2 years ago
8 entries

To celebrate St. Qubeslick we are encouraging our community artists to create Trove-related fan-art featuring their character (or friends) taking part in the St. Qubeslick event and post to Trovesaurus for rewards!
With no new pack for this event we are still determining the rewards, and will update the Rewards section before the challenge ends.
Featured image is thanks to hutatukikouga
- Create some Trove-related fan-art featuring your character (or your friends) taking part in the St. Qubeslick event
- St. Qubeslick 2023 information - https://trovesaurus.com/events/817
- Upload to the Trovesaurus Gallery
- Make the art visible and enter into the St. Qubeslick 2023 challenge
- Wednesday, March 8 to Wednesday, March 22, 2023
- Winners will receive 6x Reward Tokens or the choice of a set of Cranny Squishbird mounts
- Highlights will receive 3x Reward Tokens
- Valid entries will receive 1x Reward Token
Winning reward updated March 13
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