Boats allow travel on the surface of water, useful for navigating through Treasure Isles. To use a boat, first equip it and a Sail and then press 'G'.

Obtaining a boat

Ship: SS Dinghy is available in the Hub from Saltwater Sam for 500 Glim.

To enable movement you will also need to buy a sail.

Sail: Worn Sail is available from the Hub from Saltwater Sam for 100 Glim.

Equipping the boat

From your inventory you will need to click on the items to learn them.

Then from your character sheet C, select the Ship and Sail from the various slots.

Controlling a boat

  • Summon and Unsummon: G (when in air or water)
  • Left and Right: A and D
  • Accelerate: W
  • Decelerate: S

Boat stats

Ships have the following bonuses

  • Movement Speed
  • Turning Rate
  • Acceleration

Sails are cosmetic

Boat Movement Speed Turning Rate Acceleration Obtain
SS Dinghy 90 70 8 Saltwater Sam - Hub
SS Corgi 110 80 12 Nautical Assembler - Hub
Clipper of the Master 115 80 11 Mastery Rank 70
Trovian Trawler 110 80 12  
SS Trovian 105 90 14 Power Pack
Chaotic Clipper 120 73 14 Chaos Chest
Old Blocksides 130 55 9 Nautical Assembler - Hub
SS Draconic 130 50 8 Pirate Pack or Trove Store
SS Dutchman 125 50 12 Pirate Pack or Trove Store
Master's Command 140 40 8  
Chaotic Cruiser 140 40 8 Chaos Chest
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