Enchanted Forge
Press [HK:Loot] to forge.
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Enchanted Forge"
Preview: uipped appearances correctly. The Enchanted Forge will now display the correc Show
Additional Updates
- Geode Topside U9 and U10 Worlds now have a Light requirement for entry.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Vanguardian class from getting Crystal gear drops.
- Increased the damage done by the Flower Power Cosmic Empowered Gems.
- Fixed Empyrean Barrier to not shield against /respawn.
- Fix for Crystal gear not taking equipped appearances correctly.
- The Enchanted Forge will now display the correct tooltips about pearling Crystal items.
- Removed a reference to gem cracking when a booster is selected.
- Named some Geode Styles.
Preview: ring. * Changing Radiant Auras at the Enchanted Forge now goes through them all i Show
Arriving on 8/11/15!
* Fish now have weights, so now you can-have-once caught one thiiiiiiiiiiis big!
* The heaviest fish of a given type count as a TROPHY CATCH, which can be deconstructed in to Bronze, Silver, or Gold trophies to place in your Cornerstone or Club World!
* Three New VFX for your Radiant Weapons are now available!
* Neon - Available after unlocking 50 Neon Dragon Souls.
* Shadow Stain - dropped rarely when adventuring.
* Tough Love - dropped rarely when adventuring.
* Changing Radiant Auras at the Enchanted Forge now goes through them all in order, rather than choosing one randomly.
* You can now view the auras you have unlocked in the Collections window (Default key: Y) under Styles>Radiant Auras.
* Chaos Chest rewards been shuffled! Get your hands on the HOT Torched Taurus, submitted by Screamheart!
* Sorcerous Servant emblem has been added to the store! Are you Sorcerous? Do you want a Servant? WE'VE GOT A FLASK EMBLEM FOR YOU!
* Clicking "Get Chaos Chests" on the Trove Today screen will now open up a store page that shows nothing except chaos chests! How simple!
* Using the mouse wheel when in build mode no longer rotates placed objects, and now zooms just like adventure mode.
* Holding Shift while pressing the middle mouse button will rotate objects.
* "Walk" in build mode, previously bound to the shift key, is now bound to the control key.
* "Nova" bosses now fire shots in a half circle in front of themselves rather than all around themselves.
* Player-summoned objects (Tomb Raiser's minions, Dracolyte's Burnt Offering, etc.) are now destroyed when changing classes.
* Attempting to loot items with your inventory open will no longer claim you don't have space
* You can now right click a player's name when they chat in /say (this actually happened last week!)
* Fixed a few crashes related to Particle Effects.
* Fixed some video setting changes not saving if the screen resolution was changed at the same time.
* New hairstyles by GadgetCAT, Humpypants, Dragoes, Narwiff, Zoe, PinkNekoGirl, and AtomicHoagie have been added to the game!
* Desert Frontier NPCs now drop the appropriate trophies, courtesy of Tribe!
Click here for info on the expected downtime for this patch.
Preview: rectly. * Updated the visuals for the Enchanted Forge and regular Forge. * Show
Arriving on 7/28/15!
* Be free of the shackles of the Class Changer: you can now change your class anywhere by pressing ‘J’!
* Pinatas should no longer get pushed around by Tomb Raiser minions.
* Most items now have a notification when dropping them on the ground. Boots do not.
* Fixed a server crash caused by NPCs moving outside of the world, breaking time and space itself.
* You can now send friend requests to offline users.
* The friends list now sorts incoming friend requests to the top of the list.
* Chaos Chests have been randomized. You meow have a chance to find Ari Gato, Domo Gato, or Daimeownt when opening Chaos Chests. Here's hoping you're furtunate to get one of these clawesome new mounts!
* The new costume pack, To The Nines, is now available!
* The Tomb Raiser pack is no longer available. Did you miss it? Never fear! The Boneweaver and Spite Biter Spider Mounts, and Soulfire Wings are now available on the store!
* The Arcanium Steamboat, Crawler Mount, and Discord Wings are now available for purchase on the store!
* Stasis Blade no longers snares minions. Be free, minions! Be free!
* Using the First Mate ability while against a wall no longer spawns the minion at the top of the wall.
* World tooltips now tilt so that players can read them more easily.
* Added an exit button to the Connecting/Queue screen, plus some other visual polish touches.
* The challenge UI now shows up in club worlds.
* Left click while on a legendary dragon while not flying will now dismount you like all other mounts.
* Fixed a bug where spamming the mount keys resulted in the player appearing to have two mounts active simultaneously.
* Fixed an issue where the earring on the Bounteous Hunter hairstyle wasn't masked correctly.
* Updated the visuals for the Enchanted Forge and regular Forge.
* Fixed a bug where the red placement target wouldn't change to white (or vice versa) until targeting a new block.
* Fixed a bug causing the Sky Realm appeared as "Rank 5 Shadow Arena" on friends list and invitations.
* Fixed a bug causing some Winter items to yield a fifth "unknown" stat when upgrading.
* Fixed a bug causing the Highlands recipe for the Dusty Bookcase to incorrectly point to the Well-Loved Bookcase instead.
* New Radiant Ruins lair from Cretoriani.
* New Radiant Ruins lair from Zoe and Stedms.
* New Shadow Dungeon from Stedms.
* New Shadow Dungeon from Aodahn.
* New Shadow Dungeon from Markec1983.
* New hairstyles by GadgetCAT, Hamuko, and Aodahn have been added to the game!
* New face styles by Knightlock, PinkNekoGirl, Stabicus, Khali, Delvulria, and Humpypants have been added to the game!
* New face styles by RainNero, Lachtre, PinkNekoGirl, Humpypants, Zoe, Tmahwk, Ranen and Stedms have been added to the game!
* Bead Curtain deco pieces have been flipped around 180 degrees
* New Hat styles by BrianVI, Xylioxus, PinkiePie, Shalimar, Paluche, Fellhammer, Rajeeb, Sargonnas, RageGamerRyan, PinkNekoGirl, Ranen, KobayashiMaru and Eriri have been added to the game!
* New melee weapon styles by illand, mamagabby, Weemuddy, Knightlock, megashaidu, GadgetCAT, Bonku, LokiFM, MonsterAnt, WarlordTempest, SaiyanTooth, and Pumkmine have been added to the game!
* New hat styles by Eduloko, Aey, Mansage, Stedms, Pumkmine, BornThisWay, Jusic, and SkyRider3217 have been added to the game! New bow styles by Arradir, MeteorKing, Steveanderly, Eriri, Jallafish, The_Most_Smooth, and Jonikalus have been added to the game!
New melee styles by adambguy, Gieopdop, Walyn, Mot, Sonorous, Balthier, Dunmire1234, Humpypants, Skendya, Solipso, Fhilian, and Hooborg have been added to the game!
* New staff styles by AdamantSpartan, Reggame, MotzerellaSauce, Xylioxus, Armodan, RutilusFalx, Gyrruss, KobayashiMaru, Volfide, MamaGabby, PonyPrince, SweetPeony, and Chocchimp4 have been added to the game!
* New pistol styles by Pumkmine, Weendyy, Knightlock, Deyat, TeeKayM, EyeballPrincessII, Skullcracker555, illand, MotzerellaSauce, Taterdude, Grimsalt, and MiszterSoul have been added to the game!
* An assortment of Radiant pistols and staves have been added to the game!