Donation Station
Imported in Patch: Into the Deep Tervezte: Trove Team
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Donation Station"
Preview: Vale Dragon Pup (Ally) Diminutive Donation Station (Ally) Carysian R Show
Are you ready for one of Trove’s biggest events of the year?
Come celebrate and throw a big bash together in Trove’s Sunfest summer event. This party is not only special for the summer, but also because of Trove’s 5th birthday!
Join the fight against the invasion of shadow pinatas across the world and choose your allegiance wisely between one of three Houses: Tysorion, Panatea, or Carys. Defeat dastardly Sunfest Invaders to obtain special house coins and exchange them for wonderful rewards!
Qubesly needs your help throwing a beautiful bonfire for the sun goddess, and don’t let the shadowy intruders steal the fun.
Be on the lookout for even more surprises as the rare Moontouched Menace reveals itself from the dark. Defeat and complete daily adventures to receive even more rewards!
You think that’s all? Not even close!
This year’s celebration of Sunfest 2020 has also left something special in our shop.
See more below about the special packs for each House:
Sunfest Spirit Pack – House Carys
- Furballous, Kitty Guardian of the Vale (Mount)
- Golden Vale Dragon Pup (Ally)
- Diminutive Donation Station (Ally)
- Carysian Roly-Poly Pal (Ally)
- Golden Vale Guardian (Costume)
Sunfest Spirit Pack – House Tysorion
- Sun-taur, Banner-holder of the Tysorion Front (Mount)
- Hyped-Up Piñata (Mount)
- Tysorion Pup (Ally)
- Tysorion Roly-Poly Pal (Ally)
- Pint-Sized Hyper Pin (Ally)
- Tysorion Shadow Hunter (Costume)
Sunfest Spirit Pack – House Panatea
- Perry, the Panatean Defender (Mount)
- Piñatataur (Mount)
- Panatean Roly-Poly Pal (Ally)
- Celebratory Cake (Ally)
- Party Pup (Ally)
- Panatean Sage (Costume)
Sunfest will start from July 7, 2020 at 4:00am PST / 13:00 CEST until July 21, 2020 at 4:00am PST / 13:00 CEST!
Do you want to learn more about how Sunfest works? Check out the FAQ >>>here<<<
Take full advantage during the summer time and celebrate Trove’s birthday through Sunfest 2020!
Have fun at the biggest party bash of the year!
Here’s to another year!
The Trove Team
Preview: opolis can no longer be damaged. A Donation Station has been added to the Adve Show
Greetings, Trovians!
We are happy to announce that Into the Deep is coming to Consoles!
Leviathan World Bosses
- Diligent explorers might find the way to some new world bosses in Geode Topside worlds – the monstrous Leviathans living underneath the surface.
- There are 3 versions of these Leviathans, each with their own giant and dangerous abilities. Watch out, for they shall not be easy to survive!
- Leviathan Lairs can not be destroyed, and Leviathans will destroy blocks placed around players.
- The top 8 defeaters of Leviathans any day will receive an Ego Potion.
- Ego Potions can be used to temporarily increase the size of the player’s head.
- Unused Ego Potions will vanish during each weekly reset.
- Defeating a Leviathan gives an increased chance of dropping Crystal 3 equipment along with Lesser Geode Topside Caches. While the drop rates increase with higher ubers, Crystal 3 equipment can drop from a Leviathan in U-8.
- Badges can be earned for slaying Leviathans; these will reward an Ego Potion for each badge and Hats for every other badge.
- Leviathans also drop Torches, which grant Light and are equipped in the Banner slot. Each Leviathan will only drop one Torch.
- Tempered Torches can be crafted at the Sunseeker’s Crystalforge by combining Fragile Torches and other materials.
- Tempered Torches only last until the weekly reset at 11 AM UTC on Mondays.
- Fragile Torches last only until the next daily reset at 11 AM UTC.
General Adventure Updates
- Adventure Heroes now have an exclamation point over their heads.
- Yellow exclamation points indicate a Trovian Adventure Hero.
- Blue exclamation points indicate a Geodian Adventure Hero.
- Green exclamation points indicate an Event Adventure Hero.
- All Adventures from Adventure Heroes now state what type of adventure is being accepted.
- The Adventures window (default hotkey I or Activities > Adventures in the Quick Menu) has been upgraded to show additional information about how to find adventures.
Club Adventures
- The Club Daily Experience Cap has been increased to 100,000 for all clubs, big and small.
- The Club Adventure reward cap has been reduced to 20. Rewards have been rebalanced for this change.
- The current Club Adventure limit has been increased to 5 (from 3) but Adventures taken from any Club counts towards this cap, rather than tracking Clubs the player is a member of separately.
- Completing Club Adventures and crafting Clubits both have a chance to spawn a Club Pinata.
- The Requirement to place the Respite of Heroes has been reduced to club level 3.
- Adventures now give a consistent amount of base Adventurine based on the rarity of the Adventure Hero who gives the adventure.
- Common Adventures give 150 Adventurine.
- Uncommon Adventures give 200 Adventurine.
- Rare Adventures give 250 Adventurine.
- Epic Adventures give 300 Adventurine.
- Legendary Adventures give 350 Adventurine.
- The rarities for Club Adventure Heroes have been adjusted.
- The Mysterious Champion is now Rare instead of Common.
- Neologus is now Uncommon instead of Rare.
- Lady Seldarine is now Common instead of Uncommon.
- Dracantes is now Uncommon instead of Epic.
- Katonnis is now Uncommon instead of Rare.
- Chief Brosquatch is now Common instead of Uncommon.
- Irran-Shu is now Uncommon instead of Epic.
- Club Adventure Heroes no longer fall asleep.
- Club Adventure Hero removal cost has been normalized, it now costs 200 clubits to remove any adventure hero.
- All Adventure Heroes of a given rarity now hang around for the same length of time
- Common Adventure Heroes last for 24 hours.
- Uncommon Adventure Heroes last for 12 hours.
- Rare Adventure Heroes last for 6 hours.
- Epic Adventure Heroes last for 3 hours.
- Legendary Adventure Heroes last for 1 hour.
- Many club adventures no longer have quest text as the title itself is enough to describe the text.
- Club Adventure Heroes have had their available adventures reworked so they each only give one Adventure. This means that adventures can now be known as soon as the hero spawns.
- Snarkle no longer accepts chaos chests that come from claims, but will now accept golden chaos chests.
- The Mysterious Champion now gives an Adventure to deal 100,000 damage in Bomber Royale or win a match.
- Yoshimi Is now located on the Beacon of Heroes instead of spawning at the Rally of Heroes and grants permanent access to an Outpost Adventure to defeat 15 Luminopolis enemies.
- This adventure provides the same amount of XP and Adventurine as other outpost Adventures. It also counts against the Outpost Adventure daily limit.
- Yoshimi will only appear for Beacon of Heroes placed after this patch, so some clubs may need to remove and replace the Beacon of Heroes. To help pay for this, all players with at least 20 Mastery who also log in within 24 hours of the patch will receive 50 Clubits.
Geodian Outpost Adventures
- Geodian Topside and Geode Cave Adventures are now both considered to be Geodian Outpost Adventures.
- Only one Geodian Outpost Adventure can be active at a time.
- The Geodian Outpost Adventure reward cap has been reduced to 5 as they can only be completed one at a time. The rewards have been increased to compensate for this.
- Geodian Outpost Adventures now give 350 Adventurine as a reward.
- The Geode Cave Adventure Pebbles have relocated next to the cave portals, where they figured they were more likely to get Trovians to stop and help.
- The mining Pebble no longer wants inorganics from the caves and is now looking for Builder's Crates.
- The amount of organics and critters needed to complete the Geode Cave Adventures has been increased.
- The Geode Topside dungeon completion adventure has been replaced with a Mining adventure.
- The requirements for the Complete a 5 Star Dungeon Adventure have been reduced to 2 (down from 3).
- Completing a Geodian Cave Adventure has a chance to provide a Reliquary. Now how did that sneak into your inventory?
- Completing Geodian Topside Adventures has a chance to provide a Lesser Geodian Topside Cache.
Trovian Outpost Adventures
- The Outpost of Light now appears on the map as an Adventure Outpost. These Outposts in Igneous Islands and Drowned Worlds have been redecorated with Saltwater Sam, a Nautical Assembler, a Loot Collector and a Personal Chest.
- Adventure Outposts can spawn in every biome. Beginning with the Permafrost World, players will always enter Prime and Elemental Worlds at an Adventure Outpost.
- Outpost Shrines have also been renamed Adventure Outposts, and their adventures are considered to be Trovian Outpost Adventures.
- Each Trovian Outpost Adventure can only be completed once per day.
- Trovian Outpost Adventures now give 75 Adventurine each.
- An Outpost Merchant can be found on Adventure Outposts who will trade Adventurine for Adventurine Strongbox Keys, Bombs, or an Adventurer’s Lunchbox.
- There are now Adventure Heroes at the Adventure Outpost for each biome that have unique adventures.
- In elemental worlds, the Adventure Outposts where players enter the world will always have a Hero which gives the appropriate Collect 5 Gem Boxes adventure. These Adventure Outposts can be identified by their dragon headed prows.
- In Drowned Worlds and Igneous Islands, other Adventure Outposts may have an appropriately dressed Boothilda who requests players find fish in that world.
- All Trovian Outpost Adventure Heroes in Luminopolis now offer one specific adventure.
- A new Spider Hero has been added that provides the existing plasmium adventure. This hero can be found on the pink towers outpost where the sugar glider kami was previously located.
- The centaur kami now asks for any Neon City dungeon to be completed rather than specifying Luminopolis dungeons.
- The fish kami now asks only for fish rather than sometimes asking for plasmium.
- The griffin kami now asks only for defeating enemies rather than sometimes asking specifically for punchbots to be defeated.
- The tortoise kami still asks for primordial flame, but no longer cares which biome it comes from.
- The bird kami now asks only for Charged Circuits to be crafted.
- The Luminopolis defeat adventures now only provide credit for the first 3 mobs from any source.
- Adventure Outposts found in Luminopolis can no longer be damaged.
- A Donation Station has been added to the Adventure Outposts found in Luminopolis.
- Donating Plasmium, Charged Circuits, Logic Loops, or Memory Matrices gives a chance to receive Adventure Boxes.
- Rampage Bosses may also be summoned at these Donation Stations for the same cost as crafting a Beacon.
- The Plasmium costs for Beacons and summoning Rampage Bosses has been increased as they can now be summoned immediately.
- Completing Trovian Outpost Adventures has a chance to grant a Locked Adventurine Strongbox.
- The Locked Adventurine Strongbox requires an Adventurine Strongbox Key to open. These keys can be obtained from Outpost Merchants.
- The Locked Adventurine Strongboxes can contain allies (including a pinata ally appropriate to the current season), a mount, rarely a non-tradable costume, or very rarely a tradable costume. Costumes from Locked Adventurine Strongboxes provide 70 Mastery.
- The Pixel Ally can be deconstructed into an Adventure Key.
- The first time each credit pack is purchased it now gives an extra 20% credits!
- The Level 25 Pack has arrived. Purchase this pack to receive an empowered gem box of each type plus a Class Boost: Level 25.
- The Class Boost: Level 25 is a new item that, when consumed, sets the current class to level 25. It will set the class to level 25 regardless of the level the class is at when used, although it cannot be used once the class is level 25 or over. It is not affected by any kind of experience multiplier.
- Class Boost: Level 25 cannot be used on trial classes or classes that are already over level 25.
- Replaced the Power Deal at 2500 PR for 5 Ninth Lives with one for 105 Dragonite for 1250 credits.
NOTE: The Level 25 and the 20% Extra Credit Packs are not going to debut on Console on December 16th. This is a known issue and Trove Team is working on having them released for consoles as soon as possible. We will update our Community when we have all the details.
Additional Updates
- A Class Gem Key is now granted when each class reaches level 25. Note that these classes must be switched to in order to receive this grant.
- Additional rare allies can now be found in the Ally Habitats produced at the Harvesting Station.
- Geode Topside "Large Dungeons" are now more likely to be 5-Star as opposed to 3-Star.
- Down with Lairs, up with 1 star dungeons! Lairs now only refer the dead ends in geode caves, instead of also referring to some 1 star dungeons.
- Increased the amount of 1-Star Dungeons which spawn in the "Saurian Swamp" sub-biome in Jurassic Jungle.
- To alleviate performance issues for some users, updraft trees in the Primal Preserve sub-biome of Jurassic Jungles are less common.
- Fixed an issue where the Atlas could become unresponsive after resizing the window.
- The “Gather 3 Trovians” objective spawns slightly less frequently and gives slightly better loot.
- Luminopolis and Neon City are now slightly different colors on the world map.
- Thallasion's Biome in the Drowned Worlds now has a claw icon on the world map.
- Empty "Open Lava Seas" now exist in the Igneous Islands world. There isn't anything to do here, but it sure makes the map look nicer.
- Daughter of the Moon's "Backslash" attack should now do enough damage to one-shot even the most powerful of Trovians.
- Attacking the Spikewalker in Shadow Tower as a melee character should be significantly easier.
- Shapestone ore is now more common in the Medieval Highlands worlds.
- Cinnabar no longer spawns in the Medieval Highlands world.
- Some of the early Golden Thread steps have been tweaked to reduce redundancy and increase accessibility.
- The Qubesly ally now gives 2 jump in addition to superstition.
- The Ludini, Patron of Playfulness and Sarsaponia, The Pristine dragons have returned the autofire ability to be exclusive to Za'Hadeen, Heart of the Flame.
- Saltwater Sam has packaged the "Worn Sail" in with the SS Dinghy, and now offers Lootseeker's Mainsail, designed by Jusiv!
- Spear Vault Style can now be obtained with Super Style Stashes.
- A Spear Vault Style Stash recipe has been added to Runecrafting at the Runecarver rank.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some collection unlockers (like the Super Style Stash) to erroneously message that all collectables have already been unlocked.
- Deconstructing fish at a compost bench now gives all of the rewards instead of just a trophy.
- Trial classes can no longer gain experience beyond level 4.
- Experience coins now give errors when used on trial or max level classes instead of silently not working.
- Some of the allies from the Promo section have been moved to the Dev Dream section and can now be acquired by using Dev Dream Ally Boxes.
- Renamed "Cosmic Empowered Gem Box" and "Citaria's Watery Treasure Urn" to "Empowered Cosmic Gem Box" and "Empowered Water Gem Box".
- The Crystallogy section of the Geode Adventures Tracker has been removed.
- Fixed a bug with /clublog where it sometimes would get confused about a club's log if the club has more than one name.
- The Moon Goddess has chilled out a bit. Moonlight bulbs will now disappear after 3 hours instead of 1.
- Mounts that plant seeds will no longer avoid club world caps.
- The Ship to Geode will finally depart the hub once it changes to winter.
- Stiltstitcher enemies (aka Undertow) should now be easier to hit in combat. They will also no longer drop Blue Crab Trophies.
- Corrected some grey voxels on Armored Abyss Assailant.
- The Hel’Terain Trophy sold by Luxion which transformed into a Darknik Warbot Trophy in the tooltip image as soon as placed has been permanently converted into a Darknik Warbot Trophy. A real version of that Trophy has been uncovered and Luxion is looking forward to making it available.
- Event recipe collections now only show recipes that need to be unlocked.
- Adjustments have been made to the Lunar Lancer: Lancer of the Hydrakken costume.
- Racing challenges have been removed from rotation.
- Moonlight bulbs no longer spawn in Shores of the Everdark. The Darkness was too much for even these hardy plants to take.
- The sigil progress tooltip now correctly indicates Trove mastery instead of Total mastery.
- Gameplay blocks like vertical jump blocks or turrets can no longer be placed outside of Cornerstones or Club Worlds to prevent loss.
- The Chaos Core Crafter’s divination ability has been sadly lost, it will no longer give glimpses into the future
- Saltwater Sam’s harmless nature is now evident to wandering monsters, he will no longer agitate them
- You can now Loot Collect in the Hub - the Loot Collector has been placed at the spot of the Trading Post and the Trading Post has been shifted slightly close to the Battle Arena building in turn.
- The Chronomancer skin for the Chloromancer has been adjusted and has had its projectile size reduced significantly.
- The following skins now correctly change appearances for Class Gem abilities: Chaotic Wanderer (Boomeranger), Pyromagical Prankster (Dracolyte), Rabbity Raiser (Tomb Raiser).
- The Leash Blocks in the Stables Club Fixture now require Mounts to be present for at least 10 seconds before they can be dismissed.
- Mounts summoned by Leash Blocks can no longer be killed.
Preview: opolis can no longer be damaged. A Donation Station has been added to the Adve Show
Leviathan World Bosses
- Diligent explorers might find the way to some new world bosses in Geode Topside worlds – the monstrous Leviathans living underneath the surface.
- There are 3 versions of these Leviathans, each with their own giant and dangerous abilities. Watch out, for they shall not be easy to survive!
- Leviathan Lairs can not be destroyed, and Leviathans will destroy blocks placed around players.
- The top 8 defeaters of Leviathans any day will receive an Ego Potion.
- Ego Potions can be used to temporarily increase the size of the player’s head.
- Unused Ego Potions will vanish during each weekly reset.
- Defeating a Leviathan gives an increased chance of dropping Crystal 3 equipment along with Lesser Geode Topside Caches. While the drop rates increase with higher ubers, Crystal 3 equipment can drop from a Leviathan in U-8.
- Badges can be earned for slaying Leviathans; these will reward an Ego Potion for each badge and Hats for every other badge.
- Leviathans also drop Torches, which grant Light and are equipped in the Banner slot. Each Leviathan will only drop one Torch.
- Tempered Torches can be crafted at the Sunseeker’s Crystalforge by combining Fragile Torches and other materials.
- Tempered Torches only last until the weekly reset at 11 AM UTC on Mondays.
- Fragile Torches last only until the next daily reset at 11 AM UTC.
General Adventure Updates
- Adventure Heroes now have an exclamation point over their heads.
- Yellow exclamation points indicate a Trovian Adventure Hero.
- Blue exclamation points indicate a Geodian Adventure Hero.
- Green exclamation points indicate an Event Adventure Hero.
- All Adventures from Adventure Heroes now state what type of adventure is being accepted.
- The Adventures window (default hotkey I or Activities > Adventures in the Quick Menu) has been upgraded to show additional information about how to find adventures.
Club Adventures
- The Club Daily Experience Cap has been increased to 100,000 for all clubs, big and small.
- The Club Adventure reward cap has been reduced to 20. Rewards have been rebalanced for this change.
- The current Club Adventure limit has been increased to 5 (from 3) but Adventures taken from any Club counts towards this cap, rather than tracking Clubs the player is a member of separately.
- Completing Club Adventures and crafting Clubits both have a chance to spawn a Club Pinata.
- The Requirement to place the Respite of Heroes has been reduced to club level 3.
- Adventures now give a consistent amount of base Adventurine based on the rarity of the Adventure Hero who gives the adventure.
- Common Adventures give 150 Adventurine.
- Uncommon Adventures give 200 Adventurine.
- Rare Adventures give 250 Adventurine.
- Epic Adventures give 300 Adventurine.
- Legendary Adventures give 350 Adventurine.
- The rarities for Club Adventure Heroes have been adjusted.
- The Mysterious Champion is now Rare instead of Common.
- Neologus is now Uncommon instead of Rare.
- Lady Seldarine is now Common instead of Uncommon.
- Dracantes is now Uncommon instead of Epic.
- Katonnis is now Uncommon instead of Rare.
- Chief Brosquatch is now Common instead of Uncommon.
- Irran-Shu is now Uncommon instead of Epic.
- Club Adventure Heroes no longer fall asleep.
- Club Adventure Hero removal cost has been normalized, it now costs 200 clubits to remove any adventure hero.
- All Adventure Heroes of a given rarity now hang around for the same length of time
- Common Adventure Heroes last for 24 hours.
- Uncommon Adventure Heroes last for 12 hours.
- Rare Adventure Heroes last for 6 hours.
- Epic Adventure Heroes last for 3 hours.
- Legendary Adventure Heroes last for 1 hour.
- Many club adventures no longer have quest text as the title itself is enough to describe the text.
- Club Adventure Heroes have had their available adventures reworked so they each only give one Adventure. This means that adventures can now be known as soon as the hero spawns.
- Snarkle no longer accepts chaos chests that come from claims, but will now accept golden chaos chests.
- The Mysterious Champion now gives an Adventure to deal 100,000 damage in Bomber Royale or win a match.
- Yoshimi Is now located on the Beacon of Heroes instead of spawning at the Rally of Heroes and grants permanent access to an Outpost Adventure to defeat 15 Luminopolis enemies.
- This adventure provides the same amount of XP and Adventurine as other outpost Adventures. It also counts against the Outpost Adventure daily limit.
- Yoshimi will only appear for Beacon of Heroes placed after this patch, so some clubs may need to remove and replace the Beacon of Heroes. To help pay for this, all players with at least 20 Mastery who also log in within 24 hours of the patch will receive 50 Clubits.
Geodian Outpost Adventures
- Geodian Topside and Geode Cave Adventures are now both considered to be Geodian Outpost Adventures.
- Only one Geodian Outpost Adventure can be active at a time.
- The Geodian Outpost Adventure reward cap has been reduced to 5 as they can only be completed one at a time. The rewards have been increased to compensate for this.
- Geodian Outpost Adventures now give 350 Adventurine as a reward.
- The Geode Cave Adventure Pebbles have relocated next to the cave portals, where they figured they were more likely to get Trovians to stop and help.
- The mining Pebble no longer wants inorganics from the caves and is now looking for Builder's Crates.
- The amount of organics and critters needed to complete the Geode Cave Adventures has been increased.
- The Geode Topside dungeon completion adventure has been replaced with a Mining adventure.
- The requirements for the Complete a 5 Star Dungeon Adventure have been reduced to 2 (down from 3).
- Completing a Geodian Cave Adventure has a chance to provide a Reliquary. Now how did that sneak into your inventory?
- Completing Geodian Topside Adventures has a chance to provide a Lesser Geodian Topside Cache.
Trovian Outpost Adventures
- The Outpost of Light now appears on the map as an Adventure Outpost. These Outposts in Igneous Islands and Drowned Worlds have been redecorated with Saltwater Sam, a Nautical Assembler, a Loot Collector and a Personal Chest.
- Adventure Outposts can spawn in every biome. Beginning with the Permafrost World, players will always enter Prime and Elemental Worlds at an Adventure Outpost.
- Outpost Shrines have also been renamed Adventure Outposts, and their adventures are considered to be Trovian Outpost Adventures.
- Each Trovian Outpost Adventure can only be completed once per day.
- Trovian Outpost Adventures now give 75 Adventurine each.
- An Outpost Merchant can be found on Adventure Outposts who will trade Adventurine for Adventurine Strongbox Keys, Bombs, or an Adventurer’s Lunchbox.
- There are now Adventure Heroes at the Adventure Outpost for each biome that have unique adventures.
- In elemental worlds, the Adventure Outposts where players enter the world will always have a Hero which gives the appropriate Collect 5 Gem Boxes adventure. These Adventure Outposts can be identified by their dragon headed prows.
- In Drowned Worlds and Igneous Islands, other Adventure Outposts may have an appropriately dressed Boothilda who requests players find fish in that world.
- All Trovian Outpost Adventure Heroes in Luminopolis now offer one specific adventure.
- A new Spider Hero has been added that provides the existing plasmium adventure. This hero can be found on the pink towers outpost where the sugar glider kami was previously located.
- The centaur kami now asks for any Neon City dungeon to be completed rather than specifying Luminopolis dungeons.
- The fish kami now asks only for fish rather than sometimes asking for plasmium.
- The griffin kami now asks only for defeating enemies rather than sometimes asking specifically for punchbots to be defeated.
- The tortoise kami still asks for primordial flame, but no longer cares which biome it comes from.
- The bird kami now asks only for Charged Circuits to be crafted.
- The Luminopolis defeat adventures now only provide credit for the first 3 mobs from any source.
- Adventure Outposts found in Luminopolis can no longer be damaged.
- A Donation Station has been added to the Adventure Outposts found in Luminopolis.
- Donating Plasmium, Charged Circuits, Logic Loops, or Memory Matrices gives a chance to receive Adventure Boxes.
- Rampage Bosses may also be summoned at these Donation Stations for the same cost as crafting a Beacon.
- The Plasmium costs for Beacons and summoning Rampage Bosses has been increased as they can now be summoned immediately.
- Completing Trovian Outpost Adventures has a chance to grant a Locked Adventurine Strongbox.
- The Locked Adventurine Strongbox requires an Adventurine Strongbox Key to open. These keys can be obtained from Outpost Merchants.
- The Locked Adventurine Strongboxes can contain allies (including a pinata ally appropriate to the current season), a mount, rarely a non-tradable costume, or very rarely a tradable costume. Costumes from Locked Adventurine Strongboxes provide 70 Mastery.
- The Pixel Ally can be deconstructed into an Adventure Key.
- The first time each credit pack is purchased it now gives an extra 20% credits!
- The Level 25 Pack has arrived. Purchase this pack to receive an empowered gem box of each type plus a Class Boost: Level 25.
- The Class Boost: Level 25 is a new item that, when consumed, sets the current class to level 25. It will set the class to level 25 regardless of the level the class is at when used, although it cannot be used once the class is level 25 or over. It is not affected by any kind of experience multiplier.
- Class Boost: Level 25 cannot be used on trial classes or classes that are already over level 25.
- Replaced the Power Deal at 2500 PR for 5 Ninth Lives with one for 105 Dragonite for 1250 credits.
Additional Updates
- A Class Gem Key is now granted when each class reaches level 25. Note that these classes must be switched to in order to receive this grant.
- Additional rare allies can now be found in the Ally Habitats produced at the Harvesting Station.
- Geode Topside "Large Dungeons" are now more likely to be 5-Star as opposed to 3-Star.
- Down with Lairs, up with 1 star dungeons! Lairs now only refer the dead ends in geode caves, instead of also referring to some 1 star dungeons.
- Increased the amount of 1-Star Dungeons which spawn in the "Saurian Swamp" sub-biome in Jurassic Jungle.
- To alleviate performance issues for some users, updraft trees in the Primal Preserve sub-biome of Jurassic Jungles are less common.
- Fixed an issue where the Atlas could become unresponsive after resizing the window.
- The “Gather 3 Trovians” objective spawns slightly less frequently and gives slightly better loot.
- Luminopolis and Neon City are now slightly different colors on the world map.
- Thallasion's Biome in the Drowned Worlds now has a claw icon on the world map.
- Empty "Open Lava Seas" now exist in the Igneous Islands world. There isn't anything to do here, but it sure makes the map look nicer.
- Daughter of the Moon's "Backslash" attack should now do enough damage to one-shot even the most powerful of Trovians.
- Attacking the Spikewalker in Shadow Tower as a melee character should be significantly easier.
- Shapestone ore is now more common in the Medieval Highlands worlds.
- Cinnabar no longer spawns in the Medieval Highlands world.
- Some of the early Golden Thread steps have been tweaked to reduce redundancy and increase accessibility.
- The Qubesly ally now gives 2 jump in addition to superstition.
- The Ludini, Patron of Playfulness and Sarsaponia, The Pristine dragons have returned the autofire ability to be exclusive to Za'Hadeen, Heart of the Flame.
- Saltwater Sam has packaged the "Worn Sail" in with the SS Dinghy, and now offers Lootseeker's Mainsail, designed by Jusiv!
- Spear Vault Style can now be obtained with Super Style Stashes.
- A Spear Vault Style Stash recipe has been added to Runecrafting at the Runecarver rank.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some collection unlockers (like the Super Style Stash) to erroneously message that all collectables have already been unlocked.
- Deconstructing fish at a compost bench now gives all of the rewards instead of just a trophy.
- Trial classes can no longer gain experience beyond level 4.
- Experience coins now give errors when used on trial or max level classes instead of silently not working.
- Some of the allies from the Promo section have been moved to the Dev Dream section and can now be acquired by using Dev Dream Ally Boxes.
- Renamed "Cosmic Empowered Gem Box" and "Citaria's Watery Treasure Urn" to "Empowered Cosmic Gem Box" and "Empowered Water Gem Box".
- The Crystallogy section of the Geode Adventures Tracker has been removed.
- Fixed a bug with /clublog where it sometimes would get confused about a club's log if the club has more than one name.
- The Moon Goddess has chilled out a bit. Moonlight bulbs will now disappear after 3 hours instead of 1.
- Mounts that plant seeds will no longer avoid club world caps.
- The Ship to Geode will finally depart the hub once it changes to winter.
- Stiltstitcher enemies (aka Undertow) should now be easier to hit in combat. They will also no longer drop Blue Crab Trophies.
- Corrected some grey voxels on Armored Abyss Assailant.
- The Hel’Terain Trophy sold by Luxion which transformed into a Darknik Warbot Trophy in the tooltip image as soon as placed has been permanently converted into a Darknik Warbot Trophy. A real version of that Trophy has been uncovered and Luxion is looking forward to making it available.
- Event recipe collections now only show recipes that need to be unlocked.
- Adjustments have been made to the Lunar Lancer: Lancer of the Hydrakken costume.
- Racing challenges have been removed from rotation.
- Moonlight bulbs no longer spawn in Shores of the Everdark. The Darkness was too much for even these hardy plants to take.
- The sigil progress tooltip now correctly indicates Trove mastery instead of Total mastery.
- Gameplay blocks like vertical jump blocks or turrets can no longer be placed outside of Cornerstones or Club Worlds to prevent loss.
- The Chaos Core Crafter’s divination ability has been sadly lost, it will no longer give glimpses into the future
- Saltwater Sam’s harmless nature is now evident to wandering monsters, he will no longer agitate them
- You can now Loot Collect in the Hub- the Loot Collector has been placed at the spot of the Trading Post, the Trading Post has been shifted slightly close to the Battle Arena building in turn
- The Chronomancer skin for the Chloromancer has been adjusted and has had its projectile size reduced significantly.
- The following skins now correctly change appearances for Class Gem abilities: Chaotic Wanderer (Boomeranger), Pyromagical Prankster (Dracolyte), Rabbity Raiser (Tomb Raiser).
- The Leash Blocks in the Stables Club Fixture now require Mounts to be present for at least 10 seconds before they can be dismissed.
- Mounts summoned by Leash Blocks can no longer be killed.
Preview: opolis can no longer be damaged. A Donation Station has been added to the Adve Show
Leviathan World Bosses
- Diligent explorers might find the way to some new world bosses in Geode Topside worlds – the monstrous Leviathans living underneath the surface.
- There are 3 versions of these Leviathans, each with their own giant and dangerous abilities.
- The 8 players who defeat the most Leviathans each day will receive an Ego Potion.
- Ego Potions can be used to temporarily increase the size of the player’s head.
- Unused Ego Potions will vanish during each weekly reset.
- Defeating a Leviathan gives an increased chance of dropping Crystal 3 equipment along with Lesser Geode Topside Caches. While the drop rates increase with higher ubers, Crystal 3 equipment can drop from a Leviathan in U-8.
- Leviathans also drop Torches, which grant Light and are equipped in the Banner slot.
- Tempered Torches can be crafted at the Sunseeker’s Crystalforge by combining Fragile Torches and other materials.
- Tempered Torches only last until the weekly reset at 11 AM UTC on Mondays.
- Fragile Torches last only until the next daily reset at 11 AM UTC.
General Adventure Updates
- Adventure Heroes now have an exclamation point over their heads.
- Yellow exclamation points indicate a Trovian Adventure Hero.
- Blue exclamation points indicate a Geodian Adventure Hero.
- Green exclamation points indicate an Event Adventure Hero.
- All Adventures from Adventure Heroes now state what type of adventure is being accepted.
- The Adventures window (default hotkey I or Activities > Adventures in the Quick Menu) now has additional information about how to find adventures.
Club Adventures
- The Club Daily Experience Cap has been increased to 100,000 for all clubs, big and small.
- The Club Adventure reward cap has been reduced to 20. Rewards have been rebalanced for this change.
- The current Club Adventure limit has been increased to 5 (from 3) but Adventures taken from any Club counts towards this cap, rather than tracking Clubs the player is a member of separately.
- Completing Club Adventures and crafting Clubits have a chance to spawn a Club Pinata.
- The Requirement to place the Repose of Heroes has been reduced to club level 3.
- Adventures now give a consistent amount of base Adventurine based on the rarity of the Adventure Hero who gives the adventure.
- Common Adventures give 150 Adventurine.
- Uncommon Adventures give 200 Adventurine.
- Rare Adventures give 250 Adventurine.
- Epic Adventures give 300 Adventurine.
- Legendary Adventures give 350 Adventurine.
- The rarities for Club Adventure Heroes have been adjusted.
- The Mysterious Champion is now Rare instead of Common.
- Neologus is now Uncommon instead of Rare.
- Lady Seldarine is now Common instead of Uncommon.
- Dracantes is now Uncommon instead of Epic.
- Katonnis is now Uncommon instead of Rare.
- Chief Brosquatch is now Common instead of Uncommon.
- Irran-Shu is now Uncommon instead of Epic.
- Club Adventure Heroes no longer fall asleep.
- Club Adventure Hero removal cost has been normalized, it now costs 200 clubits to remove any adventure hero.
- All Adventure Heroes of a given rarity now hang around for the same length of time
- Common Adventure Heroes last for 24 hours.
- Uncommon Adventure Heroes last for 12 hours.
- Rare Adventure Heroes last for 6 hours.
- Epic Adventure Heroes last for 3 hours.
- Legendary Adventure Heroes last for 1 hour.
- Many club adventures no longer have quest text as the title itself is enough to describe the text.
- Club Adventure Heroes have had their available adventures reworked so they each give one Adventure.
- Snarkle no longer accepts chaos chests that come from claims, but will now accept golden chaos chests.
- The Mysterious Champion now gives an Adventure to deal 100,000 damage in Bomber Royale or win a match.
- Yoshimi Is now located on the Beacon of Heroes instead of spawning at the Rally of Heroes and grants permanent access to an Outpost Adventure to defeat 15 Luminopolis enemies.
- This adventure provides the same amount of XP and Adventurine as other outpost Adventures. It also counts against the Outpost Adventure daily limit.
- Yoshimi will only appear for Beacon of Heroes placed after this patch, so some clubs may need to remove and replace the Beacon of Heroes. To help pay for this, all players with at least 20 Mastery and log in within 24 hours of the patch will receive 50 Clubits.
Geodian Outpost Adventures
- Geodian Topside and Geode Cave Adventures are now both considered to be Geodian Outpost Adventures.
- Only one Geodian Outpost Adventure can be active at a time.
- The Geodian Outpost Adventure reward cap has been reduced to 5 as they can only be completed one at a time. The rewards have been increased to compensate for this.
- Geodian Outpost Adventures now give 350 Adventurine as a reward.
- The Geode Cave Adventure Pebbles have relocated next to the cave portals, where they figured they were more likely to get Trovians to stop and help.
- The mining Pebble no longer wants inorganics from the caves and is now looking for Builder's Crates.
- The amount of organics and critters needed to complete the Geode Cave Adventures have been increased.
- The Geode Topside dungeon completion adventure has been replaced with a Mining adventure.
- The requirements for the Complete a 5 Star Dungeon Adventure have been reduced to 2 (down from 3).
- Completing a Geodian Cave Adventure has a chance to provide a Reliquary. Now how did that sneak into your inventory?
- Completing Geodian Topside Adventures has a chance to provide a Lesser Geodian Topside Cache.
Trovian Outpost Adventures
- The Outpost of Light now appears on the map as an Adventure Outpost. These Outposts in Igneous Islands and Drowned Worlds have been redecorated with Saltwater Sam, a Nautical Assembler, and a Personal Chest.
- Adventure Outposts can spawn in every biome. Beginning with the Permafrost World, players will always enter Prime and Elemental at an Adventure Outpost.
- Outpost Shrines have also been renamed Adventure Outposts, and their adventures are considered to be Trovian Outpost Adventures.
- Each Trovian Outpost Adventure can only be completed once per day.
- Trovian Outpost Adventures now give 75 Adventurine each.
- An Outpost Merchant can be found on Adventure Outposts who will trade Adventurine for Adventurine Strongbox Keys, Bombs, or an Adventurer’s Lunchbox.
- There are now Adventure Heroes at the Adventure Outpost for each biome that have unique adventures.
- In elemental worlds, the Adventure Outposts where players enter the world will always have a Hero which gives the appropriate Collect 5 Gem Boxes adventure. These Adventure Outposts can be identified by their dragon headed prows.
- In Drowned Worlds and Igneous Islands, other Adventure Outposts may have an appropriately dressed Boothilda who requests players find fish in that world.
- All Trovian Outpost Adventure Heroes in Luminopolis now offer one specific adventure.
- A new Spider Hero has been added that provides the existing plasmium adventure. This hero can be found on the pink towers outpost where the sugar glider kami was previously located.
- The centaur kami now asks for any Neon City dungeon to be completed rather than specifying Luminopolis dungeons.
- The fish kami now asks only for fish rather than sometimes asking for plasmium.
- The griffin kami now asks only for defeating enemies rather than sometimes asking specifically for punchbots to be defeated.
- The tortoise kami still asks for primordial flame, but no longer cares which biome it comes from.
- The bird kami now asks only for Charged Circuits to be crafted.
- The Luminopolis defeat adventures now only provide credit for the first 3 mobs from any source.
- Adventure Outposts found in Luminopolis can no longer be damaged.
- A Donation Station has been added to the Adventure Outposts found in Luminopolis.
- Donating Plasmium, Charged Circuits, Logic Loops, or Memory Matrices give a chance to receive Adventure boxes.
- Rampage Bosses may also be summoned at these Donation Stations for the same cost as crafting a Beacon.
- The Plasmium costs for Beacons and summoning rampage bosses has been increased as they can now be summoned immediately.
- Completing Trovian Outpost Adventures has a chance to grant a Locked Adventurine Strongbox.
- The Locked Adventurine Strongbox requires an Adventurine Strongbox Key to open. These keys can be obtained from Outpost Merchants.
- The Locked Adventurine Strongboxes can contain allies (including a pinata ally appropriate to the current season), a mount, rarely a non-tradable costume, or very rarely a tradable costume.
- The first time each credit pack is purchased it now gives an extra 20% credits!
- The Level 25 Pack has arrived. Purchase this pack to receive an empowered gem box of each type plus a Class Boost: Level 25
- The Class Boost: Level 25 is a new item that, when consumed, sets the current class to level 25. It will set the class to level 25 regardless of the level the class is at when used, although it cannot be used once the class is level 25 or over. It is not affected by any kind of experience multiplier.
- Class Boost: Level 25 cannot be used on trial classes or classes that are already over level 25.
- Replaced the Power Deal at 2500 PR for 5 Ninth Lives with one for 105 Dragonite for 1250 credits.
Additional Updates
- A Class Gem Key is now granted when each class reaches level 25. Note these classes must be switched to in order to receive this grant.
- Additional rare allies can now be found in the Ally Habitats produced at the Harvesting Station.
- Geode Topside "Large Dungeons" are now more likely to be 5-Star as opposed to 3-Star.
- Down with Lairs, up with 1 star dungeons! Lairs now only refer the dead ends in geode caves, instead of also referring to some 1 star dungeons.
- Increased the amount of 1-Star Dungeons which spawn in the "Saurian Swamp" sub-biome in Jurassic Jungle.
- To alleviate performance issues for some users, updraft trees in the Primal Preserve sub-biome of Jurassic Jungles are less common.
- Fixed an issue where the Atlas could become unresponsive after resizing the window.
- The “Gather 3 Trovians” objective spawns slightly less frequently and gives slightly better loot.
- Luminopolis and Neon City are now slightly different colors on the world map.
- Thalassian's Biome in the Drowned Worlds now has a claw icon on the world map.
- Empty "Open Lava Seas" now exist in the Igneous Islands world. There isn't anything to do here, but it sure makes the map look nicer.
- Daughter of the Moon's "Backslash" attack should now do enough damage to one-shot even the most powerful of Trovians.
- Attacking the Spikewalker in Shadow Tower as a melee character should be significantly easier.
- Shapestone ore is now more common in the Medieval Highlands worlds.
- Cinnabar no longer spawns in the Medieval Highlands world.
- Some of the early Golden Thread steps have been tweaked to reduce redundancy and increase accessibility.
- The Qubesly ally now gives 2 jump in addition to superstition.
- The Ludini, Patron of Playfullness and Sarsaponia, The Pristine dragons have returned the autofire ability to be exclusive to Za'Hadeen, Heart of the Flame.
- Saltwater Sam has packaged the "Worn Sail" in with the SS Dinghy, and now offers Lootseeker's Mainsail, designed by Jusiv!
- Spear Vault Style can now be obtained with Super Style Stashes.
- A Spear Vault Style Stash recipe has been added to Runecrafting at the Runecarver rank.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some collection unlockers (like the Super Style Stash) to erroneously message that all collectables have already been unlocked.
- Deconstructing fish at a compost bench now gives all of the rewards instead of just a trophy.
- Trial classes can no longer gain experience beyond level 4.
- Experience coins now give errors when used on trial or max level classes instead of silently not working.
- Some of the allies from the Promo section have been moved to the Dev Dream section and can now be acquired by using Dev Dream Ally Boxes.
- Renamed "Cosmic Empowered Gem Box" and "Citaria's Watery Treasure Urn" to "Empowered Cosmic Gem Box" and "Empowered Water Gem Box".
- The Crystallogy section of the Geode Adventures Tracker has been removed.
- Fixed a bug with /clublog where it sometimes would get confused about a club's log if the club has more than one name.
- The Moon Goddess has chilled out a bit. Moonlight bulbs will now disappear after 3 hours instead of 1.
- Mounts that plant seeds will no longer avoid club world caps.
- The Ship to Geode will finally depart the hub once it changes to winter.
- Stiltsticher enemies should now be easier to hit in combat.
- Corrected some grey voxels on Armored Abyss Assailant.