Eat_Me´s Dracolyte Guide 95k HP++

Hello im EatMe and i main the Dracolyte.
First of all, the ideal way to play a Dracolyte is as Tank.
But if you like you can still play him as a Damage dealing glasscanon.
Im not a fan of big guides so i try to keep it as small as possible.
First of all we start with the gear cuz its all about the gear:
First Stat: Magic Damage
Second Stat: Max. HP
Third Stat: HP Regen.
Fourth Stat: Energy Regen (Flex Stat)
First Stat: Max. HP
Second Stat: Health Regen.
Third Stat: % max HP
Fourth Stat: Movement Spd. (Flex Stat)
First Stat: Max HP
Second Stat: Health Regen.
Third Stat: % max HP
Fourth Stat: Movement Spd. (Flex Stat)
First Stat: Max HP
Second Stat: Stability.
First Stat: Magic Damage
Second Stat: Health Regen
Lets talk about the Gearstats. As Tank you want to have as much HP & HP regen as you can get so we take everywhere we can these stats that should be clear.
Now to the Flex Stats. Since there is only 1 Tank Stat in the Second and Fourth Stat Slot you can only pick the Tank stat in the second stat slot and then in the 4th you have only these stats left on your
Staff: attack speed, movement speed, energy regen
Hat&Face: attack speed, movement speed
Stability on Ring? Please dont judge before you tryed it! You need it to make sure to constantly attack and dont get pushed around from the SA Mobs
Prowling Shadow (+5 Move Spd. +2.2% Lifesteal)
Please guys buy this damn cat its worth the 5k Flux the people sell it for.
Flasks & Emblems:
Balanced Elysian Flask (Heals 40% health)
if you have the money go for the DDV
Death-Defying Vial (Heals 30% health, heals automatically when low on health)
Unyielding Emblem (Invulnerabilty Shield)
Vampiric Emblem (10% health restored per attack)
You need only the 40% Flasks cuz with your Prowling Shadow and Vampiric Emblem you will heal up yourself to MaxHP in the time your Invulnerabilty Shield is up from your other Emblem.
With this Flask&Emblem setting you have even enough flask for the hardest and longest SA runs.
My Stats
(only s5 staff, s5 face & s4 hat + s3 ring, more is still possible)
PS: Its my first Guide and i may missing something let me know if so and i add it :)