PTS Update June 23, 2023
Trove Forums
June 23, 2023
- Added some additional quality of life changes for the Fluxion UI.
- NPCs have currently been removed from Castle Catastra delves in order to see if that stops some of the reported issues from occurring. Sorry for the lack of merchants after the boss! Please continue to check out the delves and report if you see any voids appearing.
- Fixed an issue causing some up or down rooms appearing in the Castle Catastra delves.
- Fixed an issue causing some blocks in Castle Catastra being extremely easy to destroy.
- Increased the hit area of Furrious Fiona’s lower half to resolve some issues.
- Adjusted the delve generation to allow Castle Catastra to spawn in delves randomly (albeit rarely), or in Challenge Delves. Please continue to call out any delve generation bugs, like up or down rooms spawning in the biome.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Box o’ Nine Tails from being placed.
- A new boat – Grisly Galleon – can be crafted at the Box o’ Nine Tails. Crafting this also unlocks the Fashionable Flag of Fion’as Fleet as a sail. A tradable version for this ship and sail combo can rarely drop from Furrious Fiona within the Castle Catastra Delve biome.
- 18 new class-based Tombstone deco object recipes have been added. Quartermeowster Griff will now sell a Recipe: Random Decorative Tombstone, which will unlock a random recipe when consumed. Once unlocked, these recipes can be found in the Decorations section of the Box o’ Nine Tails.
- The Jamband Pineapamancer costume for Tomb Raiser is now correctly worth 70 mastery.
- Adjusted two of the Castle Catastra rooms based on feedback.
- Adjusted placement of textbox popups on multiple npcs in the Trove Hub.
- The description for the Pressure-locked Heirloom Case has been updated to mention it doesn't include 'newly added' mementos. In the case of the Castle Catastra mementos, they will begin appearing in this box in a future Season!
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