- New hub which is much larger and cannot be built upon.
- Added new assignment rules for hub worlds, which assign you to one that you've previously visited and spin new ones up after enough players have visited an existing one.
- The party animal is now in the game store! Buy it, smash it, and get loot with your friends (or strangers).
- Most decorative items no longer drop (rare bears and trophies still do).
- All decorative items which no longer drop now have a crafting recipe drop which can be learned.
- Reduced the cost of the starter mounts by 500 source and they now can only be purchased with source.
- Reduced the cost of the Pearl of Wisdom by 500 source.
- Improved melee collision detection
- The '*' on item stats now represent a number higher than 80% of max (down from 85%)
- Fix bug with Knight's passive where if it activates while continuously attacking, the damage never procs
- Exalted items now grant an additional +1 for each exalted level to core stats.
- If you drop an item from your inventory, it won't automatically loot.
- Frontier lamp should now provide light.
- Fixed bug where Knight's passive activates when taking fall damage
- Tweaked melee attack ranges for player and enemies
- Fixed bugs where you can spam attacks by holding attack button and mashing on an interactable
- There is now an exit button in the lobby!
- Reduced experience required to level for the first 7 levels.
- NPCs in rank 1 and rank 2 zones deal less damage.
- The Knight's Iron Will and the Gunslinger's Run and Gun abilities now unlock at level 6.
- Fixed an issue causing flowing water to stop flowing
- Made water and glass look better when next to each other
- Grass should grow a little faster
- Chat font size is now smaller
- Recipes you do not have the materials to craft now appear darker
- The workbench and color changer now appear on the Silver Hearthcaster
- There is now a second more advanced forge which is built after the first one. The first forge you craft now will only exalt your weapons.
- Removed dungeon health mod.
- Slightly increased number of stars required to fill bar.
- Some recipe polish - adjusted cost of many recipes.
- New crafting resources, somber souls and cupcakes, are now in game.
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