2 years ago
13 entries

To celebrate Spring Fling we are encouraging our community artists to create Trove-related fan-art featuring taking part in Spring Fling or some of the rewards from Spring Fling. Post the art to Trovesaurus for a chance to win a set of Cranny Boardgames (or Reward Tokens)!
Featured image is thanks to hutatukikouga
- Create some Trove-related fan-art related to Spring Fling 2023
- Event information - https://trovesaurus.com/events/830
- Upload to the Trovesaurus Gallery
- Make the art visible and enter into the Spring Fling 2023 challenge
Please make an appropriate effort to create your own art, do not use images from the internet or AI.
- Tuesday, May 9 to Tuesday, May 23, 2023
- Winners will receive a set of Cranny Boardgames (I will message the winners and give you 2 days to decide if you want tokens or the cranny code)
- Highlights will receive 3x Reward Tokens
- Valid entries will receive 1x Reward Token
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