Welcome to the fourteenth issue of Trove Creations Digest, a handy source for satisfying your interests in all things /r/TroveCreations.
In this issue:
Newsweek Review [Top]
The biggest news of this past week is the official annoucement that Trove will be ending beta and going to full release on Thursday, July 9th! This and the addition of Steam functionality we should expect a healthy influx of new players along with new player-made items, quest areas, and mods. See the official annoucement here.
In other news, player Dragnier offered the suggestion that "puzzle dungeons" as an alternative to combat dungeons. Although the resounding response from players was "bomb it," an interesting discussion unfolded. Make your contributions to the discussion here.
On a different note, player TeeKayM offered a number of helpful suggestions to modders who are aiming to get their creations added in-game. Check out the post for all the detaisl here.
Twitch.tv Stream Recaps [Top]
Friday 6/5 saw the regular weekly Trove stream. There was no item creation stream this past week.
Trove Livestream (6/5 stream archived here)
- Dragons were revealed as the next big addition so start looking for player-made mods (FriedSushi has already re-tooled one of here creations to this effect here).
- Decoy was absent from the livestream because he was busy working on Uber-6 (probably contributing to the lack of dungeon/lair acceptances as of late - he's a busy man, people!).
- The last round of mods accepted should be making their way into the game soon.
See full livestream notes here.
Top Player Made Creations with Interviews - Week of 5/31-6/6 [Top]
As ranked by Reddit users, the following posts are the top rated creations from this past week here to give you a slice of the player-made creations from this past week. **(There is no guarantee that any of these items will be accepted in-game nor should their inclusion be understood as any type of endorsement. They are selected solely based upon their ratings by Reddit users.)
There were no dungeons submitted this past week and it was nearly a full month without any dungeon submissions (one recently submitted yesterday here).
Player creator Valaadus (IGN: Valaadus) offered the top-rated [Lair] Radiant Temple. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
I got really excited for this lair for several reasons. I hadn't played the game in quite some time and when I was first able to build a sky portal and fly around in the sky realm I was super stoked. I hadn't had any exposure to flying in the game prior to this and it really inspired me to want to contribute to the biome.
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
The biggest challenge I faced for this particular lair was getting the variant top and bottom portions of the temple to match up aesthetically. I spent a lot of time building up different variations only to delete them and start over because they didn't feel like they matched the overall style I wanted.
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
I would tell anyone interested in designing content for the game to have patience. Getting started is not easy and there's a lot to take in. You have to learn new software, follow specifications, and translate an idea into a bunch of little cubes. Just be open to exploring your ideas and scrapping them if they don't work out. Creating something you like takes time and dedication, but it's well worth it when you finally get that perfect product after 34 failed attempts!
Lastly, I'd like to thank the Trove Creations Reddit community and the Trove developers for promoting such creativity and empowering each-other to be a part of such a fantastic game!
Player creator currazooxd (IGN: Lyean) offered the top-rated [Staff] Scepter of Siphos, Sealer of Shadows. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
I started making a staff from FF X, but when I finished it, I wasn't very satisfied, and this idea came to my mind, so I made it from the one I made.
This weapon is for a weapon series I am making. These weapons are better designed than the another I made before, and they have some kind of story about their original wielder, something that happened in the past... This weapon, for example, tells the story of the mage that sealed Q'bthulhu years ago... Nothing more :p
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?
Adapting it to Trove style, because it had a very, very detailed aspect before.
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
Do what you like. You like axes, for example? Then search images, mix styles of axes, start working and... do something you consider good, basically.
Player creator Sheribonbon (IGN: Sheribonbon) offered the top-rated [Staff] Radiant Peacock Feather. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
I just realized that it will be funny using a weapon made of a feather :). But it's not just a normal feather! It's a feather of very rare radiant peacock!
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?i
My biggest challenge was making different transprency on the edges. Other thing that caused me problems was avoiding "detached voxels".
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
Hm hm.. Oh! "I'm very inspired by nature - you could say Mother Nature. I look at things around me and get all kinds of inspiration daily." - Martha Stewart
Player creator 1337Alaskan (IGN: Alaskan ) offered the top-rated [Hat] T'Admiral Tremor. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
The very first thing that got me thinking about making it was when I first saw the Master of Commanding costume for the Pirate Captain. And then I drew a lot as well from the cereal brand Captain Crunch, and thought the hat might fit.
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?i
The hardest part for me was, being my first item, first figuring out how to use Zoxel, and get the files formatted correctly. Second hardest part was finding the colors that closest matched the Master of Commanding costume.
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
Trove has such vast potential for user created content, and is so heavily fueled by it, that if you have an idea that you think should be in the game you're completely welcomed and encouraged to create it. The first thing I always tell my friends when they have ideas is, "Go make it."
Player creator xXPhantomizerXx (IGN: Phantomizer) offered the top-rated [Mask] The New Face of Television. See the full post here.
What was your inspiration for this item?
Watching television of course! And puns, lots of puns.
What was your biggest challenge in creating this item?i
Hmm, the biggest challenge in creating this item was making the attachment point. It took me a while to get it right, and also coming up with the idea ofc.
What words of inspiration do you have for other player creators out there?
Just think out of the box! Create something new and have fun while making wonderful new creations! :3
Community Contributions from "Summer Pin Edition" - 6/2 [Top]
There were no new player made creations added (last added 4/28)
There were no new dungeons or lairs added in this patch (last added 5/4)
See the official patch notes here.
See updates to the item database here.
Reader Survey [Top]
Last week's poll surveyed readers about whether they would design lairs/dungeons for specific boss affixes with the majority of voters saying that they would say this would definitely help add more challenge to fights (14 votes out of 28).
This week's poll considers in light of the addition of "noob" dungeons and lairs whether there should be more variety in dungeons and lairs based upon difficulty: "Should lairs and dungeons be designed for certain difficulties?"