How The Trove Market Works

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This guide will (hopefully) help you to better understand how the Trove Market works, as well as provide some tips and tricks to make lots of flux with it.
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Part 1: Basics
The Trove Market is a large topic of discussion, here I will break down the basics of how it works.
1. You can buy ANY item in the Market, EXCEPT GEAR (Weapons, Hats, Faces, Rings).
2. You can SEARCH an item by NAME, or by CATEGORY.
3. Listings shown will always be from CHEAPEST TO MOST EXPENSIVE. However, this is ONLY BY PRICE!
4. To see the items that are the CHEAPEST for their PRICE PER QUANTITY, use the "Sort By Unit Price" box.
5. You can also sell items. Again, GEAR CANNOT BE SOLD!
6. You can sell ANY VALID NUMBER of items AT ONCE.
Part 2: Tips and Tricks
Here are some useful tips and tricks I use to make more flux.
1. Farm Sunlight Bulbs and Pumpkins (when available). These, although common, can sell for almost a 1:2 ratio (Item:Flux) in the market, for reasons unknown.
2. Think before you sell your extras. Just in case you might need them in future, plan ahead before you sell items! This will save you a lot of time and flux!
3. Item prices fluctuate. However, you can control this with enough of a particular item. As long as it's stil cheaper than most other offers, they will buy it.
4. Do not sell all of a particular item at once! People tend to be more hesitant when buying large quantities of items at once. Instead, sell in 10s, 50s or any other round number. The human brain likes this.
5. See how popular an item is by selling one of that item for normal price, then time how long it takes before it is sold. Sell more popular items like Infinium, Eyes of Q'bthulhu and Sunlight Bulbs.
6. Usually, higher value items do not sell very quickly. Especially if the price is 10000+ flux. Thus, find someone willing to trade. You will probably get faster results and you have a wider variety of items to trade for.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many, many more marketing strategies out there, and even better marketers than myself. If you have any questions, feel free to check out other guides on marketing or comment below!