Trovians, what better way to celebrate the impending end of Beta than a Stress Test Party paving the way for launch?!
We’re pushing ourselves to the limit during this event. The team is sounding the call; will you answer? Tell your friends! Everyone is encouraged to log into Trove for the event. (Have no fear – if you have trouble getting signed in during the event, you’ll still receive your rewards!)
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2015/06/23/join-us-june-25-for-a-stress-test-with-loot/
Forum Discussion: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?22786-Join-us-June-25-for-a-stress-test-(with-loot!)&affiliateId=null
When: 12:00am PDT – 11:59pm PDT (GMT -7) June 25, 2015
Where: Trove
Why: To celebrate the close of Beta and pinpoint any possible issues as we approach launch
Rewards: Everyone receives a Flask Coin to unlock any Flask or Emblem from the Trove Store! Plus 5 Piñatas for Trovians with 30+ Mastery!