Let’s celebrate Sunfest 2023 – Until July 24, 2023!

Hello Trovians!
July is the Trove’s birthday and we’re celebrating with amazing events!
Starting today until July 24, 2023, take part in the Sunfest and celebrate Trove’s birthday with style!
Enjoy the Sunfest questline!
Take on a new quest line, meet brand new NPCs and delve into new cake dungeons created by you, our wonderful community, and earn amazing rewards!

Additionally, the previous year’s delves are making a return, but this time with no ordinary boss and Chuck Pinzo featured in every third tier and every other tier you will meet the Triceratops bosses!
Enjoy new and returning rewards!
Head over to the Sunfest Oven where you’ll be able to obtain the Easy-Totally Safe Oven, Baby Bundt, Sentient Slice and Bite Sized Tyrant in exchange for your hard-earned Cake Coins!

But that’s not all, be sure to get the Dormant Worldspring Dragon egg as well for a fun draconic birthday celebration!
Thank you all amazing Trovians for celebrating another wonderful year with us and we hope to celebrate with you many many more!
With love,
Your Trove team!