the basics of Trove! Experienced players can check it out using /tutorial.
- New players can now choose between the Candy Barbarian, Boomeranger, Tomb Raiser, Gunslinger, and Knight classes. Detailed number-crunching shows that new players enjoy these classes the most. The Free Starter Class Coin now reflects these starting classes.
- The Lunar Lancer, Dracolyte, Boomeranger, and Pirate Captain are now in the ‘Basic Classes” section of the Chaos Crafter, but their crafting costs are unchanged. The Class Coin and Store remain unchanged.
Music Note Blocks
- A new type of block has been added - LED blocks. Don’t blink or you’ll miss them!
- These blocks are available in 15 different colors and have 3 different behaviors. Every block should switch transition when it's looked at and the loot hotkey is used - i.e. if it's a Short Interval block and it's on On/Off, interaction will switch it to Off/On.
- Persistent LED blocks stay in 1 Y9QW state – persisting On or Off.
- Short Interval LED blocks transition between On and Off every 1 second.
- Long Interval LED blocks transition between On and Off every 3 seconds.
- LED Block Recipes have a rare chance to drop from Recipe Lairs in all Biomes or can be purchased from the Club Merchants for Adventurine.
- LED blocks can be crafted on the Cube Converter.
New Dungeons
- Extended the range of music note blocks by adding an octave at the upper and lower ends. They now span C2-C7# instead of G3-C6.
- If an instrument block is equipped on the hotbar, interacting with a note block on the hotbar now uses that instrument instead of the piano sound.
- When placing a music block below an instrument block, it now uses that instrument instead of the piano sound.
- Added 7 new instruments to the instrument block: Clarinet, Female Vocal, Sine Wave, Saw Wave, Tubular Bell, Split Chip Bass, and Split Chip Bass 2.
Additional Updates
- New Shadow Tower dungeon from Frokly!
- New Frontier Lair from Tobstarrix!
- New Frontier Lair from Frokly!
- New Frontier Lair from Xegor!
- New Radiant Lair from blahblahbal!
- New Highlands Dungeon from Evilagician!
- New Treasure Isles Dungeon from Pennry!
- Completing the Star bar now grants 500 Flux in addition to 500 Cubits, or 1500 of each when in Patron status!
- Flux Treasures now have a chance to drop from boss chests that appear after completing a dungeon or lair (not including chests in the shadow tower). They stack, are untradable, and can be deconstructed into flux at a loot collector.
- Dracolyte's passive now also causes their target to take 2.5% increased damage for 5 seconds after receiving any damage from the Dracolyte.
- The Dracolyte's Class Gem now has an increased chance to spawn a minion from Burnt Offerings, and those minions' lifetime has been increased from 20 seconds up to 25 seconds.
- The PVP Portal in the Hub now leads to 5v5 Team Death Match instead of Capture the Flag.
- Stellar Weapons, Hats, and Face equipment can now be loot collected resulting in a Forged Stellar Soul and some flux.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using /joinme while changing worlds.
- There is now a short required internal cooldown for emblem equips which is not affected by cooldown reduction.
- Fixed an issue where the Gunslinger's subclass passive wasn't removed correctly.
- Subclasses that do damage should no longer trigger effects that trigger when doing damage to enemies.
- The stats on the Clownish Kicker dev ally have been nerfed. Sorry, Morticus!
- Attempting to claim an item without inventory space will now display an appropriate error message.
- Fishing under the influence of Lunacy will no longer leave the player in a bad state.
- Lunar Lancer's spear now orients correctly when activating Blessing of the Moon while transformed by Lunacy.
- Five new Stellar Auras have been added to the Prism of Light! The Supermagical Surge, Bubbling Biofield, Dance of the Firefly, Tough Love, and Neon Nemesis auras are now available.
- Added new costumes to the Chaos Crafting Workbench! There are new costumes for the Boomeranger, Chloromancer, Dinotamer, Gunslinger, Lunar Lancer, Pirate Captain, Shadow Hunter, Revenant and Tomb Raiser!
- Fixed an issue where the Shadow Tower UI would not display the correct cost when switching difficulties.
- There’s a new option in Settings to enable or disable visibility of the player’s own name and power rank.
- Minigames now display a timer before they start rather than a “Waiting for Players” message.
- Fixed a gem level-up animation bug that could make the maximum HP stat appear to increase more than it actually was.
- Fixed an issue where the socket gem prompt could display twice and cause the new gem to be deleted.
- Attempting to equip a second Volatile Velocity empowered gem will now give the appropriate error message.
- Added /waddtarget to the metaforge. This adds the targeted block to the build inventory.
- The UI to unlock a class will now correctly say “Unlock” rather than “Buy” on the button.
- The “Go Shopping” Golden Thread now specifies that any Store purchase - including credits, cubits, or free items - will satisfy the requirements.
- Fixed an issue with the "Add to your Collection?" popup where the "LEARN" button could be pushed off the bottom of the screen, preventing players from using certain large collection granting items. Which is pretty much the saddest thing ever.
- Gunslinger Costumes with custom VFX for the M2 ability now use that VFX even if the Gunslinger Class Gem is equipped.
- The Skysunder Sniper costume for the Shadow Hunter has found the missing part of its leg. (Silly Skysunder Sniper, missing legs are for Pirate Captains!)
- Revenant’s Spirit Storm VFX should no longer be left behind or obscure the player when descending stairs.
- Using a class coin now swaps to the newly unlocked class.
- Purchasing a class in the store will now swap to the newly unlocked class.
- The description for non-tradable Class Coins now reflects their actual decon value of 3 Double Experience Potions.
- Added 3 more speed settings for magrails.
- The Sky-High Pancake Stack ally now has stats.
- The Frontier Workbench now has unique visuals instead of masquerading as an Adventuring Workbench.
- Fixed Razer Chroma bug where locked ability keys appeared green instead of red.
- The skull for the Shadow Hunter’s Shadowmark is now visible when wearing the Skysunder Sniper costume.
- Repositioned the left wheel VFX of the Blacklight Neon Cycle to align properly with the bike.
- Fixed an issue where the subclass ability icon in the character sheet would not reset.
- All heal VFX have been made visually consistent. Heal VFX are now pink with small hearts, regardless of how the heal is applied, or of the class or skin of the player.
- The Shadow Hunter Anarchy Archer costume now has green and purple VFX.
Preview: Panda Mounts can now be crafted on the Adventurer's Crafting Bench using Panda Tal Show
Adventures WindowFrameworks
- The Adventures Window is a consolidated place to view all available Adventures (formerly known as the golden thread). Press the Menu button on XB1, the Options Button on PS4, or the “I” key on PC to access it.
- Choose what to show in the HUD: Club Adventures, Event Adventures, or Expertise Adventures. Even control whether to see the Star Bar or Tomes Bar.
- All new players who hit character level 8 will gain a new series of Expertise Adventures teaching them how to build, bomb, collect recipes, craft, place Frameworks, create Workbenches, and more. Older players will also receive these Adventures.
- The option to hide challenges and objectives has been moved out of settings and can now be found in the Adventures Window.
Tethering [Public Evaluation]
- Framework recipes have been added to the Workbench, Forbidden Workbench, Haunted Workbench, Candy Workbench, Store, and Mastery Rewards. These new recipes allow players to craft and place entire structures in their Club World.
- The Forbidden Workbench now has Advanced Frameworks. These recipes have a rare chance to drop from Forbidden Spires recipe dungeons.
- The Radiant Watchtower and Shadowy Watchtower can be found in the store, each of which grant one ready to place framework and unlock the recipe.
- Once placed, these Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into individual blocks and decorations.
- Blocks that overlap where a Framework are placed are dropped as loot.
Forbidden Spires Biome- The Forbidden Spires, a peaceful and ancient place, has been discovered. This biome appears in low-level worlds, and is the featured biome in Uber-6.
- A new crafting material, Cinnabar, can be found in the Forbidden Spires biome.
- New Forbidden Spires decoration recipes have been added to the recipe dungeons in the biome.
- A new workbench, the Forbidden workbench, has been added to the Builder’s Crafting Bench. Craft one to craft Forbidden Spires decorations and frameworks.
- Monsters in the Forbidden Spires biome will rarely drop Fiery Feathers. Collect 100 along with other materials to craft Onbari, Empress of the Southern Skies on the Forbidden workbench.
- Panda Mounts can now be crafted on the Adventurer's Crafting Bench using Panda Talismans, which are rarely found in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
- The Spire Spirits Adventure Box – containing the Frolicksome Fox Spirit and Crimson-Crested Crane mounts – can now drop from any world.
- Tethers are a new way for players to group up and share XP and loot. Each tether gets an icon and name, and by default these appear in nameplates and in the upper left corner of the UI.
- To create a tether, just use the Tether hotkey and look at another player to automatically invite them to a tether. The same hotkey can be used to leave an existing tether or kick another player. (Only the tether’s leader can kick a member.)
- By default, the tethering hotkey is Ctrl-E on PC. On Xbox and PS4, tethering actions can be performed by holding down the button used to switch between adventure and build mode.
- XP and loot from killing NPCs is now distributed only to individual players and members of a tether that have dealt damage to that NPC.
- Players who move 500 blocks away from the tether’s leader will automatically be kicked after 30 seconds.
- Options for Tethering can be found under Settings > Social. Tethers can be automatically rejected from all sources, automatically accepted from friends and club members, automatically accepted from anyone, or set to always manually accept or decline. The display of Tethering icons can be set to show only the player’s icon on the nameplate, everyone’s icons, or no one’s icons.
- Mastery rewards have been extended past Mastery Rank 300.
- The mastery tab in the character sheet has been adjusted to make it easier to find relevant information. Mastery is now displayed in chunks of 50 or 100 – complete 1 chunk to unlock the next!
- Early mastery rewards have been reworked to more clearly call out when Marketplace, Trading Post, and forum posting privileges are unlocked.
- New mastery rewards have been added at 220 (5 Radiant Sovereigns) and 270 (the Eclipse Key Codex), filling existing gaps. Any player who would have earned these will receive them upon first login.
- New mastery rewards at 100 (the Dragon Horde Deposition Tome), 250 (a Golden Dragon Effigy), and 260 (Goldwing Falkanzer Cub Ally) replace Chaos Coins or Golden Chaos Chests at these levels. Any player above these Mastery levels will receive the new rewards upon first login.
- The Mastery Points required to achieve Mastery Rank 0-300 is unchanged. Above 300, players will need half the targeted Mastery Rank in Mastery Points to Progress. For example, 150 Mastery Points are needed to achieve Mastery Rank 301. 300 Mastery Points are required to achieve Mastery Rank 600.
- Players with enough Mastery Points will jump from 300 to the appropriate Mastery Rank and receive all the benefits immediately.
- There’s no longer an extra chaos factor granted for being at Mastery cap.
- The bonus damage from each Mastery level has been reduced from .2% down to .15%
- New rewards include:
- Dragon Horde Deposition – a new tome which grants 15 dragon coins and 1 Trove of Wonders once a week
- Eclipse Key Codex – a new tome which grants 5 Eclipse Keys once a week
- Several framework recipes, which together can be used to build golden castle walls
- New tomes that grant gem dust once a week
- New mounts, allies, fishing rods, boats, auras, and more!
Trophies, Badges, and Achievements
- The leaderboards now have an entry for the highest PR clubs under Power Rank. Club PR is calculated by adding the club’s 50 highest members’ total Power Ranks. Club Presidents of Clubs in the Top 200 Clubs will unlock a unique name tint.
- New leaderboards have been added for Flawless runs of every Ultra Shadow Tower boss. To achieve a flawless run, all players must live throughout the boss fight. These leaderboards count flawless victories in a week – lead teams to glory and earn Light Chaos Vaults!
- A new leaderboard has been added for Weekly World Boss defeats. This tracks defeats of T-Rexes in Jurassic Jungle along with Flakbeard, Thallasion, and Dracocolatl defeats. The top 300 players on this leaderboard each week will each earn 10 Party Animal Pinatas.
- A new leaderboard has been added for Weekly Club Experience earned. Earn Experience for a Club by completing Adventures, found in that Club’s Club World. The Top 1000 Club Experience earners each week will be rewarded with a Golden Chaos Chest!
- A new leaderboard has been added that tracks Weekly Dungeon Clears. Rank in the top 30,000 Dungeon Clearers to earn an Empowered Gem Box!
- The Mastery leaderboard has been redesigned, following changes to the Mastery system. This leaderboard now grants a unique name tint to the top 2000 players for Mastery rating each week. Rewards which used to be available from placing on the Mastery leaderboard are now instead available through the above new leaderboards.
- Weekly contests for Defeating Enemies and Opening Boxes now occur more frequently.
- The following leaderboards have been removed from the game: Total Blocks Placed, Total Blocks Destroyed, Total Fish Caught, Total Heart-A-Phone Hearts Received, and Total Hearts Sent.
- New Badges for the Eclipse Update have been added! Defeat the Shadow Tower bosses, select various sub-classes, and upgrade gems to complete these new Badges!
- These badges can be found under the Collections menu, but are also achievements for Xbox and Trophies for PS4.
- (PC only) Steam achievements have now been added to Trove.
Luxion of the Golden Hoard
- New additions to the Store:
- The Infinium Chef Pack is available! Contains 5 tasty mounts, the Delicacy Dealer costume (Knight), 2 nifty styles, the SS Tekka boat with matching sail, and the Infinium Chef ally himself.
- The Super Starter Pack is available, and the old Starter Pack is retired. This 8x value is a great start for new players, contains the new Chaotic Pinata Mount, and is available to all (new and old!) players for the first week.
- The Radiant Watchtower and Shadowy Watchtower are now available in the Style tab. Make a Cornerstone auto-impressive with this ready-to-place Framework or use the included recipe to cover a Club World in Watchtowers.
- The Land Scaper 8000-T has been added for any bulldozing needs. Throw on the (not included) Blastcap Builder costume, get out the Land Scaper 8000-T, and get ready to knock it all down.
- The G.R.Y.P.H. 3000 is now available, and has moved from the Events section in Collections to the Store section.
- Wings of the Phoenix for individual purchase (previously this was part of the Essentials Pack)
- A six-pack of Ninth Lives for all those gem leveling needs
- Many mounts, wings, magriders, and costumes are now cheaper on the Store!
- The Essentials Pack has been retired from the store! The Wings of the Phoenix are available for direct purchase. (The other items will be available again in some other fashion.)
- The price of patron has been reduced across the board. Please keep this price adjustment in mind if you plan to purchase a multi-month patron product in the next P7FF month.
- Patrons now additionally earn 33% extra Adventurine.
- The Deals tab of the Store has been reordered to better display all the free products first.
- Two new allies (the Winking Tentabox and the Chaotic Mimic) have been added permanently to the Chaos Chest. Both deconstruct to Chaos Cores.
- Chaos Coins no longer drop from Chaos Chests.
- Patron Points have been renamed to Loyalty, but their functionality remains the same.
- Radiant Sovereigns no longer drop from Boons.
- The Radiant Sovereigns cost of a Golden Chaos Chest in the Radiant Merchant in the Hub has increased from 3 to 4.
- Wings sold in the Store are now found under the Store heading for Wings rather than under Rare.
- Koroki, the Sower of Chaos, and the Contorting Contemplator are now found under the Chaotic heading in collections for Mounts and Pets respectively.
- (PS4 and Xbox only) 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month Patron is now available.
- (PS4 and Xbox only) Disaeon is back for console players! Earn a free dragon with the purchase of any pack as an extra thank you. (Note: PC players can earn Disaeon through the Refer-A-Friend program.)
- Luxion of the Golden Hoard has been spotted heading towards the hub.
- Twice a month he will land and vend his artifacts and curios for a limited time in exchange for Dragon Coins. He will have some new items, some highly-sought items, and some timely goodies. Don't miss him - he will touch down on December 15th for the first time! Look for him in the Hub beside the Dragon Crucible.
- Chaos Chests will still contain exciting new items, as well as the backlog of previous chaotic items, and very rare “permanent rares”. But they will no longer contain items that had been given out in Events or are otherwise no longer available. Instead, Luxion of the Golden Hoard will occasionally vend such items.
Knight Updates
- 3 new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
- Bubble Dragon Egg Fragments for Sarsaponia, the Pristine can be found fishing in water
- Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragments for Blocktron, the Guardian Beyond the Sky, can be found at the Market Fixture in Club Worlds
- Starfire Dragon Egg Fragments for Almakhestia, Host of Starfire, can be found defeating elites in the Shadow Tower
Radiant and Stellar Rings
- The basic melee attack for the Knight can now hit NPCs one block above or below
- The Basic Attack for the Knight now does 117% more damage
- Retribution now causes the Knight's basic attack to reduce target outgoing damage by up to 5%. Additional attacks refresh stacks of the debuff.
- Smash energy cost has been reduced by 50%
- Smash no longer has a knockback
- Smash no longer has a stun effect
- Smash now has a 3s taunt effect similar to the Empowered Revenant Gem, "Aegis Assault"
- Charge now does 22% more damage
- Charge now does damage when passing enemies
- Charge now applies a taunt to all NPCs effected by the ability
- Charge now applies a 1s stun to all targets that take damage
- Iron Will energy cost has been reduced by 50%
- Iron Will now reduces 50% of all incoming damage to the Knight (versus 75% previously)
- Iron Will now reduces 10% of all incoming damage for 7 players within 8 blocks of the Knight
- Iron Will now redirects 10% of all incoming damage to the Knight for up to 7 players within 8 blocks
- Spirit Squire Class Gem Changes:
- Cooldown time has been removed
- No longer slows down the Knight when used, allowing for greater freedom of movement
- Energy cost has been reduced
Plasma Fishing
- Recipes for Radiant and Stellar rings have been added to the Ringcrafting Bench. 250 skill is required to craft these items. If you like a class, you should put a ring on it.
- New Ringcrafting Recipes:
- Celestial Diamond – 10 Meteorite Fragments, 25 Crystallized Cloud, Golden Soul, and 1000 Flux
- Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Spiral Boxes – 2 Shadow Diamonds, 2 Penta-forged Shadow Souls, and 25 Infinium Ore. Open Spiral Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Shadow Ring with a small chance for a Level 1-2 Radiant Ring.
- Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Seal Boxes – 2 Celestial Diamonds, 2 Forged Radiant Souls, and 25 Formicite Ore. Open Seal Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Radiant Ring with a small chance for a Level 1-2 Stellar Ring.
- Vitality, Power, Wisdom, and Delving Solitaire Boxes – 2 Celestial Diamonds, 2 Forged Stellar Souls, and 25 Cinnabar. Open Solitaire Boxes to reveal a random Level 1-5 Stellar ring.
- Radiant Rings now loot collect into 1 Celestial Diamond and Flux.
- Stellar Rings now loot collect into 2 Celestial Diamonds and Flux.
Early Game Changes
- Plasma Fishing has been added to Trove! Craft the new N-0 Depth Scoper fishing pole on the Nautical Assembler workbench in the Hub, grab some lures, and hit the nearest plasma pool.
- Many of these fish can only be caught under special circumstances – crafty and patient anglers will be rewarded with the rarest catches.
- All plasma fish can be caught at trophy weights – better have a gold catch to back up your fish story!
- Fish are now unlocked by default in the Loot Collector.
LED Blocks
- There is now a new tutorial – learn all the basics of Trove! Experienced players can check it out using /tutorial.
- New players can now choose between the Candy Barbarian, Boomeranger, Tomb Raiser, Gunslinger, and Knight classes. Detailed number-crunching shows that new players enjoy these classes the most. The Free Starter Class Coin now reflects these starting classes.
- The Lunar Lancer, Dracolyte, Boomeranger, and Pirate Captain are now in the ‘Basic Classes” section of the Chaos Crafter, but their crafting costs are unchanged. The Class Coin and Store remain unchanged.
Music Note Blocks
- A new type of block has been added - LED blocks. Don’t blink or you’ll miss them!
- These blocks are available in 15 different colors and have 3 different behaviors. Every block should switch transition when it's looked at and the loot hotkey is used - i.e. if it's a Short Interval block and it's on On/Off, interaction will switch it to Off/On.
- Persistent LED blocks stay in 1 Y9QW state – persisting On or Off.
- Short Interval LED blocks transition between On and Off every 1 second.
- Long Interval LED blocks transition between On and Off every 3 seconds.
- LED Block Recipes have a rare chance to drop from Recipe Lairs in all Biomes or can be purchased from the Club Merchants for Adventurine.
- LED blocks can be crafted on the Cube Converter.
New Dungeons
- Extended the range of music note blocks by adding an octave at the upper and lower ends. They now span C2-C7# instead of G3-C6.
- If an instrument block is equipped on the hotbar, interacting with a note block on the hotbar now uses that instrument instead of the piano sound.
- When placing a music block below an instrument block, it now uses that instrument instead of the piano sound.
- Added 7 new instruments to the instrument block: Clarinet, Female Vocal, Sine Wave, Saw Wave, Tubular Bell, Split Chip Bass, and Split Chip Bass 2.
Additional Updates
- New Shadow Tower dungeon from Frokly!
- New Frontier Lair from Tobstarrix!
- New Frontier Lair from Frokly!
- New Frontier Lair from Xegor!
- New Radiant Lair from blahblahbal!
- New Highlands Dungeon from Evilagician!
- New Treasure Isles Dungeon from Pennry!
- Completing the Star bar now grants 500 Flux in addition to 500 Cubits, or 1500 of each when in Patron status!
- Flux Treasures now have a chance to drop from boss chests that appear after completing a dungeon or lair (not including chests in the shadow tower). They stack, are untradable, and can be deconstructed into flux at a loot collector.
- Dracolyte's passive now also causes their target to take 2.5% increased damage for 5 seconds after receiving any damage from the Dracolyte.
- The Dracolyte's Class Gem now has an increased chance to spawn a minion from Burnt Offerings, and those minions' lifetime has been increased from 20 seconds up to 25 seconds.
- The PVP Portal in the Hub now leads to 5v5 Team Death Match instead of Capture the Flag.
- Stellar Weapons, Hats, and Face equipment can now be loot collected resulting in a Forged Stellar Soul and some flux.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using /joinme while changing worlds.
- There is now a short required internal cooldown for emblem equips which is not affected by cooldown reduction.
- Fixed an issue where the Gunslinger's subclass passive wasn't removed correctly.
- Subclasses that do damage should no longer trigger effects that trigger when doing damage to enemies.
- Attempting to claim an item without inventory space will now display an appropriate error message.
- Fishing under the influence of Lunacy will no longer leave the player in a bad state.
- Lunar Lancer's spear now orients correctly when activating Blessing of the Moon while transformed by Lunacy.
- Five new Stellar Auras have been added to the Prism of Light! The Supermagical Surge, Bubbling Biofield, Dance of the Firefly, Tough Love, and Neon Nemesis auras are now available.
- Added new costumes to the Chaos Crafting Workbench! There are new costumes for the Boomeranger, Chloromancer, Dinotamer, Gunslinger, Lunar Lancer, Pirate Captain, Shadow Hunter, Revenant and Tomb Raiser!
- Fixed an issue where the Shadow Tower UI would not display the correct cost when switching difficulties.
- There’s a new option in Settings to enable or disable visibility of the player’s own name and power rank.
- Minigames now display a timer before they start rather than a “Waiting for Players” message.
- Fixed a gem level-up animation bug that could make the maximum HP stat appear to increase more than it actually was.
- Fixed an issue where the socket gem prompt could display twice and cause the new gem to be deleted.
- Attempting to equip a second Volatile Velocity empowered gem will now give the appropriate error message.
- Added /waddtarget to the metaforge. This adds the targeted block to the build inventory.
- The UI to unlock a class will now correctly say “Unlock” rather than “Buy” on the button.
- The “Go Shopping” Golden Thread now specifies that any Store purchase - including credits, cubits, or free items - will satisfy the requirements.
- Fixed an issue with the "Add to your Collection?" popup where the "LEARN" button could be pushed off the bottom of the screen, preventing players from using certain large collection granting items. Which is pretty much the saddest thing ever.
- Gunslinger Costumes with custom VFX for the M2 ability now use that VFX even if the Gunslinger Class Gem is equipped.
- The Skysunder Sniper costume for the Shadow Hunter has found the missing part of its leg. (Silly Skysunder Sniper, missing legs are for Pirate Captains!)
- Revenant’s Spirit Storm VFX should no longer be left behind or obscure the player when descending stairs.
- Using a class coin now swaps to the newly unlocked class.
- Purchasing a class in the store will now swap to the newly unlocked class.
- The description for non-tradable Class Coins now reflects their actual decon value of 3 Double Experience Potions.
- Added 3 more speed settings for magrails.
- The Sky-High Pancake Stack ally now has stats.
- The Frontier Workbench now has unique visuals instead of masquerading as an Adventuring Workbench.
- Fixed Razer Chroma bug where locked ability keys appeared green instead of red.
- The skull for the Shadow Hunter’s Shadowmark is now visible when wearing the Skysunder Sniper costume.
- Repositioned the left wheel VFX of the Blacklight Neon Cycle to align properly with the bike.
- Fixed an issue where the subclass ability icon in the character sheet would not reset.
- All heal VFX have been made visually consistent. Heal VFX are now pink with small hearts, regardless of how the heal is applied, or of the class or skin of the player.
- The Shadow Hunter Anarchy Archer costume now has green and purple VFX.
- GF6Q - If you didn't find the hidden treat, start at the top AND DO IT AGAIN!
Preview: aft a personal Gem Forge can be found in an Adventurer's Crafting Bench under the ̶ Show
Patch Notes
Gem Stat Augment and Reroll SystemGem Booster Boxes have been rebalanced:
- Improve or change a stat on a gem using the new Gem Forge!
- The recipe to craft a personal Gem Forge can be found in an Adventurer's Crafting Bench under the “Gem & Gear Improvement” section.
- New crafting materials to support this system have also been added:
- Bound Brilliance, which can be found in Boons or collected from events. (What’s a Boon? See the note on “Daily Reward Chests” below!)
- Binding Darkness, which can be found in Gem Booster Boxes and Empowered Gem Boxes, or can (rarely) be dropped by mini bosses in the open world.
- Four additional recipes have also been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench in the “Gems” section:
- Builder's Rough Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 4 Hearts of Darkness, and 2,000 flux to craft.
- Builder's Precise Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 3,000 water gem dust, 3,000 fire gem dust, 3,000 air gem dust, and 4,000 flux to craft.
- Builder's Superior Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 30 Diamond Dragonite, 3 Titan Souls, and 150,000 flux to craft.
- Contained Chaos Spark: Can be used to reroll any stat on a gem. (Be aware that gems can’t have both the Physical Damage and Magic Damage stats simultaneously.) Requires 3 Lunar Souls, 4 Binding Darkness, and 2,100 Eyes of Q'bthulhu to craft.
- The Health Regeneration stat will no longer appear on newly obtained gems! Existing gems with Health Regen will continue to function and may be improved with the new system. However, if Health Regen is removed from a gem via rerolling, it can never be replaced. (The Health Regen stat on equipment remains unchanged.)
- Binding Darkness has been added to the drop table.
- Gem dust has returned to the drop table.
- The drop rates for Jade Clovers, Glittering Horseshoes, Golden Gem Keys have been reduced.
- These changes were necessary to ensure the drops from Gem Booster boxes support a wider range of players.
- Daily Reward Chests have been rebalanced and are now called Boons of a Celestial Paragon:
- There are 12 boons in total, one for each month of the year.
- They now have a very rare chance to drop the 18-token monthly reward.
- Bound Brilliance has been added to the common drop table.
- The number of Dragon Coins that drop from one roll has been increased. (MOAR RAWR!)
- The number of Jade Clovers that drop from one roll has been decreased.
- These changes raise the overall value of drops from daily chests. Err, Boons. They raise the value of drops from Boons. Because that’s what daily chests are called now.
- The Book of Bound Brilliance is now available to craft at the Adventurer’s Crafting Bench! This Legendary Tome will grant 5 Bound Brilliance once a week.
- Loot collecting leveled gems just got a whole lot better! The amount of Gem Dust obtained from deconstructing a leveled gem has been increased by up to 300% at Level 5, 700-1200% at level 10, up to 2000% at level 15, and up to 1000% at Level 20+. Transitioning from an older gem to a shiny new one will now be MUCH less expensive.
SubclassesShadow Tower Foyer
- The new subclass system is unlocked ~automagically~ at level 10!
- Any unlocked class can now be equipped as a subclass using the new 5th ability slot on the Character Sheet.
- Each subclass provides a unique passive ability along with a stat boost! The effectiveness of the passive increases based on the active Power Rank of the subclass, while the stat boost improves based on the level of the subclass.
- An active class may not be designated as its own subclass.
- Subclasses are now also displayed on the “Select a Class” window, along with the class's level and power rank.
- Each class gives the following bonuses when selected as a subclass:
- Gunslinger: Provides extra jump and increases all damage done to enemies while airborne.
- Neon Ninja: Provides extra jump and grants a chance to deal bonus damage to enemies at less than 20% health.
- Dino Tamer: Provides extra Attack Speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to briefly root targets.
- Lunar Lancer: Provides extra Attack Speed; during combat, grants a chance to briefly transform into a Lunar Lancer and receive some of its power.
- Ice Sage: Provides extra Magic Damage; activates a shield that absorbs incoming damage when successfully attacking foes. The shield is equal to 5% of Max Health.
- Dracolyte: Reduces cooldowns and grants Physical Damage a chance to set enemies on fire.
- Knight: Provides extra flask capacity and increases movement speed while riding ground-based mounts.
- Pirate Captain: Provides extra magic find and has a chance to drop a cannon ball from the sky when damaging enemies.
- Chloromancer: Provides extra Maximum Health; damaging enemies grants a chance to activate thistles and reflect incoming damage.
- Tomb Raiser: Provides extra Critical Hit and has a chance to spawn a random minion from a fallen foe. Only one minion of this type can be active at any given time.
- Revenant: Reduces incoming damage and grants basic attacks a chance to trigger a taunt.
- Shadow Hunter: Provides extra Magic Damage and grants magic attacks a chance to activate Searing Light, which deals damage over time.
- Candy Barbarian: Provides extra Stability and has a chance to drop candy when damaging an enemy. The candy increases attack and either movement speed or healing.
- Fae Trickster: Increases gliding speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to spawn bombs that damage and stun enemies.
- Boomeranger: Increases Critical Damage and spawns a fae companion that provides healing if its master falls to low health.
- Note that the subclass passive for the Dracolyte is designed to support players who primarily play magic damage classes and want to experiment with physical damage classes. The subclass passive for Shadowhunters is designed to do the opposite. These may be swapped if they prove too confusing.
Shadow Hydrakken
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via the Atlas spawn into the new Shadow Tower Foyer:
- The foyer contains three separate platforms indicating desired difficulty level, allowing players to easily find other adventurers to partner with. The platforms may or may not also provide random pools to fish in.
- Entering the foyer automatically adds players to the "ShadowTower" chat channel. Leaving the foyer automatically removes them.
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via a portal now have the option of entering the tower directly or heading first to the foyer.
Darknik Dreadnought
- The fearsome Shadow Hydrakken has awakened on the Shadow Tower’s fourth floor! This ancient, multi-headed beast spews vile acid on its foes--talk about morning breath!
- Watch out for parasites!
- Hisssssssssssss. Don't heck with him. 5x Wall Snek.
- The Darknik Dreadnought, Dr. Darknik's latest mechanical machination, now guards the fifth floor of the Shadow Tower. A battle robot bristling with armaments, it’s ready to give Trovian invaders a very, VERY warm welcome!
- You won't like him when he's angry.
- Adventurers wishing to avoid their curtain call had best employ a better defense than Cubic Curtain.
Additional Shadow Tower Updates
- Daughter of the Moon has relocated to her new penthouse on the sixth floor of the Shadow Tower.
- Higher-quality keys can now be used to open Shadow Vaults. Moon Keys can open Normal and Hard Shadow Vaults, while Eclipse Keys can open Normal, Hard, and Ultra Shadow Vaults.
- Titan and Lunar Souls now drop from Shadow Vaults instead of being directly awarded after defeating a Shadow Titan.
- Daughter of the Moon now drops a new resource called Despoiled Divinity in addition to Lunar Souls. One Despoiled Divinity can be earned for each Shadow Tower difficulty, up to a maximum of 3 per week.
- Many new rewards have been added to the Shadowy Market for Hearts of Darkness, Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity.
- The amount of Flux dropped from Titan's Treasures has been significantly reduced.
- The number of Titan Souls dropped by Shadow Titans has been adjusted as follows:
- Spikewalker Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
- Weeping Prophet Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
- Vengeful Pinata God Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Shadow Hydrakken Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Darknik Dreadnought Mk II Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Previously, explosions only damaged Shadow Titans if they occurred near the center of the Titan. This bug has been fixed, and explosions now damage Shadow Titans if they hit any part of them.
- Elite enemies can now spawn in the Shadow Tower. Each drops a guaranteed Shadow Shard, with a chance for one extra shard in Hard mode and two extra shards in Ultra.
- An assortment of new enemies have migrated to the Shadow Tower.
- Shields no longer prevent being killed by the Daughter of the Moon's one-shot attack.
- Elemental worlds now drop Shadow Key Fragments, Moon Key Fragments, and Eclipse Key Fragments. These all have a chance to drop from clearing 1-star and 3-star dungeons, similar to how gem boxes currently drop in Prime Worlds. Patron status gives two such chances (which may result on any given chest as 0, or 1, or 2 of the drops that a Prime World chest of the same Uber level would drop.)
- Prime Worlds now drop more Shadow Key Fragments, Moon Key Fragments, and Eclipse Key Fragments. 1-star Dungeons will see their drops increased by approximately 50%, while 3-star dungeons will see their drops increased by variable amounts. Patron status doubles such drops.
New Dragons
- Seven new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
- Voidwalker Dragon Egg Fragments for Indurion, the Unwavering, can be found in Shadow Caches.
- Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragments for Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift, can be found randomly while mining.
- Spinner Dragon Egg Fragments for Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator, can be found as a rare drop from spiders in the Fae Forest biome.
- Floral Dragon Egg Fragments for Petallura, Nature's Beckoning, can be found randomly from planted harvests.
- Preserver Dragon Egg Fragments for Miraldis, the Primordial Preserver, can be found as a rare drop from dinosaurs in the Jurassic Jungle biome.
- Ice Dragon Egg Fragments for Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride, can be found while mining ice shards in the Permafrost biome.
- Kami Dragon Egg Fragments for Crisopeia, The Crucible of Souls, can be found as a rare drop from robots in the Neon City biome or from Shadow Vaults.
- A new category, Ancestral Dragon, has been added to Collections to break up the large Legendary category and more accurately reflect the different methods of acquisition.
Trovian Atlas
- The Portal Tower in the Hub World has been replaced with the Sun Goddess Statue!
- The Sun Goddess Statue is surrounded by:
- A Radiant Merchant, where Radiant Sovereigns can be spent on great rewards!
- A Radiant Dayspring, where amazing new items can be earned with Daily Login tokens!
- Three copies of the new Trovian Atlas (details below)!
- The Trovian Atlas is a new visual representation of all the worlds in Trove, including the Prime Worlds, Drowned Worlds, Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, Shores of the Everdark, and the Shadow Tower Foyer. It’s basically an easy-to-use overworlds map that grants access to any world. (Yo block, we heard you like maps, so we put some maps in your map…)
- Simply open the Trovian Atlas, select the desired world, select Enter, and let the adventure begin. (Power Rank requirements still apply!)
- All existing Adventure World portals are still functional. However, going forward, none will be located in the hub. A personal copy of the Trovian Atlas may be obtainable in the future, but for now it only exists in the Hub World.
Fae Trickster Updates
- The duration of Faerie Dance staves has been increased to 15s from 10s.
- Faerie Dance staves now use player health and take 75% less damage.
- The attack speed of Faerie Dance staves now shoot 20% faster.
- Ego Blast now deals 20% more damage.
- Glitterbomb now has a 0.5s stun and deals 33% more damage.
- Glitterbomb no longer knocks back enemies.
- The explosion radius on Glitterbomb has increased to 3.5 from 3.0.
- The Fae Trickster class gem, Faerocious Facsimile, has been temporarily removed from the class gem loot table until it can be improved. Existing copies of Faerocious Facsimile can continue to be used.
- A completely new class gem has been added for Fae Tricksters! This new gem shields Ego Blast for one additional hit before the bonus damage is temporarily removed. It can be found in the Shores of the Everdark with a class gem key. Enjoy!
- The Progression Weekly Deal has been reborn as the Turboriffic Weekly Deal! It now offers 25 Golden Gem keys, 10 Double Experience Potions (2x the previous) and 20 Bound Brilliance! This blockalicious bundle will appear in the Store every four weeks.
- The Eclipse Pack is here! Sun? Moon? Darkness? Why not all three at once thanks to this new pack that's stuffed with Radiant, Lunar, and Shadow goodies! Contains 3 awesome allies, 6 magnificent mounts, and 18 slick styles.
Additional Updates
- Legendary and Primordial Dragons now unlock directly into Collections when crafted.
- Diamond Dragon Eggs can now be loot collected in to 250 diamond dragonite.
- The “Select a Class” window can now be sorted by level, power rank, or availability. Sorting the same category a second time reverses the display order, making it easy to find classes with the lowest level or power rank.
- Fixed an exploit with the Loot Collected leaderboard.
- The prevalence of the Peaceful Hills biome has been increased in all worlds. Sunlight Bulb harvesters rejoice!
- The spawn rate of Sunflower Shrines in Peaceful Hills biomes has been increased.
- Added a message letting players know they cannot fish without a lure.
- Added the Regal Eagle, Water Goat, and Wolfrik Hat Styles to Stash Exclusives. Get them with Super Style Unlockers!
- They skitter, they squeak, they have cubular feet! Rat mounts have been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Rat Talismans can be found very rarely in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
- The rewards for completing the Golden Thread have been revamped for new players.
- Three new maps by xandllu (fire and ice, spring bellowing, Valley of Colors) and 2 new maps by Nuxus1 (Hotel, MetalWorld) have been added to the PvP rotation.
- New spear styles by Zayth and Rosain have been added to the game!
- ”Daily Loot Chests” have been renamed “Leaderboard Reward Chests” to reduce confusion, since they are now only available from the XP Weekly Leaderboard.
- The “Show Challenges and Objectives” menu option no longer requires a restart to take effect.
- Fixed the "Any" category in the Marketplace.
- Fixed an issue where some Chaos Chests could not be claimed as currency on sold auctions.
- Fixed a bug where pressing the “locate” button on a crafting item claim directed you to the Adventure Inventory instead of the Crafting Inventory.
- The Trolling Trawler now grants 100 mastery and requires 3 Ancient Scales to craft rather than 200.
- Fixed the gem border for an ability in adventure mode sticking around in build mode.
- The Triumphant Troveblade weapon style, a special blade obtained by purchasing a $100 pack, is now in the "Store" sub-category in Collections/Styles/Melee.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when quitting the client after loading the game for the first time.
- New biome-specific craftable benches have been added to the Builder's Crafting Bench for every biome. The biome-specific recipes previously found in the Workbench have been moved to these individual benches. Generic recipes remain on the original Workbench.
- Unlocking Selene the Celestial via a Golden Dragon Effigy will now grant the Lunar New Year Dragon Spirit Badge.
- Attempting to replace a gem with another gem that won't fit in the socket will now result in the correct error message.
- Removed a duplicate item from the Medieval Highlands recipes.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the item and collection names of the following, per community feedback:
- Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri
- Cygnus_01 Speedcycle
- Snowfest Log
- Trovian Tumbler
- Personal Pop Parade
- Pink Gummy Barbearian
- Blue Gummy Barbearian
- Pink & Blue Gummy Barbearian
- Fixed the Shadow Fridge Bottom referencing an incorrect blueprint. Thanks, Etaew!
- Wings can now be opened with 0 jumps remaining during minigames.
- Improved the report spam feature.
- Fixed Chloromancer heal VFX for seedlings when using a skin.
- Minigame elements no longer appear in PvP maps or incompatible minigame maps.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the currency selection to change unexpectedly when searching the Marketplace.
- The Ice Towers dungeon in the Permafrost biome has been removed to reduce FPS issues.
- To prevent a client crash, the Marketplace can no longer be opened while a dialog popup is visible.
- Scaled down all dragon allies to prevent them from appearing larger than some player characters.
- Dino Tamer minions now show combat numbers.
- The issue with the Knight rapidly swinging the primary attack after a charge has been fixed.
- The Floral Fantasy aura will now correctly unlock when crafted in the Chaos Crafter.
- When Cursed Skulls are active, they are now transparent and no longer block projectiles.
- The Vial of Unleashed Power now has a 10 second cooldown.
- The client no longer captures the mouse immediately upon starting and waits until the world has loaded.
- Crafting recipes which unlock collections will now display x1 if the collection hasn't been unlocked and x0 if the collection has already been unlocked.
- Fixed the A.M.O.K. Aimbot torso and left shoulder and the Royal Ranger left shoulder.
- Projectiles in the Dracolyte's Burning Ward ability now match the theme of the equipped costume.
- The Neon Ninja Ultimate no longer displays Fae Trickster VFX.
- Fixed the duration of the Reboot Ult VFX to match the duration of the power.
- Various optimizations and client crash fixes
Preview: aft a personal Gem Forge can be found in an Adventurer's Crafting Bench under the ̶ Show
Trovian Atlas
- The Portal Tower in the Hub World has been replaced with the Sun Goddess Statue!
- The Sun Goddess Statue is surrounded by:
- A Radiant Merchant, where Radiant Sovereigns can be spent on great rewards!
- A Radiant Dayspring, where amazing new items can be earned with Daily Login tokens!
- Three copies of the new Trovian Atlas (details below)!
- The Trovian Atlas is a new visual representation of all the worlds in Trove, including the Prime Worlds, Drowned Worlds, Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, Shores of the Everdark, and the Shadow Tower Foyer. It’s basically an easy-to-use overworlds map that grants access to any world. (Yo block, we heard you like maps, so we put some maps in your map…)
- Simply open the Trovian Atlas, select the desired world, select Enter, and let the adventure begin. (Power Rank requirements still apply!)
- All existing Adventure World portals are still functional. However, going forward, none will be located in the hub. A personal copy of the Trovian Atlas may be obtainable in the future, but for now it only exists in the Hub World.
Gem Stat Augment and Reroll System
- Improve or change a stat on a gem using the new Gem Forge!
- The recipe to craft a personal Gem Forge can be found in an Adventurer's Crafting Bench under the “Gem & Gear Improvement” section.
- New crafting materials to support this system have also been added:
- Bound Brilliance, which can be found in Boons or collected from events. (What’s a Boon? See the note on “Daily Reward Chests” below!)
- Binding Darkness, which can be found in Gem Booster Boxes and Empowered Gem Boxes, or can (rarely) be dropped by mini bosses in the open world.
- Four additional recipes have also been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench in the “Gems” section:
- Builder's Rough Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 4 Hearts of Darkness, and 2,000 flux to craft.
- Builder's Precise Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brillance, 3,000 water gem dust, 3,000 fire gem dust, 3,000 air gem dust, and 4,000 flux to craft.
- Builder's Superior Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 30 Diamond Dragonite, 3 Titan Souls, and 150,000 flux to craft.
- Contained Chaos Spark: Can be used to reroll any stat on a gem. (Be aware that gems can’t have both the Physical Damage and Magic Damage stats simultaneously.) Requires 3 Lunar Souls, 4 Binding Darkness, and 2,100 Eyes of Q'bthulhu to craft.
- The Health Regeneration stat will no longer appear on newly obtained gems! Existing gems with Health Regen will continue to function and may be improved with the new system. However, if Health Regen is removed from a gem via rerolling, it can never be replaced. (The Health Regen stat on equipment remains unchanged.)
- Gem Booster Boxes have been rebalanced:
- Binding Darkness has been added to the drop table.
- Gem dust has returned to the drop table.
- The drop rates for Jade Clovers, Glittering Horseshoes, Golden Gem Keys have been reduced.
- These changes were necessary to ensure the drops from Gem Booster boxes support a wider range of players.
- Daily Reward Chests have been rebalanced and are now called Boons of a Celestial Paragon:
- There are 12 boons in total, one for each month of the year.
- They now have a very rare chance to drop the 18-token monthly reward.
- Bound Brilliance has been added to the common drop table.
- The number of Dragon Coins that drop from one roll has been increased. (MOAR RAWR!)
- The number of Jade Clovers that drop from one roll has been decreased.
- These changes raise the overall value of drops from daily chests. Err, Boons. They raise the value of drops from Boons. Because that’s what daily chests are called now.
- Loot collecting leveled gems just got a whole lot better! The amount of Gem Dust obtained from deconstructing a leveled gem has been increased by up to 300% at Level 5, 700-1200% at level 10, up to 2000% at level 15, and up to 1000% at Level 20+. Transitioning from an older gem to a shiny new one will now be MUCH less expensive.
- The new subclass system is unlocked ~automagically~ at level 10!
- Any unlocked class can now be equipped as a subclass using the new 5th ability slot on the Character Sheet.
- Each subclass provides a unique passive ability along with a stat boost! The effectiveness of the passive increases based on the active Power Rank of the subclass, while the stat boost improves based on the level of the subclass.
- An active class may not be designated as its own subclass.
- Subclasses are now also displayed on the “Select a Class” window, along with the class's level and power rank.
- The “Select a Class” window can now be sorted by level, power rank, or availability. Sorting the same category a second time reverses the display order, making it easy to find classes with the lowest level or power rank.
- Each class gives the following bonuses when selected as a subclass:
- Gunslinger: Provides extra jump and increases all damage done to enemies while airborne.
- Neon Ninja: Provides extra jump and grants a chance to deal bonus damage to enemies at less than 20% health.
- Dino Tamer: Provides extra Attack Speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to briefly root targets.
- Lunar Lancer: Provides extra Attack Speed; during combat, grants a chance to briefly transform into a Lunar Luncer and receive some of its power.
- Ice Sage: Provides extra Magic Damage; activates a shield that absorbs incoming damage when successfully attacking foes. The shield is equal to 5% of Max Health.
- Dracolyte: Reduces cooldowns and grants Physical Damage a chance to set enemies on fire.
- Knight: Provides extra flask capacity and increases movement speed while riding ground-based mounts.
- Pirate Captain: Provides extra magic find and has a chance to drop a cannon ball from the sky when damaging enemies.
- Chloromancer: Provides extra Maximum Health; damaging enemies grants a chance to activate thistles and reflect incoming damage.
- Tomb Raiser: Provides extra Critical Hit and has a chance to spawn a random minion from a fallen foe. Only one minion of this type can be active at any given time.
- Revenant: Reduces incoming damage and grants basic attacks a chance to trigger a taunt.
- Shadow Hunter: Provides extra Magic Damage and grants magic attacks a chance to activate Searing Light, which deals damage over time.
- Candy Barbarian: Provides extra Stability and has a chance to drop candy when damaging an enemy. The candy increases attack and either movement speed or healing.
- Fae Trickster: Increases gliding speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to spawn bombs that damage and stun enemies.
- Boomeranger: Increases Critical Damage and spawns a fae companion that provides healing if its master falls to low health.
- Note that the subclass passive for the Dracolyte is designed to support players who primarily play magic damage classes and want to experiment with physical damage classes. The subclass passive for Shadowhunters is designed to do the opposite. These may be swapped if they prove too confusing.
Shadow Tower Foyer
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via the Atlas spawn into the new Shadow Tower Foyer:
- The foyer contains three separate platforms indicating desired difficulty level, allowing players to easily find other adventurers to partner with. The platforms may or may not also provide random pools to fish in.
- Entering the foyer automatically adds players to the "ShadowTower" chat channel. Leaving the foyer automatically removes them.
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via a portal now have the option of entering the tower directly or heading first to the foyer.
Shadow Hydrakken
- The fearsome Shadow Hydrakken has awakened on the Shadow Tower’s fourth floor! This ancient, multi-headed beast spews vile acid on its foes--talk about morning breath!
- Watch out for parasites!
- Hisssssssssssss. Don't heck with him. 5x Wall Snek.
Darknik Dreadnought
- The Darknik Dreadnought, Dr. Darknik's latest mechanical machination, now guards the fifth floor of the Shadow Tower. A battle robot bristling with armaments, it’s ready to give Trovian invaders a very, VERY warm welcome!
- You won't like him when he's angry.
- Adventurers wishing to avoid their curtain call had best employ a better defense than Cubic Curtain.
Additional Shadow Tower Updates
- Daughter of the Moon has relocated to her new penthouse on the sixth floor of the Shadow Tower.
- Higher-quality keys can now be used to open Shadow Vaults. Moon Keys can open Normal and Hard Shadow Vaults, while Eclipse Keys can open Normal, Hard, and Ultra Shadow Vaults.
- Titan and Lunar Souls now drop from Shadow Vaults instead of being directly awarded after defeating a Shadow Titan.
- Daughter of the Moon now drops a new resource called Despoiled Divinity in addition to Lunar Souls. One Despoiled Divinity can be earned for each Shadow Tower difficulty, up to a maximum of 3 per week.
- Many new rewards have been added to the Shadowy Market for Hearts of Darkness, Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity.
- The amount of Flux dropped from Titan's Treasures has been significantly reduced.
- The number of Titan Souls dropped by Shadow Titans has been adjusted as follows:
- Spikewalker Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
- Weeping Prophet Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
- Vengeful Pinata God Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Shadow Hydrakken Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Darknik Dreadnought Mk II Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Previously, explosions only damaged Shadow Titans if they occurred near the center of the Titan. This bug has been fixed, and explosions now damage Shadow Titans if they hit any part of them.
- Elite enemies can now spawn in the Shadow Tower. Each drops a guaranteed Shadow Shard, with a chance for one extra shard in Hard mode and two extra shards in Ultra.
- An assortment of new enemies have migrated to the Shadow Tower.
- Shields no longer prevent being killed by the Daughter of the Moon's one-shot attack.
Fae Trickster Updates
- The duration of Faerie Dance staves has been increased to 15s from 10s.
- Faerie Dance staves now use player health and take 75% less damage.
- The attack speed of Faerie Dance staves has been reduced to 1.0 from 1.25.
- Ego Blast now deals 20% more damage.
- An Ego Blast crit is now 51% of base damage.
- Glitterbomb now has a 0.5s stun and deals 33% more damage.
- Glitterbomb no longer knocks back enemies.
- The explosion radius on Glitterbomb has increased to 3.5 from 3.0.
- The Fae Trickster class gem, Faerocious Facsimile, has been temporarily removed from the class gem loot table until it can be improved. Existing copies of Faerocious Facsimile can continue to be used.
- A completely new class gem has been added for Fae Tricksters! This new gem shields Ego Blast for one additional hit before the bonus damage is temporarily removed. It can be found in the Shores of the Everdark with a class gem key. Enjoy!
- The Progression Weekly Deal has been reborn as the Turboriffic Weekly Deal! It now offers 25 Golden Gem keys, 10 Double Experience Potions (2x the previous) and 20 Bound Brilliance! This blockalicious bundle will appear in the Store every four weeks.
New Dragons
- Five new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
- Voidwalker Dragon Egg Fragments for Indurion, the Unwavering, can be found in Shadow Caches.
- Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragments for Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift, can be found randomly while mining.
- Spinner Dragon Egg Fragments for Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator, can be found as a rare drop from spiders in the Fae Forest biome.
- Floral Dragon Egg Fragments for Petallura, Nature's Beckoning, can be found randomly from planted harvests.
- Preserver Dragon Egg Fragments for Miraldis, the Primordial Preserver, can be found as a rare drop from dinosaurs in the Jurassic Jungle biome.
- Ice Dragon Egg Fragments for Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride, can be found while mining ice shards in the Permafrost biome.
- A new category, Ancestral Dragon, has been added to Collections to break up the large Legendary category and more accurately reflect the different methods of acquisition.
PTS only
- A special login event just for PTS has begun! Each daily login for the next four days will grant:
- 1 Gem Forge
- 500 Bound Brilliance
- 500 Binding Darkness
- 15 Level 25 XP coins
- 15 Level 20 XP coins
- 1,000,000 Flux
- 9999 Eyes of Q’bthulhu
- 500 Hearts of Darkness
- 500 Diamond Dragonite
- 100 Titan Souls
- 100 Lunar Souls
- 25 Stellar Empowered Gem Boxes
- 100 each of yellow/red/blue Shadow Gem Boxes
- 1,000,000 each of yellow/red/blue gem dust
- 500 Ninth Lives
- 5 Builder's Rough Focus
- 5 Builder's Precise Focus
- 5 Builder's Superior Focus
- 5 Contained Chaos Spark
Additional Updates
- Legendary and Primordial Dragons now unlock directly into Collections when crafted.
- Fixed an exploit with the Loot Collected leaderboard.
- The prevalence of the Peaceful Hills biome has been increased in all worlds. Sunlight Bulb harvesters rejoice!
- The spawn rate of Sunflower Shrines in Peaceful Hills biomes has been increased.
- Added a message letting players know they cannot fish without a lure.
- Added the Regal Eagle, Water Goat, and Wolfrik Hat Styles to Stash Exclusives. Get them with Super Style Unlockers!
- They skitter, they squeak, they have cubular feet! Rat mounts have been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Rat Talismans can be found very rarely in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
- The rewards for completing the Golden Thread have been revamped for new players.
- Three new maps by xandllu (fire and ice, spring bellowing, Valley of Colors) and 2 new maps by Nuxus1 (Hotel, MetalWorld) have been added to the PvP rotation.
- New spear styles by Zayth and Rosain have been added to the game!
- ”Daily Loot Chests” have been renamed “Leaderboard Reward Chests” to reduce confusion, since they are now only available from the XP Weekly Leaderboard.
- The “Show Challenges and Objectives” menu option no longer requires a restart to take effect.
- Fixed the "Any" category in the Marketplace.
- Fixed an issue where some Chaos Chests could not be claimed as currency on sold auctions.
- Fixed a bug where pressing the “locate” button on a crafting item claim directed you to the Adventure Inventory instead of the Crafting Inventory.
- The Trolling Trawler now grants 100 mastery and requires 3 Ancient Scales to craft rather than 200.
- Fixed the gem border for an ability in adventure mode sticking around in build mode.
- The Triumphant Troveblade weapon style, a special blade obtained by purchasing a $100 pack, is now in the "Store" sub-category in Collections/Styles/Melee.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when quitting the client after loading the game for the first time.
- New biome-specific craftable benches have been added to the Builder's Crafting Bench for every biome. The biome-specific recipes previously found in the Workbench have been moved to these individual benches. Generic recipes remain on the original Workbench.
- Unlocking Selene the Celestial via a Golden Dragon Effigy will now grant the Lunar New Year Dragon Spirit Badge.
- Attempting to replace a gem with another gem that won't fit in the socket will now result in the correct error message.
- Removed a duplicate item from the Medieval Highlands recipes.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the item and collection names of the following, per community feedback:
- Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri
- Cygnus_01 Speedcycle
- Snowfest Log
- Trovian Tumbler
- Personal Pop Parade
- Pink Gummy Barbearian
- Blue Gummy Barbearian
- Pink & Blue Gummy Barbearian
- Fixed the Shadow Fridge Bottom referencing an incorrect blueprint. Thanks, Etaew!
- Wings can now be opened with 0 jumps remaining during minigames.
- Improved the report spam feature.
- Fixed Chloromancer heal VFX for seedlings when using a skin.
- Minigame elements no longer appear in PvP maps or incompatible minigame maps.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the currency selection to change unexpectedly when searching the Marketplace.
- The Ice Towers dungeon in the Permafrost biome has been removed to reduce FPS issues.
- To prevent a client crash, the Marketplace can no longer be opened while a dialog popup is visible.
- Scaled down all dragon allies to prevent them from appearing larger than some player characters.
- Dino Tamer minions now show combat numbers.
- When Cursed Skulls are active, they are now transparent and no longer block projectiles.
- The Vial of Unleashed Power now has a 10 second cooldown.
- The client no longer captures the mouse immediately upon starting and waits until the world has loaded.
- Crafting recipes which unlock collections will now display x1 if the collection hasn't been unlocked and x0 if the collection has already been unlocked.
- Fixed the A.M.O.K. Aimbot torso and left shoulder and the Royal Ranger left shoulder.
- Projectiles in the Dracolyte's Burning Ward ability now match the theme of the equipped costume.
- The Neon Ninja Ultimate no longer displays Fae Trickster VFX.
- Fixed the duration of the Reboot Ult VFX to match the duration of the power.
Preview: i>The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been correc Show
- Zone Restrictions now applied to existing zones when terraforming.
- Fix for higher-ranks not being able to modify zones whose permissions had allowed lower ranking club members to modify the zone.
- Restricted ranks that can terraform a club world to Officer and Leader.
- You can now interact with objects without directly targeting them. When you get near an interactable object, its tooltip appears and you can press the action button to interact with it. Don't worry - you can still target objects directly, too.
- Players and NPCs no longer block your interactions when they are standing between you and the object you are trying to interact with.
- Tooltips for interactable objects no longer appear when you are outside of interaction range.
- Updated a lot of the UI to better accommodate longer, localized strings.
- The claims icon in the lower left of the screen will now show up for new claims that you haven't seen, even if they were automatically claimed. Most notably, whenever we do giveaways, you'll have that icon to notify you. And if you buy something from the store it will also appear.
- The Loot Collector no longer accepts additional loot once the "Components Collected" section is full.
- All categories in the Settings menu now prompt you to save unsaved changes when switching to new categories.
- Added a "Collapse All"/"Expand All" button to the collections UI.
- Expanded space in the Marketplace for a second line for the item name.
- Challenges and Objectives now show the name of the reward being earned.
- The welcome screen no longer displays your chaos factor. Check your character stats if you need to know!
- World tooltips now appear more quickly.
- Renamed the style vault categories: Hat Style Vault, Mask Style Vault, etc to simply "Vault". These strings are only used in Collections (when you have already selected Hats, Faces, etc) and in the redesigned Loot Collector.
- Contest rewards in the claims window now show when they expire.
- Town portal tooltips now have complete names.
- Crafting item name text field extended to prevent cut off.
- If one person cancels out of the name change prompt, other players also contemplating a name change will no longer have their prompts disappear.
- Consuming Dragon Souls will now properly refer to the type of soul consumed.
- Client no longer gets stuck trying to find the next item in the action bar after removing the active item from action bar within build mode.
- Better auto-selection of the first available recipe for the workbench.
- Handle near simultaneous equipping and trashing of an inventory slot.
- Aligned Gem Power Rank numbers between the Gem tooltip and the Gem interface.
- Pinata Coins now correctly state that they are an event currency that will disappear sometime in the future.
- Removed a warning message when changing auras on stellar weapons.
- The scroll speed for chat has been normalized.
- Navigation menu can be opened regardless of whether the inventory is also open.
- The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been corrected.
- In Collections, added a new dropdown option: Show Favorites. This will make it easier to narrow down your search to just your favorited Tomes/Mounts/Allies/etc.
- In Collections: Tomes, added an icon to indicate when a tome is "sleeping" and can't earn any more experience this week. This will make it easier to see which Tomes are still available at a glance.
- Updated descriptions for the following crafting materials to be more specific: Blank Scroll, Diamond, Shadow Diamond, and Ancient Scale.
- The Trading Post UI window now automatically closes if the other player cancels the trade (it already automatically closed on completion of a successful trade).
Other Improvements
- Trophies have been added to Trove! If you’ve already met a trophies’ requirements the trophy will unlock on patch day. You may need to change worlds (go through a portal) to cause trophies to unlock.
- Shadow Towers will now be spawned in their owner's region (EU or NA).
- The Omni Recipe item now unlocks the White Die and Black Die recipes.
- The clock tower in the City of Bones shadow dungeon has been updated to make travel and NPC spawning less of a pain.
- Rally Blade is now more likely to match you with adventuring players (and ignoring AFK ones).
- Pegasus Wings are now less transparent.
- Non-tradable Patron Coins and Daily Reward Chests are no longer loot collectable.
- Radiant Auras no longer disappear when viewed from any angle.
- The Rascal Raptor, Eggnog, and Baby Punchbot are now in the 'Promo' tab in collections.
- Removed exploit tied to a combat effect that is granted with the Candy Barbarian class Gem.
- The Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclusive category and can now be unlocked using Super Style Stashes.
- Updated the criteria for the featured club world portals in the hub so that none should ever be empty.
- 2 new Battle Arena maps have been added to the rotation.
- Reduced terraforming countdown from 25 to 10 seconds.
- Kills from spawned allies (Tombraiser's minions, Pirate Captain's "First Mate", Dracolyte’s Burnt Offerings) will now start counting towards the Defeat Enemies stat tracking.
- The Tech Table Segment recipe is no longer called the Tech Table Corner recipe.
- Added an internal cooldown to reduce /joinme spamming. This cooldown will prevent players from focused spamming invites at a specific player but won't prevent someone from inviting several friends to join them at once.
- Due to the number of legendary tomes we've cut the experience required to fill them in half!
- Since the value of these items are decreasing we have removed non-tradable Class Coin and inventory expander from rare table of daily lockboxes.
- Revenant Costume - Super Magical now indicates creator in item description.
- Fixed bug where using Neon Ninja ultimate and basic attack at the same time could crash the client.
- Fixed bug where Ice Sage's Frozen Ward absorbed damage and was removed for all attacks.
- Carpet mounts can now glide and it’s a whole new world!
- Spring plants can now grow! Winter plants no longer grow.
- Pinatas now correctly drop loot in the Shores of the Everdark
- Cooldown behavior for abilities when switching worlds will no longer reset to max cooldown time.
- SFX have returned for invasions and bombs.
- VFX tied to Gem abilities are cleaned up when switching classes.
- Experience Boost stat is now called Experience Gain and has a base value of 100 instead of 0. This is for the new Double Experience Potions, so it has a value to double.
- New Streamer dream allies have been added to Streamer Dream boxes! These are given out by Trion Creators and grant a random reward to whoever claims it.
- Fixed an issue where the ignore list would sometimes show the wrong name for players.
- Daughter of the Moon geysers now clean-up after twenty four seconds and no longer persist the entire duration of the fight.
- Deconstructing Rare, Epic, Relic, and Resplendent Rings now rewards appropriate amounts of Flux based on rarity.
- Number of charges now stays constant when using an ultimate ability with the Vial of Unleashed Power equipped.
- Flasks and Emblems now have a brief cooldown when swapped.
- Improved projectile collision.
- Panatea the Partifier no longer requires a Party Animal (pinata) to craft.
- Changing Auras on Stellar gear will now cause it to be non-tradable.
- Fixed a bug causing a “Timeout” error when linking accounts. You can once again link your console to a Trion Worlds account to receive a sweet reward!
- Fixed bug where Scintilla, Spark of the Sky didn't provide movement buff to others.
- Fixed bug where Marketplace comparisons didn't work when Flux was the selling currency.
- Fix rare crash that occurs when disconnected while entering a different world.
- Fixed bug where muzzle flash VFX didn't appear when firing mount cannons.
- Fixed bug where some mount cannons didn't play sounds when firing.
- Fixed a bug where zoning while mounted could crash you.
- Fixed bug where Pirate Captain Turret disappeared (but continued to fire) after 10 seconds even if you picked up doubloons.
- Fixed a disconnect issue related to trading.
- Fixed a disconnect issue related to NPCs destroying plants grown from seeds.
- Fixed a bug where the initial rotation of projectiles was slightly inaccurate.
- Fixed an issue where boss icons in the Shadow Tower UI could disappear for non-English language players.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes icons wouldn't show up in the Trade window.
- Fixed an issue where particle collisions could create a feedback loop and travel relativistic speeds.
- Fixed a bug regarding not all parts of the /whisper text being localized.
- Fixed a few incorrect speed values on assorted sets of wings which were too slow.
- Fixed an issue in VFX rendering that was causing some crashes.
- Fixed a crash that could happen on the loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where particle effects could lead to a client crash.
- Fixed a bug where players could kick other users out of Club Worlds regardless of rank.
- Fixes the missing category for Jurassic Jungle under Collections>Crafting>Biome Recipes.
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes trigger when someone nearby was using the mining laser.
- Fixed a common crash bug related to the particle system.
- Fixed a crash triggered by going through portals when on the Dino Tamer ultimate.
- Fix for a crash that could happen on start up.
- Fixed a bug where Patron Bonuses could apply twice in some situations.
- Fix bug in Character sheet where some abilities didn't display or it displayed a previous class's ability.
- Fix World chat channel being assigned to wrong numbered slot after changing worlds.
- Fixed a bug with the catalog generator.
- Club and Officer Chests now show correct text when interacted with.
- Fixed a bug with the currency display on the Marketplace.
- Fixed the off-center icons in the Claims UI.
- Kicking from club worlds should work correctly again, again.
- A relatively common crash involving using the mining laser has been fixed.
- Stellar Aura VFX now disappear when you die instead of floating around your tombstone.
- Fixed projectile targeting in PVP.
- The level up text for the Chloromancer when reaching level 3 has been fixed.
- Fixed bug where you couldn't invite non-friends to join you in a world.
- Fixed underflow bug in club UI.
- Fixed bug where contest reward progress meter didn't show in Leaderboard UI.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the intro video to play at the wrong resolution.
- Fixed z-fighting issue with rendering transparent blocks underwater.
- Fixed bug where progress could be made toward event objectives before they were active.
- Fixed an issue with the Loot Collector Buyback Leaderboard.
- Improved portal interaction when there is loot nearby (this is most especially apparent at the end of dungeons).
- Fixed bug where the Revenant's Spirit Storm ability and the Candy Barbarian's Scoop n' Gloop Gem ability didn't draw in enemies.
- Golden Gem Keys and the old Moon Gem and Shadow Gems are now visible in the crafting inventory.
- Fixed an issue where items could go to the new Currency Inventory but be invisible. Such items will get moved back to your normal Adventure Inventory.
- Clarified wording on Challenge objectives and some portals.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur for players switching between classes.
- Fixed uncommon server crash that could happen when moving Cornerstones.
- Fixed bug where air current blocks persisted above cornerstone after moving it.
- Fix for some collection images not showing when unlocked for the first time.
- Fix for the Ocean Crown dungeon in the Drowned Isles biome having a water layer above the ocean.
- Fixed issue that could prevent login in certain cases of high network latency.
- Added code to increase server stability in cases of extreme network instability for some regions.
- Fixed bug where School of Fish trophies are stackable.
- Fixed bug where Knight's ultimate VFX didn't appear.
- Fixed bug where stats weren't set correctly in Battle Arenas without changing your class.
- Many multi-threading crash and UI fixes.
- Fix for a rare disconnection bug.
- Fixed bug where some enemies that are supposed to slow down during attacks do not.
- Fixed bug where Shadow Hunter appeared to have two bows.
- Fixed bug where Revenant's Spirit Storm could persist after death.
- Fixed an issue where the License Agreement sometimes wasn't displayed properly.
- Fixed Gunslinger Charged Shot to apply decreased descent.
- Fixed bug where boss abilities triggered too frequently.
- Fixed some behavior with the Twinkling Tomes and Golden Gem Keys - the tradable versions should appear in the Adventure Inventory, and the non-tradable versions used for crafting and Gem boxes should appear in the Crafting Inventory.
- Fixed bug where Neon Ninja class Gem shiruken would not deal damage when more than one hit in rapid succession.
- Fixed bug where killing invaders didn't always reflect in the Killed Invaders stat.
- Fixed bug where no respawn text was shown after dying in the tutorial.
- Fixed bug where weapon is sometimes replaced with fishing pole.
- Fixed inconsistencies in spacing and punctuation for Costume descriptions.
- Fixed a camera shake that occurred during movement.
- Fixed bug where some plant tooltips didn't show the season in which they grew.
- Fixed bug where boss affixes and other abilities triggered too frequently
- Fix bug where piercing projectiles stop after hitting a target.
- Fixed improper messaging when the controller was disconnected.
Preview: i>The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been correc Show
St. Qubeslick's Day
- Help St. Qubeslick rid the land of tentacle invaders, and gain him as an ally!
- Floating shadowy lairs have been spotted over the Medieval Highlands, and tentacles are crawling out of them!
- Craft a new tentacle ally from pieces of the slimy, shuddering shadow!
- Rewards include diamond dragonite, gem boosters, dragon coins, a pearl, chaos chests, and much more!
StoreSome context for the following store changes:
- We've been wanting to simplify the store for awhile now and this is our big effort to do it.
- With the introduction of Credit Pouches and regional pricing we've gone ahead and made the majority of Credit-purchasable items non-tradable.
- In addition, in places where we thought they were priced a bit too high we've used this as a chance to bring prices down some as well.
- Credit Pouches are tradable and can be used to buy any item available for Credits, so you'll just use those most frequently if you're looking to buy Store items for in game currency.
- On top of that, we've converted most of our real money packs to Credits and also removed the idea of rotating real money packs entirely.
- You can pick up your Credits at any time with the always available packs - and the new Radiant Sovereigns have been added as a bonus for some purchases.
- Finally there are new limited time offers to spend them on (which are... maybe too good), so keep an eye out for those, and feel free to top up on Credits whenever you want.
- Many Packs formerly priced in real-world currency are now priced in Credits (and no longer give Patron Points). Some Packs have been reduced in price.
- Credit Packs now offer Radiant Sovereigns, which can be redeemed for great rewards in the Hub. As part of this change, all "Deal" packs have been retired.
- A new $30 Credit pack has been added, offering 5000 credits and 6 Radiant Sovereigns.
- Some items have been removed from the Store: Costume Mystery Boxes, Eyes, Tentacles,
- The 3,000 Credit tradable 30 Day Patron Pass is being removed from the Trove Store. - Updated March 2, 2017
- An untradable 15 Day Patron Pass for 1,250 Credits is being added to the Trove Store. - Updated March 2, 2017
- Based on your feedback the 1,250 Credit cost is designed to allow convenient purchasing via Credit Pouches - Updated March 2, 2017
- Some Store-bought items are now untradable (but old ones retain their tradability): Greater Dragon Caches, Pinatas, Club Megaphones, Rename Tags, Heart-a-phones.
- Extra Life 2015 will now known as the Double Dragon Pack. It is otherwise identical. if you have purchased Extra Life 2015, you will not be presented with the Double Dragon Pack.
- Heart-a-Phones reduced in price from 500 Credits to 250, and Golden keys reduced in price from 2000 to 1500.
- Older Twinkling Tomes, Golden Keys, Golden Gem Keys are now known as “Tradable†versions of those items, and must be Loot Collected in order to produce the actual Twinkling Tomes, Golden Keys, and Golden Gem Keys that do their respective function. Store purchases of these three items will now grant untradeable versions.
- The Chaos Weekly Deal has been improved! Whenever it appears in the Store, it will now offer 2 Golden Chaos Chests (up from 1), and 75 Chaos Chests (up from 65).
- The Patron Weekly Deal has been replaced by the Progression Weekly Deal. This will appear every 4 weeks in the Store, and offers 25 Golden Gem Keys and 5 of a special new item - Double Experience Potions, which double XP Gained for an hour.
- Two new Deals will appear in the Store from time to time offering extreme value. Flash Deals are 4-hour long, occur every 4 days, and offer a 5x value deal on various consumable items essential to powering up. Power Deals unlock as you power up and are a 4x value, and appear for 6 hours.
- You no longer get a starter class coin via mastery and instead now get it through a free product in the store.
- New Llama Talisman has a very rare chance to drop in all adventure worlds with which you can craft many lluxurious llamas.
- The basic versions of the Regular Centaur, Meownt, Pemblock, and Shmeep mounts are now craftable on the Adventure’s Crafting Bench but no longer drop in the world. In their place, Talisman versions of each now drop and can be used to craft any of the mounts of that type, including the base mount.
- Corgi Talismans, Centaur Talismans, Shmeep Talismans, and Meownt Talismans are required to craft the special mounts that share their names on the Adventure’s Crafting Bench in place of the basic version of the mount.
- The descriptions of the talismans have been updated to reflect where they drop. The Regular Centaur, Meownt, Pemblock, and Shmeep mounts will also Loot Collect into the Talisman version.
New Dungeons
- New Neon City Dungeon from Evilagician!
- New Treasure Isles Dungeon from BrianVII!
- New Cursed Lair from FiplyLonePly!
- New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Pennry!
Additional Updates
- Legendary tomes now require the same amount of dungeons to fill as regular ones.
- The amount of Chaos Cores that are gained from Loot Collecting Premium Collectable Chaos Chest prizes has been reduced, from 7 to 6.
- One week out of every 4 will now have a megacore as the chase prize for the week and no new chaos collectible.
- There are new recipes in the Gem section of the Adventure’s Crafting Bench for Lapis Luckbug and Ninth Life.
- Removed a warning message when changing auras on Stellar weapons.
- Fixed Gunslinger Charged Shot to apply decreased descent.
- When splitting an inventory stack, the input box correctly receives the keyboard focus.
- Fixed bug where killing invaders didn't always increment the InvadersKilled stat.
- Fixed a bug that could allow creation of Marketplace listings with larger than 9999 quantity.
- Fixed very rare issue where the Marketplace could get into a state where it took payments for listings but never handed over the purchased items.
- Fixed bug where no respawn text was shown after dying in the tutorial.
- Spring has sprung for the hub!
- Fixed a bug with /timelapseend.
- Updated Market Place comparison to show values < 1.
- Fixed an issue were the ignore list would sometimes show the wrong name for players.
- Navigation menu can be opened regardless of whether the inventory is also open.
- Daughter of the Moon geysers now clean-up after twenty four seconds and no longer persist the entire duration of the fight.
- Shadow Pinatas now have a very rare chance to drop from chaos chests!
- Deconstructing Rare, Epic, Relic, and Resplendent Rings now rewards appropriate amounts of Flux based on rarity.
- Number of charges now stays constant when using an ultimate ability with the Vial of Unleashed Power equipped.
- Experience Boost stat is now called Experience Gain and has a base value of 100 instead of 0. This is for the new XP doubling consumable, so it has a value to double.
- The Fancy Carpet mount no longer adopts player movement speed as its gliding speed.
- The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been corrected.
Preview: ur soul? Well, partner, head on over to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench and craft yours Show
Weekly Swaps
- Chaos chest contents have been updated! This week's featured item is the Kami of Forlorn Forests!
- Dance Pad! This awesome and musical mag rider is on sale this week for 50% off! Get your dance on!
- CHAOS WEEK! For this week only, get TWO Chaos Chests for each point of Chaos Factor!
Battle Arena
The Battle Arena maps have changed!
Three maps have been rotated out, and three new maps by community members Gamerhaze84, SoulSociety, and DyanandAssociates have been added! Go have fun killing each other!
Misc Changes
- Fixed a boat related crash!
- Adventure box drops are now pulled from the pool of all boxes and now drop more rarely. This is the new default state of boxes. In the future when new boxes are added they will be run as a temporary event and then we will revert to this state after.
- Added Magic Find stat to the permanent stats gained when unlocking Yorinn and Erel.
- Removed the double-stats granted for having Selene unlocked.
- Heart of Darkness burning a hole in your soul? Well, partner, head on over to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench and craft yourself one of them Lampooning Lambshade mounts!
- The Star Bar now sends your rewards to the Claims window.
- Fixed a bug that could cause credits or cubits to be deducted despite cancelling a purchase.
- Added some footstep and/or jump sounds to: Iguana/Lizard mounts, Neon Kami, Frost & Hellhounds.
Preview: i>The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been correc Show
St. Qubeslick's Day
- A new quest chain is here! Help St. Qubeslick rid the land of tentacle invaders, and gain the St. Qubeslick ally!
- Floating shadowy lairs have been spotted over the Medieval Highlands and they are crawling with tentacles!
- Collect pieces of the slimy, shuddering shadow to craft the new Tranquil Tentacle ally!
- Event rewards include Diamond Dragonite, gem boosters, Dragon Coins, a Pearl of Wisdom, Chaos Chests, and much more!
StoreSome context for the following store changes:
- We've been wanting to simplify the store for awhile now and this is our big effort to do it.
- We've converted most of our real money packs to Credits and also removed the idea of rotating real money packs entirely.
- For items we felt were priced a bit too high we've also used this as a chance to bring some prices down.
- Credit Pouches are new items in the Trove Store that can be sold for in game currency/items on the Marketplace. They will be the primary method free to play players will use to purchase items with Credits.
- Each Credit Pouch gives 250 Credits when consumed
- New Radiant Sovereigns have been added as a bonus for some purchases and can be used at the Radiant Merchant to trade for goodies.
- Finally, there are new limited time offers (Flash Deals) available for Credits, so keep an eye out for those.
- Many Packs formerly priced in real-world currency are now priced in Credits and no longer give Patron Points (Patron Points are still provided by items purchased with real-world currency such as Credits and Credit Pouches). Some Packs have been reduced in price.
- Credit Packs now offer Radiant Sovereigns, which can be redeemed for great rewards in the Hub. As part of this change, all "Deal" packs have been retired.
- A new $30 Credit pack has been added, offering 5,000 credits and 6 Radiant Sovereigns.
- Extra Life 2015 will now known as the Double Dragon Pack. It is otherwise identical. if you have purchased Extra Life 2015, you will not be presented with the Double Dragon Pack.
- Two new Flash Deals will appear in the Store from time to time offering extreme value. Flash Deals are 4-hour long, occur every 4 days, and offer a 5x value deal on various consumable items essential to powering up. Power Deals unlock as you power up and are a 4x value, and appear for 6 hours.
- An untradable 15 day Patron Pass is now available for 1,250 Credits (fewer than half the Credits of the 30 day pass). While not directly tradable it can be purchased with Credits from five Credit Pouches that can be purchased with in game currency from the Marketplace.
- The tradable 30 Day Patron Pass for 3,000 Credits is leaving the Trove Store.
- Some items have been removed from the Store: Costume Mystery Boxes, Eyes, Tentacles,
- Some Store-bought items are now untradable (but old ones retain their tradability): Greater Dragon Caches, Pinatas, Club Megaphones, Rename Tags, Heart-a-phones.
- Heart-a-Phones reduced in price from 500 Credits to 250, and Golden keys reduced in price from 2000 to 1500.
- Older Twinkling Tomes, Golden Keys, Golden Gem Keys are now known as “Tradable” versions of those items, and must be Loot Collected in order to produce the actual Twinkling Tomes, Golden Keys, and Golden Gem Keys that do their respective function. Store purchases of these three items will now grant untradeable versions.
- The Chaos Weekly Deal has been improved! Whenever it appears in the Store, it will now offer 2 Golden Chaos Chests (up from 1), and 75 Chaos Chests (up from 65).
- The Patron Weekly Deal has been replaced by the Progression Weekly Deal. This will appear every 4 weeks in the Store, and offers 25 Golden Gem Keys and 5 of a special new item - Double Experience Potions, which double XP Gained for an hour.
- A Starter Class Coin is available to claim from the Trove Store for free in new accounts. This replaces the previous requirement of reaching Mastery Rank 3. (Pro Tip: Use the Class Select menu ( J ) to get a free trial of any Class before using your free Starter Class Coin).
- Spring Pinatas are in the store! Winter was coming, but it came and went.
Brazilian Portuguese and Regional Pricing
- Brazilian Portuguese is now out of beta!
- Packs are now priced in the Brazilian real on both the in-game and web stores for players from Brazil.
Gem Changes
- The lower stat value for all minor gems has been increased by 30%!
- Lesser Stellar gems now deconstruct for 500 gem dust.
- Gem Booster boxes now award golden gem keys instead of dust.
- Gem Booster boxes now give slightly more of some boosters at uncommon.
- Gems no longer can be found with only one stat, instead only spawning with 2 or 3 stats.
- There are new recipes in the Gem section of the Adventure’s Crafting Bench for Lapis Luckbug and Ninth Life.
- New Llama Talisman has a very rare chance to drop in all adventure worlds with which you can craft many lluxurious llamas.
- The basic versions of the Regular Centaur, Meownt, Pemblock, and Shmeep mounts are now craftable on the Adventure’s Crafting Bench but no longer drop in the world. In their place, Talisman versions of each now drop and can be used to craft any of the mounts of that type, including the base mount.
- Corgi Talismans, Centaur Talismans, Shmeep Talismans, and Meownt Talismans are required to craft the special mounts that share their names on the Adventure’s Crafting Bench in place of the basic version of the mount.
- The descriptions of the talismans have been updated to reflect where they drop.
- The Regular Centaur, Meownt, Pemblock, and Shmeep mounts will also Loot Collect into the Talisman version.
New Dungeons
- New Neon City Dungeon from Evilagician!
- New Treasure Isles Dungeon from BrianVII!
- New Cursed Lair from FiplyLonePly!
- New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Pennry!
Additional Updates
- Fixed Gunslinger Charged Shot to apply decreased descent.
- Fixed bug where boss abilities triggered too frequently.
- Legendary tomes now require the same amount of dungeons to fill as regular ones.
- The amount of Chaos Cores that are gained from Loot Collecting Premium Collectable Chaos Chest prizes has been reduced, from 7 to 6.
- One week out of every 4 will now have a megacore as the chase prize for the week and no new chaos collectible.
- Shadow Pinatas now have a very rare chance to drop from chaos chests!
- Mastery has been doubled (from 50 to 100) on the Cyclone Skimmer and Neverending Necrowmancer mounts. Players who have already these mounts collected will receive the incremental 50 Mastery. (Squeakers will eventually get this change as well.)
- Untradable Class Coins now Loot Collect into 3 Double Experience Potions. Please note: the Double Experience Potions do not currently display how much time is remaining after you consume them. This should be corrected in the next patch. The time will only count down while you are online.
- Experience Boost stat is now called Experience Gain and has a base value of 100 instead of 0. This is for the new Double Experience Potions, so it has a value to double.
- Removed a warning message when changing auras on Stellar weapons.
- New Streamer dream allies have been added!
- When splitting an inventory stack, the input box correctly receives the keyboard focus.
- Spring has sprung for the hub!
- Updated Market Place comparison to show values < 1.
- The scroll speed for chat has been normalized.
- Fixed an issue where the ignore list would sometimes show the wrong name for players.
- Navigation menu can be opened regardless of whether the inventory is also open.
- Daughter of the Moon geysers now clean-up after twenty four seconds and no longer persist the entire duration of the fight.
- Deconstructing Rare, Epic, Relic, and Resplendent Rings now rewards appropriate amounts of Flux based on rarity.
- Number of charges now stays constant when using an ultimate ability with the Vial of Unleashed Power equipped.
- The Fancy Carpet mount no longer adopts player movement speed as its gliding speed.
- The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been corrected.
- Fixed bug where Neon Ninja class gem shiruken would not deal damage when more than one hit in rapid succession.
- Fixed bug where killing invaders didn't always increment the Invaders Killed stat.
- Fixed a bug that could allow creation of Marketplace listings with larger than 9999 quantity.
- Fixed very rare issue where the Marketplace could get into a state where it took payments for listings but never handed over the purchased items.
- Fixed bug where no respawn text was shown after dying in the tutorial.
- Fixed a bug with /timelapseend.
Preview: g Bench has had a name change! It is now an Adventurer's Crafting Bench. * Many Show
Arriving on 6/30/15!
* The character sheet has new UI.
* The ESC menu has new UI.
* For players in need of a Novice Crafting Bench, please visit the small hut in the Northern area of the Hub.
* The Crafting Bench has had a name change! It is now an Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
* Many recipes that used to be on the Crafting Bench can now be found on the Builder's Crafting Bench, which can be made at the Novice Crafting Bench.
* Many recipes that used to be on the Novice Crafting Bench have been moved to either the Adventurer's Crafting Bench or the Builder's Crafting Bench.
* The V crafting menu has been removed from the game.
* All recipes that were once on the V crafting menu have been moved to either the Adventurer's Crafting Bench or the Builder's Crafting Bench.
* Additionally, a Shadow Key Mold crafting bench has been added to Shadow Arena entrances and preparation rooms.
* The Advanced Forge has had its name legally changed to Enchanted Forge.
* Chaos chests have been randomized! Featuring Stormcaller's Wings.
* You can now hold down Alt for a quick way to get access to a free mouse cursor.
* In-world tooltips are no longer visible with the UI hidden (F7).
* Equipment stats comparison now shows unchanged stats; stats comparison no longer shows for items that can't be equipped.
* Azulian Dragon Caches now drop fewer eyes.
* The descriptions for class abilities have been updated to be more specific. For example, Dracolyte's Avatar of Flame now notes that it increases movement speed, stability, and the damage of the Dracolyte's basic attack, while also reducing damage taken.
* Knight: Iron Will: This ability now heals you immediately, like flasks, instead of after a short delay.
* Desert Frontier zones have a new set of NPCs and quests that target them.
* The amount of ore veins that spawn in the world has been slightly decreased.
* The amount of Somber Soul spawns that occur in Undead Hills ore veins has been increased.
* Updated golden thread with new objectives.
* Fixed an issue with water simulation.
* Remove some unnecessary network messages.
* Optimized server animations.
* Dropped items and equipment now last 3 minutes instead of 1.
* Fixed bug where hitspark appeared when hitting other players with melee attacks .
* Fixed bug where lobber and falling traps did very little damage.
* New Novice Highlands lair from Stedms.
* New Novice Highlands lair from Ampitere.
* New Novice Highlands lair from IcerenNodd.