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Deep Water


Quite wet.

Imported in Patch: Meownt and Candy Fishing Edition Patch Notes Tervezte: Trove Team

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So this might have just made it a lot worse for you - but you can't currently build in those areas. It's exactly like the current sea of regret. I'm hesitant to put in buildable ocean zones until we can get real deep water in, but maybe for alpha we can do something in the meantime. We'll talk about it. In the meantime, don't craft one of these and plan to be able to build there, unfortunately.

Chaos Factor Edition Avarem / Trove Forums

Preview: e Chaos Chests. On top of this new clubs now have deep water in the Sea of Regret and there are new Show

Arriving on 3/24/15!

This week we are introducing a small preview of the upcoming Fish and Ships update by including a ship (and sail) in the Power Pack, through Mastery, and a big ship in the Chaos Chests. On top of this new clubs now have deep water in the Sea of Regret and there are new terraformers that can be crafted for this deep sea of regret (cheap) and a deep Sea of Tranquility (more expensive).

We're also introducing Chaos Factor which grants one chaos chest per day on log in per point. These are very hard to get. You can get one at rank 100 mastery, one if you have max mastery, one per $1000 spent (which you can now view via Glyph and soon in game), and chaos chests now very very very rarely drop a tradable coin which grants one.

Finally, we're running an event this week in which every Shadow Arena and Dungeon grant double damage to one random class. Have fun!


Ship and Deep Water Preview
* The Power Pack now contains a clipper class Trovian ship and Trovian sail. All previous purchasers will of course be granted these automatically.
* Mastery rank 70 now grants a clipper class mastery ship and rank 80 a mastery sail
* You can acquire the starter sail in the hub
* The chaos chest contains a rare galleon class chaos ship.
* Club worlds now start with deep seas of regret.
* There is a craftable deep sea of regret terraformer which is quite cheap
* There is a craftable sea of tranquility terraformer

Chaos Factor
* Chaos Factor is now live. For every point you have you will gain a chaos chest every day that you log in.
* You earn one point at rank 100 mastery, one point at max mastery (as long as you keep it), and one point per $1000 spent on the game. There is also a very very very rare tradable coin that comes from chaos chests and grants one permanent point on consumption.

Shadow Power Event
* For this week only all Shadow Arenas and Dungeons will grant double damage to one random class!


New in the Store
* You can now purchase the Bone Knight and Elysian Guardian costumes on the store!
* The Chaos Chest has been randomized. See what you get this week!
** Look for a giant ship, a magical pet, and a bouncy bug.

* There are now multiple starting zones in adventure worlds which are rotated between. This should make it much easier to find content near where you spawn in.

* Mastery rank 100 now grants a non-tradable choas coin.
* Rank 110 has been added and now grants the wings that used to be at 100.
* You'll notice that post-100 there are no longer rewards for the middle ranks. We don't want to keep giving adventure power post 100, and are looking at some other designs for how mastery works post-100. In the meantime we'll focus on major rewards only past 100 while we work on this.

* Terraformers no longer cost Glim and have had their costs updated.

* Shadow hunters will no longer mark allies.
* Candy Barbarian's candy now has a much shorter delay before auto-looting

Bug Fixes and Polish
* Fix for some club worlds not loading at all, and some loading slowly
* Purple and gold dungeon portals have more informative text on them
* Balefire Beast dragon form has had its missing thigh fixed
* Club worlds at capacity will now be able to add ten club members above the normal capacity. No more getting locked out of your club events!

Community Content
* New Fae Wilds lair from Screamheart.
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from Cogarkillz.
* New Undead Hills dungeon from Ixion.
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from Karokendo.
* New Dragonfire Peaks dungeon from VirtuousRob.
* New staff styles by EyeballPrincessII, LippyLapras, Walyn, HandofGod, Zoe, Kayzheox, AngeloTGC, nikolako, MiszterSoul, and Byoo have been added to the game!
* New bow styles by TeeKayM, Khastiel, currazooxd, ZeleX, Nomeneta, Cman0147, KeKo, Dex, Tenku, Delvulria, Dave203, Jusiv, Tribe, Condorspark, MokeyMokey, Fiscon, DJ_Lobster, Sir_Anthony, Ryuuktsu, Thunderised, hardline, FuzzyDerp, Fayd, GadgetCAT, FriedSushi, and MonsterAnt have been added to the game!
* New melee weapon styles by Kratori, Rercon, Neverlast, Fizzinc, Erudito, Aodahn, 0R305, TNT_101, Shjohn, Equinoxide, Byoo, Sotilis, magicbat, AceGonzalez, Kukui, Kariaro, Rokiux, Horrormallow, Revoniel, Volfide, DaveOverload, Thunderised, and Vinyll have been added to the game!
* New face styles by Humpypants, chocobag, InfineonJ, Paper97, LETAL1TY, Kingmickey, Eriri, and Angelrow have been added to the game!
* New hat styles by TigerLove, Smorph, Stedms, Aodahn, MappyT, Aviarei, MajorTom, Ranen, Brava, and Mythlit have been added to the game!
* New pistol styles by Rajeeb, Screamheart, Zsword, and Voyvoda have been added to the game!
* New staff styles by EyeballPrincessII, LippyLapras, Walyn, HandofGod, Zoe, Kayzheox, AngeloTGC, nikolako, MiszterSoul, and Byoo have been added to the game!

Preview: at a preview of ships (including terraformers for deep water in club worlds). We'll look to include Show

Hey all,

We've decided to push our giant update back a week. We have a ton of new features going in and they just need that extra effort. We've been working on fishing, pirating, and boating these last weeks and we want to make sure they're not just good, they're really really really good. And they're going to be. They're all super fun already, but we don't want to put them out without them being great.

We'll bring you some other fun stuff next week to make up for it (Chaos Factor is looking strong) as well as looking at a preview of ships (including terraformers for deep water in club worlds). We'll look to include a ship in the Power Pack (of course given to you if you already picked it up), the ever asked-for mastery rank 80 ship, and potentially a tradable one in the chaos chest as well.

Sorry to bring the bad news. I know there's a lot of hype we've built up around this update - it's definitely worth it and going to add a ton of new gameplay to the game and I look forward to bringing it to you all.

Sea level Doc_L / Trove Forums

Preview: lds is that eventually, new club worlds will have deep water for their Sea of Regret. Currently exi Show

Hi everyone,

In the next patch, the Sea of Regret in adventure worlds will become much much deeper. The Treasure Isles will still be shallow, but at a higher water level (when you transition from the Treasure Isles to the Sea of Regret an underwater shelf will slope downwards).

Our plan for club worlds is that eventually, new club worlds will have deep water for their Sea of Regret. Currently existing clubworlds will not see a water level change, but we'll possibly have some sort of deepwater terraformer.

Thanks for the report. This is a known issue, it will be fixed along with some other minor water bugs.