Knight Class Guide

Due to the +30% Max. Hp natural bonus, the Knight is a tanky melee class that relies on his passive to deal most of his damage.
His passive ability is called Retribution.
If the Knight takes damage from a enemy, lava, flames or fireballs, the Knight's sword will start to glow. His next attack will cause a lot more of damage, around 4 or 5 times more damage.
The M2 button (the right button of your mouse) is called Smash.
Smash deals AoE damage, knockback and stun in a 4x7 cone. It deals more damage than common attacks and can hit enemies below you and destroy blocks.
The button 1 ability is called Charge.
Charge deals AoE damage, like Smash dealing more damage than common attacks.
It makes you travel 12 blocks quickly and you can destroy blocks using it.
You can't hit multiple enemies with Charge.
The Knight's ultimate is called Iron Will.
It heals you to full health and gives you a shield that reduces damage from all sources in 75% for a few seconds. It also doubles your stability stat.
What to do as a Knight?
Solo Gameplay:
Knights are great for soloing. They deal tons of damage because of the passive and have a huge tanking capacity. Just be aware that you'll need lots of potions.
Team Gameplay:
The Knight can be a lot useful in Team Gameplay for tanking purposes. The Knight is the center of the fight, always taking damage and getting focused by enemies in order to let the other players free to attack.
-Knights relies on a high Health pool and health regen. So get a lot of these.
-It's very useful to have a Shield Servitor as allie since it gives you -20% incoming damage to increase your defenses and +30 energy regen.
-Charge can be very useful to get where you need. You can use it to dodge incoming damage from enemies and moving faster.
-Use your Slam to keep enemies away from your fragile allies. Keeping a enemy fighting you is the main idea of being the front-line.
There are great ways to build the Knight. But just get lots of Hp, Hp Regen and +Hp% and you'll be fine. Remember that he has +30% max health passively so you'll get a lot of health easily. Damage is great for him too, but just get damage in the sword (the ring is optional) and you'll pack a punch in your attacks because of his passive.