Dragons are unlocked by collecting Souls by completing the first Challenge of the day. They are also found in Dragon Caches from advancing the Challenge tier.
Ancient Dragon Ascension (Current)
Unlocked by opening Ancient Dragon Cache, currently available from challenges.
Dragon Souls | Reward |
1 | Helm: Ancient Dragoncrown |
5 | Ally: Ancient Dragonling |
10 | Mount: Ancient Fledgeling |
25 |
Ancient Arsenal: |
50 |
Mount: Ancient Dragon |
90 |
100 |
On unlock grants a permanent:
Neon Dragon Ascension
Unlocked by opening Neon Dragon Cache, no longer accessible.
Neon Dragon Souls are still available to craft in the Dragon Crucible (in the Hub) for:
- Dragon Coin x2
- Golden Soul x1
- Robotic Salvage x15
Dragon Souls | Reward |
1 | Helm: Neon Dragoncrown |
5 | Ally: Neon Dragonling |
10 | Mount: Neon Fledgling |
25 |
Neon Arsenal: |
50 |
90 | Mount: Lambent the Neolord |
100 |
On unlock grants a permanent:
Azulian Dragon Ascension
Unlocked by opening Azulian Dragon Cache, no longer accessible.
Azulian Dragon Souls are still available to craft in the Dragon Crucible (in the Hub) for:
- Dragon Coin x2
- Golden Soul x1
- Glacial Shard x50
Dragon Souls | Reward |
1 | Ally Azulian Dragonling |
5 | Mount: Azulian Fledgling |
15 | Mount: Azulian Dragon |
30 | Mount: Azorian the Blue |
40 |
On unlock grants a permanent:
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