For the past few months [Sly] has been working on a replacement for Trove Tools, our well used but aging mod loader. The app has been designed with speed at its core and we consider most of the features ready to be tested by a larger audience.

For those who do not wish to use this app and to continue using Trove Tools they can do so. For now we plan to continue to provide the data to feed the app and will announce if that ever changes.

Source and Download

As with Trove Tools the apps code is open source and available at

You can download the latest version of the app at and selecting the win64.msi installer.

As of version 2024.3.11 the features available are:

  • View all visible mods on Trovesaurus and download them (Trove Tools has a limited list)
  • Enable and disable your installed mods
  • See when a mod has an update and do the update
  • See when there is an update to the Renewed Trove Tools app
  • Game files extractor
  • See when a mod conflicts with another mod
  • Ability to log in as guest, Trovesaurus user or Discord user

Still being worked on are: (Roadmap)

  • Adding and Sharing mod profiles
  • TMOD extractor


The app is privacy focused, no personal data is sent to the Renewed Trove Tools or Trovesaurus server that can identify your folder locations or what mods you have installed. When the optional mod profiles feature is released you will be able to share a list of mods.

Feedback and Support

If you want to give feedback or report bugs with the app you can use this news post or the #modding or #trovesaurus channels in the Trovesaurus Discord.

If you would like to buy Sly a coffee to support his work you can do so via:

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Is the new app more secure than the previous one? Because I noticed the old app has multiple copies of itself in the appdata folder.


It's written completely differently.


It uses MSI package format by windows, the only thing it leaves behind is the folder in app data under Trove/ Besides that it works with folders that already exist on the computer, and if the app is uninstalled all data (but that folder in appdata) will be deleted. Subsequent versions and updates won't create more than that, and app data serves only purpose to save preferences, logs of errors you may send me in case an issue occurs and not much more