Welcome to the twenty-first issue of Trove Creations Digest, a handy source for satisfying your interests in all things /r/TroveCreations.
In this issue:
Newsweek Review [Top]
There will be no issue of Trove Creations Digest next week.
The news this week is the addition of a new moderator to the /r/TroveCreations subreddit and some new expectations for item submissions. See the relevant post here.
Long-time contributor Joshato has joined the moderation team to help review items and pass them on for submission into Trove. The moderator team wants to thank those that applied, and also say that as Trove continues to grow in size there is a high likelihood that at least one more moderator will be brought onto the team.
Additionally, as both the moderator and Dev team work to absorb the increased rate of submissions, there will be a new quota put in place to help alleviate the workload. Each week each mod will accept no more than 5 items per week (~25 total items per week), at least until the backlog of previously submitted items can be processed (500+ items).
As the various categories for items become saturated the moderators were asked to be more demanding in making sure that creations are as spectacular as one can possibly make them, so expecations are increasing. Those item types and biomes that are in high demand can expect to be approved more quickly. Also, once Lances are officially requested (soonTM), they will not be subject to this quota as the need will be very high.
From now on issues of TCDigest will be accessible early on Sundays via Twitter and then on Trovesaurus on Monday as usual. Additionally, there will be intraweek updates on hot items and relevant forum postings as well as a few to-be-annouced features in the coming weeks. Be sure to Follow @Qoaleth
Twitch.tv Stream Recaps [Top]
These livestream recaps are aimed at collating all and only the information directly relevant to player-made Trove creations.
This past week saw the regular weekly Trove stream on Friday, 7/24.
Trove Livestream (7/31 stream archived here - full livestream notes here)
- Lunar Lancer weapon specs will be officially released soon (see previous issue of TCDigest for early reveal)
Top Player Made Creations with Interviews - Week of 7/26-8/1 [Top]
As ranked by Reddit users, the following posts are the top rated creations from this past week here to give you a slice of the player-made creations from this past week. **(There is no guarantee that any of these items will be accepted in-game nor should their inclusion be understood as any type of endorsement. They are selected solely based upon their ratings by Reddit users.)
Player creator BanzayIkoyama (IGN: BanzayIkoyama ) offered the top-rated [Dungeon] Obsidian Temple. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
I have been thinking about making dungeons since I first learned that's possible in Trove. I like to try myself at any game editor I come across, like Starcraft (1-2), Warcraft (2-3), Fight the Dragon, and the list goes on. I also learned that they were looking for noob dungeons for the game, specificaly for the Medieval Highlands and Cursed Vale biomes. The later was full of possibilites in my eyes, and the thought of a gigantic dark temple quickly jumped to my mind.
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
This dungeon already went through an iteration before v0.1 (in which state it is right now). My main problem was making it too small. The first version was about the a 1/4 in size to this one, so I had to redesign it from the ground up. Also, since I was later been informed that noob dungeons are not a thing anymore, I will have to add some more space to this bad boy to make it a full fledged dungeon, but that just means more fun building it!
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
Basically try your hand at everything, but try to start with smaller things. Before creating lairs and dungeons, get used to the concept of voxels and their mechanics, effect maps, and all those things. And don't ever get discouraged by feedback; it's there to help you get better. Don't be afraid to start from scratch if something didn't quite fit. Just be passionate about what you do, and build on!
As a final note I would like to point out that my creation is still in the early stages of development and I need a lot of feedback as I work on it. The more eyes, the better the picture! I'm thankful to everyone who has made this dungeon possible by their feedback!
Player creator Tholander00 offered the top-rated [Lair] Treasure Isle. See the full post here.
Player creator Potrock-Ster offered the top-rated [Staff] Shotgun. See the full post here.
Player creator Jimbolul (IGN: Jimbolul) offered the top-rated [Staff] Rear Guard. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
Initially, I just wanted to create a staff that would look cool on a Tomb Raiser. So I just googled some pictures of necromancer's staffs and found that most of them had a dark wooden frame with some bright-green effects. My initial design was therefore simple, a near black stick with green crystals at the top. Then I added a hand-guard like you would see on pirate blades and made the frame curvy, because I thought it would look cool. When the hand-guard was in place I thought: 'Wouldn't it be nice to have a blade on the other end? You know, because it would actually be a nice countermeasure for potential backstabbers.' And so it was done. I later found out that the Devs weren't really looking for any Undead staffs though, so I simply changed the colour of the crystals to red and decided to roll for the Dragon style instead.
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
The biggest challenge for me was trying to figure out how to properly use MagicaVoxel (the voxel editor I used to create the Rear Guard), since this was my first voxel creation ever. Also, figuring out how to position your item along the axes was a challenge because I believe that varies between voxel editors. This was only a matter of trial and error though, making a blueprint of the item, going in-game to see how it turned out and then 'going back to the drawing board' to tweak it.
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
If you have an idea for an item you'd like to see in game and the servers are down, just give it a shot. Download one of the recommended voxel editors and just fool around with it. I initially thought it was going to be a pain in the bottom region to learn how to create items, but as I just kept playing with the editor and read through the Creation Guides it all turned out to be pretty self-explainatory. Also, don't be affraid to change your initial design. Keep working at it until you are absolutely certain there is no more room for improvement. If you still feel good about it the next day, you've done a great job! Just make sure that whatever you're creating fits with the theme you're going for.
Player creator toandy (IGN: ADjack) offered the top-rated [Sword] Candy Barbarian Sword. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
The Candy Barbarian max level Costume.
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
Material maps.
Community Contributions from "Lack of Class (Changers) Edition" - 7/28 [Top]
3 new Shadow Dungeons and 2 new Radiant Lairs were added for a total of 5 new quest areas.
3 new hairstyles, 13 melee styles, 12 pistols, 13 staves, 8 bows, 22 hats, and 16 masks were added for a total of 87 new player-made creations.
See the official patch notes here.
See updates to the item database here.
Reader Survey [Top]
Last week's poll asked readers about what how much time they spend designing creations for Trove. People overwhelmingly leaned to the extremes with 25 people saying "Less than one hour" and 27 people saying "7+ hours" per week (out of a total 73 votes).
There is no poll this week - it will return in two weeks with the next issue.