Usages Download



Colour Code: #000000
Type: 70
Style: 0

Placeable Material. Glowy robot goo.

Obtained by throwing a Plasma Sponge at Plasma. Sponges can be crafted at the Gardening Bench.

제작자: Trove Team

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Patch Notes – Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! – 09.2024

RELEASE THE KRAKEN Entering the LONG SHADE adventure world now gives a new questline, featuring Saltwater Sam & his crew! As players move through this questline, they will get crafting access to “Depth Stepper: Deep Kraken,” allowing them...

September 11, 2024 Patch

Fees and Felines - Patch Notes

Greetings, Trovians, are you feeling good today?We hope so because the Fees and Felines update is now available for PC! Marketplace update With this update, you may notice a small fee and tax have been added to the Trove Marketplace, we made this chang...

April 18, 2023

PTS – Fees and Felines PATCH NOTES

With this update, we wanted to make some improvements to the Marketplace along with discouraging marketplace flipping or cornering.  As a result, we looked at the utility provided by popular Marketplace mods on PC and tried to incorporate similar qua...

March 30, 2023 PTS Patch

Gunslinger Noscope - Public Test Server (PTS)

For this revamp we wanted improve the abilities that were lacking for the class and allow for a more flexible kit while keeping the core gameplay intact. Our focus was to improve Charge Shot’s effectiveness in addition to making the slow fall easier...

February 3, 2023 PTS Patch

PTS Update 11/17/2022

Additional Updates: Fixed an issue that was preventing mob trophies from being compostable. Reduced the number of Special Orders available each day and increased their cost and rewards. Players should be able to get the same rewards as before, while c...

November 17, 2022 Patch PTS

PTS Update 11/10/2022

Additional Updates: Disabled some sources of broadcast spam on PTS specifically, including Heart-a-Phones. The Star Chart now properly refunds players their Celestial Spheres. Adjusted the spawn rate for Plasma, Chocolate, and Lava pools in smaller b...

November 11, 2022 Patch PTS

Reeling in the Stars - PTS Patch Notes

We’re pleased to introduce the Reeling in the Stars patch for all of you, including the new Star Chart system and a rework of Fishing as some of you have already guessed. When introducing these systems, we wanted to create one that would reward inv...

November 10, 2022 Patch PTS