Avarem has posted a producers letter on the forums announcing the next big update, the games official launch on July 9th.
Highlights include a new class, launching on steam, refer a friend, EU adventure worlds and PvP.
Hail Trovians!
This is it. The next update is the big one. One point-oh that is. Look for it on July 9th.
Why now? To put it simply: it’s ready. If you log in today you'll play Trove the way we envisioned it when we set out to make it. There's a ton of classes, massive worlds, a huge variety of activities and collectables, and a great community. It's time to bring our game to the masses. Not quite yet, of course; we have another big batch of additions and polish to add to the game, but soon. Real soon.
The Road to Launch
There's still plenty for us to do, and it all comes down to executing in a few key areas: polish, polish, and polish. We still have a feature or two to add as well. It's all about taking the core Trove experience and pushing it to the next level. Our goals at this point are to make sure we have a fantastic first play experience, plenty to do for people who love the game, and that our community grows for a long time to come. Towards that end, here’s what we're up to, leading up to launch:
- The rarest collection type yet: Dragons!
- Challenges to satisfy our most dedicated players
- New class FULL of life (and death)
- Steam launch
- Refer-a-friend reward system
- EU adventure worlds
- PvP Beta
- Completed UI overhaul
- So many bug fixes and quality of life improvements that we can’t list them all!
We want to make sure that everyone who already loves the game has plenty of people to share it with, and that everyone who picks up Trove for the first time has a fantastic experience. It's already a great game - we're going to make it shine.
The Trove Community
Frankly, without you guys, we wouldn’t have such a great game. You’re one of the main reasons everyone plays and we plan to get you involved in our biggest moment. We’re going to run events and help YOU make the Trove launch amazing.
We want you to help us test on our public test server and help us find all the bugs ahead of time. We’re going to empower you to greet our new fans in epic Trove fashion, and of course we’ll give you all a little something as thanks for being a part of Trove as we’ve grown over this last year.
After Launch
It might be a milestone, but our Trove journey is far from over. In fact, launch is just the beginning! Outside of a little extra care and major changes coming a little less often, we’re still the same team and game you’ve come to know and love. We will continue with the new features, content, and community interaction you’ve have come to know and love. Expect big things in the future for our economy, player submissions, in-game organization, and of course new areas of the world to explore.
Thanks for being a part of what makes Trove great and we look forward to what is to come!
Andrew “Avarem” Krausnick
Game Director, Trove